平成25年度 研究成果

4. 第4四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 Transfer of Cesium and Potassium from Grapes to Wine ブドウからワインへのセシウムの移行

Nami Goto-Yamamoto, Kazuya Koyama, Kaori Tsukamoto, Hiroshi Kamigakiuchi, Masanori Sumihiro, Masaki Okuda, Tomokazu Hashiguchi, Katsumi Matsumaru, Haruhito Sekizawa, and Hitoshi Shimoi

The food-processing transfer parameters of radioactive and stable cesium, as well as radioactive potassium, were determined from grapes to wine. The concentration of cesium in the pomace was higher than that in juice, as was the case of potassium. During white and blush wine fermentation, cesium concentration did not change significantly, while potassium concentration decreased. These results suggest that the absorbance of cesium by yeast is much lower than that of potassium in the wine-making environment. Generally, the food-processing retention factor (Fr, content in wine/content in grape) of radiocesium and stable cesium for red wine were higher than those for white wine, reflecting the yields of wine and the extraction of cesium during maceration.

ブドウからワインへの放射性および非放射性セシウム、並びに放射性カリウムの移行を検討した。セシウム、カリウムとも、ポマス(果皮・種子)と果汁に含まれており、ポマスの方が濃度が高かった。白、およびブラッシュワインの発酵中に、セシウム濃度はほとんど変わらなかったが、カリウム濃度は減少した。この結果から、ワイン酵母はワイン醸造の環境ではセシウムを吸収しないことが示唆された。放射性及び非放射性セシウムのブドウからワインへの移行率(food processing retention factor, Fr)は、ワインの収得量及び醸し中のセシウムの抽出を反映し、赤ワインの方が白ワインより高かった。

American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 66, 143-147 (2014)

2 Analysis of Ferulic and p-Coumaric Acids in Japanese Rice for Sake Brewing 清酒醸造用日本産米のフェルラ酸及びp-クマル酸含有量の分析

Katsumi Hashizume, Toshihiko Ito, Airi Nakayama, and Masaki Okuda

Ferulic and p-coumaric acids were analyzed in 50 rice (Oryza sativa L.) samples from 32 cultivars harvested in Japan. In brown rice, ferulic and p-coumaric acid levels ranged from 309 to 607 mg/kg and from 49 to 100 mg/kg, respectively. In 70% polished rice, ferulic and p-coumaric acid levels ranged from 27 to 103 mg/kg and from 0.4 to 3.5 mg/kg, respectively. Ratios of average phenolic acid levels in the 70% polished rice to the brown rice were 13.9% for ferulic acid and 1.9% for p-coumaric acid. The ferulic acid level was highly correlated between brown and 70% polished rice (R = 0.815; P < 0.01), but there was no clear correlation for p-coumaric acid. Phenolic acid levels in the 70% polished rice did not show any clear correlations between the analytical index measurements for sake brewing suitability (weight of 1,000 grains, water absorption, digestibility, crude protein, and potassium content). Phenolic acid levels in the 70% polished rice directly affected levels in the rice koji enzyme digest. The results indicated that phenolic acid levels in sake were affected by the levels in ingredient rice grains, which may then influence the sensory quality of sake.

日本で収穫された清酒醸造用の32栽培品種50点の米 (Oryza sativa L.) 試料中のフェルラ酸及びp-クマル酸を分析した。玄米のフェルラ酸及びp-クマル酸の含有量は、それぞれ、309~607mg/kg及び49~100mg/kgの範囲に分布した。70%精白米のフェルラ酸及びp-クマル酸の含有量は、27~103mg/kg及び0.4~3.5mg/kgの範囲に分布した。70%精白米のフェルラ酸及びp-クマル酸含有量は、それぞれ玄米の13.9%及び1.9%であった。玄米と70%精白米のフェルラ酸含有量は比較的高い相関 (R = 0.815; P < 0.01) を示したが、p-クマル酸は明確な相関を示さなかった。70%精白米のフェルラ酸及びp-クマル酸含有量は酒造適性評価のための指標(千粒重、吸水率、消化性、粗タンパク質、及びカリウム含有量)と明確な相関関係を示さなかった。70%精白米のフェノール酸レベルは、米麴消化液中のフェノール酸レベルに直接的に影響を及ぼした。この結果は、清酒中のフェノール酸レベルは原料白米中のこれら成分のレベルに影響され、それが清酒の品質に影響を及ぼすこと示唆している。

Cereal Chemistry 91, 45-49 (2014)

3 Regulation of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Biosynthesis by Seaweed Fucoxanthin and Its Metabolite in Cultured Hepatocytes. 海藻フコキサンチン及びその培養肝細胞での代謝産物による多価不飽和脂肪酸生合成の調節

Tsunehiro Aki, Masaya Yamamoto, Toshiaki Takahashi, Kohki Tomita, Rieko Toyoura, Kazuhiro Iwashita, Seiji Kawamoto, Masashi Hosokawa, Kazuo Miyashita, Kazuhisa Ono

The effects of a seaweed carotenoid, fucoxanthin, and its physiological metabolite, fucoxanthinol, on the biosynthesis of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were investigated using cultured rat hepatoma BRL-3A. The metabolism of α-linolenic acid (18:3n-3) was suppressed by the addition of these carotenoids, resulting in a decrease in the content of eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3), which suggested a down-regulation of metabolic enzymes such as fatty acid desaturase and elongase. An increase in the content of docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3), as observed in previous studies in vivo, might be a buffering action to maintain the membrane fluidity. The suppressive effect of fucoxanthinol on Δ6 fatty acid desaturase was not at the level of gene expression but due to specific modifications of the protein via a ubiquitin-proteasome system. A proteomic analysis revealed several factors such as phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein that might be involved in the observed action of fucoxanthin. These findings will contribute to studies on the elucidation of the precise molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of PUFA biosynthesis by fucoxanthin.

海藻カロテノイドであるフコキサンチンとその生理的メタボライトであるフコキサンチノールの多価不飽和脂肪酸(PUFA)の生合成における効果について、培養ラットヘパトーマBRL-3Aを用いて検討した。α-リノレン酸(18:3n-3)の代謝は、これらのカロテノイドの添加により抑圧され、エイコサペンタエン酸(20:5n-3)含量の減少につながった。このことから、脂肪酸の不飽和化酵素と伸長酵素のような代謝酵素の下方調節が示唆された。これまでにin vivoで観察されたようなドコサヘキサエン酸(22:6n-3)含量の増加は、膜の流動性の維持のための緩衝作用かもしれない。フコキサンチノールのΔ6脂肪酸不飽和酵素に対する抑制的効果は、遺伝子発現レベルではなく、ユビキチン-プロテアソーム系を介したタンパクの特異的な修飾によるものであった。ホスファチジルエタノールアミン結合タンパクのような、観察されたフコキサンチンの作用に関与の可能性のあるいくつかの因子がプロテオーム解析により明らかとなった。これらの発見は、フコキサンチンによるPUFA生合成の調節をもたらす正確な分子機構の解明に関する研究に貢献するものである。

Lipids, 49, 133-141 (2014)

4 固相マイクロ抽出法及びGC/MSによる本格焼酎に含まれるフルフラール類の分析 Analysis of Furfurals in Honkaku Shochu using SPME and GC/MS

Hisashi Fukuda and Jinshun Han

本格焼酎のフルフラール、5-ヒドロキシメチル-2-フルアルデヒド及び5-メチル-2-フルアルデヒドを固相マイクロ抽出法(Solid Phase Micro Extraction, 以下SPMEと略す) 及びGC/MSを用いて分析を行い、各々の濃度を定量した。常圧蒸留及び減圧蒸留の酒粕焼酎、減圧蒸留のその他の焼酎の区分では、5-ヒドロキシメチル-2-フルアルデヒド含量の平均値が最も高かったが、それ以外の焼酎ではフルフラール含量の平均値が最も高かった。以上の結果から、一部を除き焼酎に含まれるフルフラール類の一般的な主成分はフルフラールと考えられた。フルフラール含量の平均値は麦焼酎の常圧蒸留で最も高く、次いで泡盛、甘藷焼酎に比較的多く含まれており、常圧蒸留と減圧蒸留では常圧蒸留で高い傾向があった。5-ヒドロキシメチル-2-フルアルデヒドと5-メチル-2-フルアルデヒドは、樽貯蔵で高い割合で認められたことから樽由来の成分の関与が考えられた。

This analysis of furfural, 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde, and 5-methyl-2-furaldehyde in Honkaku Shochu used Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME) and Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS).It confirmed the concentrations of the three compounds in Honkaku Shochu. The average concentration of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde was highest among the vacuum distillation Sake cake Shochu, atmospheric distillation Sake cake Shochu and other vacuum distillation Shochu. However, the average concentration of furfural were highest as an exception; in most cases furfural was the major part of furfurals in Honkaku Shochu. The average concentration of furfural was highest in atmospheric distillation of barley Shochu, followed by Awamori and Sweet potato Shochu. The average concentration of furfural in the atmospheric distillation products tended to be higher than that in vacuum distillation products. As 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde and 5-methyl-2-furaldehyde are recognized at high ratios in the barrel storage products, there is a possibility that they have a relationship to chemical components derived from the barrels.

日本醸造学会誌, 109, 194-198 (2014)

5 Quantitative Analysis of Total Purine Content Using the HPLC-UV Method in Beer, Low-Malt Beer, and Third-Category Beer HPLC-UV法によるビール、発泡酒、新ジャンルの総プリン体定量

T. Hashimoto, T. Handa, Y. Kakudo, M. Kanai, K. Kaneko, C. Kenjo, M. Nakahara, W. Nakamura, A. Ohuchi, T. Watanabe
  1. Relative repeatability standard deviation (RSDr) and repeatability limit (r95) for determination of total purine content using the HPLC-UV method ranged from 0.8 to 4.6% and 1.7 to 7.6 mg/L, respectively, and were judged acceptable.
  2. Relative reproducibility standard deviation (RSDR) and reproducibility limit (R95) for determination of total purine content using the HPLC-UV method ranged from 11.6 to 16.8% and 8.0 to 49.5 mg/L, respectively, and were judged acceptable.


  1. 併行相対標準偏差RSDrは0.8~4.6 (%)、併行許容差r95は1.7~7.6 (mg/L) の範囲であり、許容範囲内であった。
  2. 室間再現相対標準偏差RSDRは11.6~16.8 (%)、室間再現許容差R95は8.0~49.5 (mg/L) の範囲であり、許容範囲内であった。
Journal of the American Society Brewing Chemists, 72, 73-74, 2014

2014/5/9 掲載

3. 第3四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 Accelerated Alcoholic Fermentation Caused by Defective Gene Expression Related to Glucose Derepression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 出芽酵母においてグルコース脱抑制に関連した遺伝子発現の欠損により引き起こされるアルコール発酵の促進

Daisuke Watanabe, Naoya Hashimoto, Megumi Mizuno, Yan Zhou, Takeshi Akao, and Hitoshi Shimoi

Sake yeast strains maintain a high fermentation rate even after entering the stationary growth phase. To investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying this advantageous brewing property, we compared the gene expression profiles of sake and laboratory yeast strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during the stationary growth phase. DNA microarray analysis revealed that the examined sake yeast strain had defects in expression of the glucose derepression-related genes mediated by the transcription factors Adr1p and Cat8p. Furthermore, deletion of the ADR1 and CAT8 genes slightly, but statistically significantly, improved the fermentation rate of a laboratory yeast strain. We also identified two loss-of-function mutations in the ADR1 gene of existent sake yeast strains. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the glucose derepression-related gene expression program of yeast acts as an impediment to effective alcoholic fermentation in the glucose-rich fermentative conditions.


Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 77, 2255-2262 (2013)

2 Rim15p-mediated regulation of sucrose utilization during molasses fermentation using Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain PE-2. 出芽酵母PE-2株におけるRIM15遺伝子欠失による糖蜜発酵性の向上

Tomomi Inai, Daisuke Watanabe, Yan Zhou, Rie Fukada, Takeshi Akao, Jun Shima, Hiroshi Takagi, and Hitoshi Shimoi

Inherited loss-of-function mutations in the Rim15p-mediated stress-response pathway contribute to the high fermentation rate of sake yeast strains. In the present study, we found that disruption of the RIM15 gene in ethanol-producing Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain PE-2 accelerated molasses fermentation through enhanced sucrose utilization following glucose starvation.


Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 116, 591-594 (2013)

3 An organic acid-tolerant HAA1-overexpression mutant of an industrial bioethanol strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its application to the production of bioethanol from sugarcane molasses Saccharomyces cerevisiaeの産業用バイオエタノール生産株由来の有機酸耐性HAA1過剰発現変異株及びサトウキビ廃糖蜜からのバイオエタノール生産への応用

Takuya Inaba, Daisuke Watanabe, Yoko Yoshiyama, Koichi Tanaka, Jun Ogawa, Hiroshi Takagi, Hitoshi Shimoi, and Jun Shima

Bacterial contamination is known as a major cause of the reduction in ethanol yield during bioethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Acetate is an effective agent for the prevention of bacterial contamination, but it negatively affects the fermentation ability of S. cerevisiae. We have proposed that the combined use of organic acids including acetate and lactate and yeast strains tolerant to organic acids may be effective for the elimination of principally lactic acid bacterial (LAB) contamination. In a previous study employing laboratory S. cerevisiae strains, we showed that overexpression of the HAA1 gene, which encodes a transcriptional activator, could be a useful molecular breeding method for acetate-tolerant yeast strains. In the present study, we constructed a HAA1-overexpressing diploid strain (MATa/α, named ER HAA1-OP) derived from the industrial bioethanol strain Ethanol Red (ER). ER HAA1-OP showed tolerance not only to acetate but also to lactate, and this tolerance was dependent on the increased expression of HAA1 gene. The ethanol production ability of ER HAA1-OP was almost equivalent to that of the parent strain during the bioethanol production process from sugarcane molasses in the absence of acetate. The addition of acetate at 0.5% (w/v, pH 4.5) inhibited the fermentation ability of the parent strain, but such an inhibition was not observed in the ethanol production process using ER HAA1-OP.

細菌汚染は、酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiaeによるバイオエタノール生産におけるエタノール収量の低下の主要な原因として知られている。酢酸は細菌汚染効果的な化学物質であるが、酵母の発行能にも負の影響を与える。著者らは、酢酸や乳酸といった有機酸と有機酸に体制のある酵母菌株の併用が主として乳酸菌汚染の排除に有効かもしれないと提言している。実験室酵母を用いた先行研究において、著者らは転写活性化因子をコードするHAA1遺伝子の過剰発現が、酢酸耐性酵母の有用な分子育種法である可能性を示した。本研究では、著者らは、工業的バイオエタノール生産用の菌株であるEthanol Red株(ER)を親株とし、HAA1を過剰発現する二倍体株(MATa/α、ER HAA1-OPと命名)を造成した。ER HAA1-OP株は酢酸だけでなく乳酸にも耐性を示し、その耐性はHAA1遺伝子の発現量の増加に依存していた。ER HAA1-OP株のエタノール生成能は、酢酸非存在下でのサトウキビ廃糖蜜からのバイオエタノール生産工程において、親株とほぼ同程度であった。酢酸を0.5%(w/v, pH4.5)の濃度で添加すると親株の発酵能は阻害されたが、ER HAA1-OP株を用いた場合はそうした阻害は観察されなかった。

AMB Express. 2013; 3, 74

4 Constant Enthalpy Change Value during Pyrophosphate Hydrolysis within the Physiological Limits of NaCl. 生理的限界値内のNaCl濃度では、ピロリン酸の加水分解のエンタルピー変化は一定である

Satoshi Wakai, Shun-ichi Kidokoro, Kazuo Masaki, Kaoru Nakasone, Yoshihiro Sambongi

A decrease in water activity was thought to result in smaller enthalpy change values during PPi hydrolysis, indicating the importance of solvation for the reaction. Howeve, the physiological significance of this phenomenon is unknown. Here, we combined biochemistry and calorimetry to solve this problem using NaCl, a physiologically occurring water activity-reducing reagent. The pyrophosphatase activities of extremely halophilic Haloarcula japonica, which can grow at approximately 4 M NaCl, and non-halophilic Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were maximal at 2.0 and 0.1 M NaCl, respectively. Thus, halophilic and non-halophilic pyrophosphatases exhibit distinct maximal activities at different NaCl concentration ranges. Upon calorimetry, the same exothermic enthalpy change of -35 kJ/mol was obtained for the halophile and non-halophiles at 1.5-4.0 and 0.1-2.0 M NaCl, respectively. These results show that solvation changes caused by up to 4.0 M NaCl (water activity of approximately 0.84) do not affect the enthalpy change in PPi hydrolysis. It has been postulated that PPi is an ATP analog, having a so-called high energy phosphate bond, and that the hydrolysis of both compounds is enthalpically driven. Therefore, our results indicate that the hydrolysis of high energy phosphate compounds, which are responsible for biological energy conversion, is enthalpically driven within the physiological limits of NaCl.

水分活性の低下により、ピロリン酸(PPi)の加水分解のエンタルピー変化は小さくなると考えられてきた。そして、反応前後の水和の重要性が示されていた。しかしながら、この生理学的な重要性については未知であった。我々は生化学と熱量測定を合わせて、NaClを使用してこの問題解決に取り組んだ。4 M NaClで生育できる高度好塩菌Haloarcula japonicaと非好塩性の大腸菌、酵母のピロリン酸分解酵素(PPase)の活性は、それぞれ2.0と0.1 M NaClで最大を示した。したがって、好塩性と非好塩性のPPaseは異なるNaCl濃度範囲で最大活性を示す。熱量測定では、好塩性と非好塩性のPPaseは、それぞれ1.5-4.0 Mと 1.0-2.0 M NaClの範囲内において同じエンタルピー変化(-35 kJ/mol)を示した。このことは、4.0 Mまで(水分活性: ~0.84)のNaClによって引き起される水和の変化はPPiの加水分解に伴うエンタルピー変化に影響を及ぼさないことを示している。PPiはATPのアナログであり、いわゆる高エネルギーリン酸結合を持つと考えられており、また、どちらの化合物の加水分解もエンタルピー的に起こると考えられている。したがって、我々の結果は、生物学的エネルギー変換の要因である高エネルギーリン酸化合物の加水分解は、生理学的限界範囲内のNaCl濃度においてはエンタルピー的に生じることを示している。

The Journal of biological chemistry, 288, 29247-29251 (2013)

5 Treatment of, and Candida utilis biomass production from shochu wastewater; the effects of maintaining a low pH on DOC removal and feeding cultivation on biomass production 焼酎蒸留粕排水の処理及び飼料酵母Candida utilisの菌体生産;低pH保持によるDOC除去および流加培養による菌体生産に与える影響

Takashi Watanabe, Haruyuki Iefuji, Hiroko K. Kitamoto

Shochu wastewater (alcoholic distillery wastewater) contains large amounts of organic compounds (25,000 - 60,000 COD mg/L), nitrogen (1,000 - 6,000 T-N mg/L), and phosphorus (500 - 1,000 T-P mg/L). Despite its high nutrient content, shochu wastewater is highly perishable, which limits its utilization for animal feed and fertilizer. Therefore, shochu wastewater is mainly treated by methane fermentation. On the other hand, a feed yeast, Candida utilis, can utilize various organic compounds and be utilized as a yeast extract source and animal feed. We previously bred a mutant, C. utilis UNA1, that accumulates a large amount of nitrogen. Here, we investigated the use of C. utilis UNA1 to treat highly concentrated shoshu wastewater. With fed-batch cultivation using a 5-L jar fermenter, controlling pH at 5.0 with H2SO4, 62.9% of DOC, 38.4% of DTN, and 44.5% of DTP were stably removed from non-diluted barley shochu wastewater (BSW), and about 16.7 kg of freeze-dried yeast biomass was obtained. The yeast sludge biomass generated from BSW contains about 60% crude protein. Furthermore, using H2SO4 to control pH increased the sulfur content of wastewater, which increased the methionine composition of yeast sludge biomass.

焼酎蒸留粕排水は、高濃度の有機物(25,000 - 60,000 COD mg/L)、窒素(1,000 - 6,000 T-N mg/L)およびリン(500 - 1,000 T-P mg/L)を含む。焼酎蒸留粕排水は、栄養価が高いものの、腐敗しやすいため、家畜飼料や肥料への有効利用量も限定されてしまう。このため、焼酎蒸留粕排水は主にメタン発酵により処理されている。一方、飼料酵母Candida utilisは、様々な有機物を利用することが出来、かつ酵母エキスの原料や家畜飼料に利用することが出来る。我々は以前、窒素を高濃度蓄積する変異株であるC. utilis UNA1を育種した。今回我々は、C. utilis UNA1を用いた高濃度の焼酎蒸留粕排水の処理について検討した。5L容のジャーファーメンターを用いた流加培養と、硫酸によるpH5.0へのコントロールにより、無希釈の麦焼酎蒸留粕排水から、62.9%のDOC、38.4%のDTN、44.5%のDTPを安定的に除去し、16.7 kg/tの乾燥菌体を得ることが出来た。麦焼酎粕排水から得られた酵母菌体は、乾燥菌体重量当り約60%が粗たんぱく質であった。さらにpHコントロールにH2SO4を用いたことにより、排水中の硫黄成分が増加し、そのことが酵母のメチオニン含量の増加に寄与していた。

SpringerPlus, 2013, 2: 514

6 排水処理酵母の窒素除去能強化方法についての検討 Breeding of wastewater treatment yeasts having high nitrogen removal ability

Takashi WATANABE, Haruyuki IEFUJI, Hiroko K. KITAMOTO

本研究では、排水処理酵母の窒素除去能力の強化を目的に検討を行った。先に我々は、酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae を用い、URE2 変異株の取得を目的にしたメチルアミン耐性変異株のポジティブスクリーニングの方法が、酵母の窒素除去能力の強化にも有効であることを確認している。そこで今回我々は、同じ手法を用いて排水処理酵母での窒素除去能力の強化を試み、その結果H. anomala IFO0963-HNA36を得た。HNA36株は米焼酎蒸留粕排水から、親株の1.2倍量の窒素を除去した。また、我々は別の新たな窒素除去能力が強化された変異株の育種方法の検討も行った。その結果、プロテアーゼ活性恒常化変異株Pseudozyma antarctica GB-4(0)-PNR26株を得ることに成功した。PNR26株は米焼酎蒸留粕排水から、親株の1.14倍量の窒素を除去した。以上の結果より、排水処理酵母の窒素除去能力は、遺伝子組み換えを用いない手法でも強化できることを示せた。

The purpose of this study is to improve the nitrogen removal ability of wastewater treatment methods using yeasts. In the case of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we previously confirmed that a positive selection of methylamine-resistant mutants to obtain Ure2 mutants was useful for improving the nitrogen removal ability. Therefore, we tried to improve the nitrogen removal abilities of wastewater treatment yeasts in the same manner and H. anomala IFO0963-HNA36 was obtained. Strain HNA36 removed 1.2-fold higher amounts of nitrogen from rice Shochu distillery wastewater than the wild type strain. We also developed another new breeding method to improve the nitrogen removal ability. A mutant constitutively secreting proteinase, Pseudozyma antarctica GB-4(0)-PNR26 was obtained. Strain PNR26 removed 1.14-fold higher amounts of nitrogen from rice Shochu distillery wastewater than the wild type strain. These results show that nitrogen removal abilities of wastewater treatment yeasts can be improved without recombinant techniques.

日本醸造協会誌, 108, 823-829(2013)

7 Geochemical, stable isotope, and numerical modeling studies of sake and groundwater for identification of the location of sake production: A case study from Hakusan City, Japan 清酒と地下水の安定同位体比分析及び地化学的手法・数値解析手法を用いた清酒産地判別の研究:白山市におけるケーススタディ

Shingo Tomiyama, Tomokazu Hashiguchi, Akira Ueda, Akiko Kitai, Hanae Izu and Shigetoshi Sudo

Understanding the source and chemical characteristics of groundwater used for sake production is an important strategy for the quality management of sake brewing. Oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O) of 96 sake samples from 19 prefectures in Japan were analyzed. A good correlation was found between the sake δ18O values and groundwater δ18O values taken from previously published data, where the δ18O of sake is similar to that of the groundwater used in the sake breweries. The combined geochemical and numerical modeling approach provides a good tool for determining the source of groundwater used in sake production.


Geochemical Journal, 47, 591-608 (2013)

8 ブドウ品種北醇とMuscat Hamburg-Amurensis (MH-AM)のSimple Sequence Repeat (SSR)解析 Characterization of Hokujun (Beichun) and Muscat Hamburg-Amurensis (MH-AM) by Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) analysis

Nami Goto-Yamamoto, Mineyo Numata, Junzo Furukawa

北醇は中国で育種されたVitis amurensisV. vinifera cv. Muscat Hamburg の交配品種で。北海道でMH-AMとして栽培されている品種は北醇またはその実生であると考えられるが、由来が明らかでなかった。SSR解析の結果、北醇とMH-AMは解析した14のSSR遺伝子座すべてで一致し、同じ品種であることが確認された。さらに、北醇の少なくとも一方のSSRデータは、1遺伝子座を除いてMuscat Hamburgと一致すること、V. amurensisV. coignetiae、及び未同定の野生ブドウとも共通のアレルが多く検出された。さらに主座標分析を行ったところ、北醇はMuscat Hamburg及びV. amurensisの近傍にプロットされた。

Hokujun in Japanese, or Beichun in Chinese, is a grape variety bred in China by crossing between Vitis amurensis and Muscat Hamburg. Muscat Hamburg-Amurensis (MH-AM), cultivated in Hokkaido, the north part of Japan, is thought to be Beichun or its seedling, but it was not clear. This study showed that SSR data at 14 loci of MH-AM were identical to those of Beichun, and they are the same cultivar. Additionally, Beichun has both alleles from Muscat Hamburg except for 1 locus, and from V. amurensis or related wild grape accessions. Principal coordinate analysis was carried out based on a distance matrix calculated from SSR data, and the result showed that Beichun was plotted close to both of Muscat cultivars and V. amurensis or related wild grape accessions.

ASEV日本ブドウ・ワイン学会誌, 24, 4-8 (2013)

(2) 公開特許

1 PCR法を介した核酸増幅方法





2 ガラス容器の清酒保存性能評価方法





3 ガラス容器の清酒保存性能改善方法





2014/3/24 掲載

2. 第2四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 The transfer of radioactive cesium and potassium from rice to sake 放射性セシウムとカリウムの原料米から日本酒への移行

Masaki Okuda, Tomokazu Hashiguchi, Midori Joyo, Kaori Tsukamoto, Michiko Endo, Katsumi Matsumaru, Nami Goto-Yamamoto, Hiroshi Yamaoka, Kenji Suzuki, and Hitoshi Shimoi

Using rice grains contaminated with radioactive cesium (134Cs and 137Cs) that was released by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident in March of 2011, we investigated the behaviors of the radioactive cesium and potassium (total K and 40K) during sake brewing. Cesium is a congener of K, and yeast cells have the ability to take up Cs using known K transporters. During rice polishing, the concentrations of radioactive Cs and K in the polished rice grains decreased gradually until a milling ratio (polished rice weight/brown rice weight) of 70% was reached. No significant changes were observed below this milling ratio. Sake was brewed on a small scale using the 70% polished rice. The transfer ratio of radioactive Cs to sake and to the sake cake was significantly different than the ratio of K. Approximately 36% and 23% of radioactive Cs in the polished rice was transferred to the sake and sake cake, respectively; however, 40% was removed by washing and steeping the rice grains. On the other hand, 25% and 40% of K in the polished rice was recovered in the sake and sake cake, respectively, and 35% was removed by washing and steeping the rice grains. From the present results, the concentration of radioactive Cs in sake would be 4 Bq/kg fresh weight, which is well below the regulation values (100 Bq/kg), even using brown rice containing 100 Bq/kg of radioactive Cs.

2011年の福島第一原子力発電所事故により放出された放射性Cs (134Cs and 137Cs)に汚染された玄米を用いて、放射性Csと、Csと挙動が類似するカリウム(K)について清酒醸造における挙動を解析した。放射性Cs濃度は、精米により玄米から精米歩合70%まで低下し、精米歩合70%で玄米濃度に対して約20%となり、以後精米を進めてもほとんど変化しなかった。小仕込み試験により醸造工程の放射性Csの挙動を解析した。各工程における放射性Cs濃度(134Cs+137Cs)は、玄米の151Bq/kgから精米・洗米により減少し、最終的に製成酒で6.7Bq/kg、酒粕で33Bq/kgまで低下した。玄米中の放射性Csの移行割合は玄米から製成酒に6%、酒粕に4%で、残りの90%が精米、洗米・浸漬工程で除去された。この結果は、前回の非放射性Csの結果1)と概ね一致した。一方、Kは、精米、洗米・浸漬工程まではCsと同様な挙動を示したが、醗酵後の酒・酒粕への移行割合は酒粕の方が高くCsの挙動とは異なった。酒粕への移行割合がCsとKで異なる理由は、酵母によるCsの取込みがKより少ないためと考えられた。以上、平成24年4月以降の基準値100Bq/kgの濃度で汚染された玄米を清酒製造に使用しても、精米、洗米工程により除去され清酒にはほとんど移行しないことが確認された。

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 116, 340-346, (2013)

2 Involvement of methionine salvage pathway genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the production of precursor compounds of dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS) Saccharomyces cerevisiae メチオニン再生経路遺伝子のジメチルトリスルフィド(DMTS)前駆物質生成への関与

Kou Wakabayashi, Atsuko Isogai, Daisuke Watanabe1, Akiko Fujita, Shigetoshi Sudo

Dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS) is one of the components responsible for the unpalatable aroma of stale Japanese sake, called "hineka". Recently, a precursor compound of DMTS, 1,2-dihydroxy-5-(methylsulfinyl)pentan-3-one (DMTS-P1), was identified. It was speculated that the yeast methionine salvage pathway (MTA cycle) might participate in the formation of DMTS-P1, because the chemical structure of DMTS-P1 was similar to one of the intermediate compounds of that pathway. Here, we carried out sake brewing tests using laboratory yeast strains with disrupted MTA cycle genes and found that DMTS-P1 was hardly produced by Δmeu1, Δmri1, and Δmde1 strains. Furthermore, the DMTS producing potential (production of DMTS during storage of sake) decreased in sake made with Δmri1 and Δmde1. We constructed sake yeast strains with a disrupted MRI1 or MDE1 gene and confirmed a decline in the DMTS-P1 content and DMTS producing potential of sake made with these disruptants. The results of sake brewing tests using MTA cycle disruptants suggested that SPE2 is responsible for the production of DMTS precursors other than DMTS-P1: although the DMTS-P1 content was higher in Δspe2 sake than in Δmri1 or Δmde1 sake, the DMTS producing potential of Δspe2 sake was as low as that of Δmri1 or Δmde1 sake. Sake brewing tests using BY4743 Δspe2 Δmri1 double disruptants revealed that the DMTS producing potential was further decreased as compared with the Δspe2 or Δmri1 single disruptant. These results suggest that MRI1, MDE1, and SPE2 are promising targets for breeding yeast to suppress the formation of DMTS during storage of sake.

Dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS) は清酒の貯蔵劣化臭である「老香」に寄与する成分のひとつである。最近DMTSの前駆物質として1,2-dihydroxy-5-(methylsulfinyl) pentan-3-one (DMTS-P1) が同定された。DMTS-P1の化学構造がメチオニン再生経路の代謝中間体と類似していることから、酵母のメチオニン再生経路のDMTS-P1生成への関与が推察された。 そこで実験室酵母(BY4743)のメチオニン再生経路遺伝子破壊株を用いて清酒小仕込み試験を行ったところ、Δmri1, Δmde1, Δmeu1株でDMTS-P1の生成がほとんどみられず、Δmri1, Δmde1株ではDMTS生成ポテンシャル(貯蔵によって生じるDMTS量)も減少した。次に清酒酵母きょうかい7号(K7)を用いてΔmri1, Δmde1破壊株を構築したところ、破壊株の生成酒のDMTS-P1濃度およびDMTS生成ポテンシャルが減少した。メチオニン再生経路遺伝子破壊株を用いた小仕込み試験では、Δspe2株のDMTS-P1濃度がΔmri1, Δmde1株よりも高かったにも関わらず、DMTS生成ポテンシャルはΔmri1, Δmde1株と同程度に減少した。したがって、SPE2はDMTS-P1以外の前駆物質の生成に関与する可能性が考えられた。BY4743のΔspe2 Δmri1二重破壊株を構築し、小仕込み試験を行ったところ、二重破壊株のDMTS生成ポテンシャルはΔspe2またはΔmri1単独破壊株よりもさらに減少した。以上の結果から、MRI1, MDE1, およびSPE2は、清酒貯蔵中のDMTS生成を抑制するための酵母育種のターゲットとして有望であると考えられた。

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 116, 475-479 (2013)

3 Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity on Flavor Stability of Beer and Beer-like Beverages ビールとビール系酒類の香味安定性に関する抗酸化能の評価

Akihiro Mizuno

The relationships among flavor stability, antioxidant activity, and aging-related indices of beer were examined in traditional all-malt and adjunct beer, Happoshu (a beer-like beverage with less than 67% malt content), and New-genre (a beer-like beverage without malt, or Happoshu diluted with spirit) beverages. Flavor stability was evaluated by assessing flavor-staling degree using sensory analysis after an accelerated storage test at 30℃. Hydroxyl radical, the most reactive oxygen species, is considered a major determinant for flavor stability of beer. However, the staling degree measure exhibited a more significant correlation with 1,1'-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)-scavenging activity than the hydroxyl radical-scavenging activity. The lag time of the hydroxyl radical generation analyzed by electron spin resonance spectroscopy is now used as an index of flavor stability of beer; it is thought that longer lag times indicate higher antioxidant activity of beer. However, a markedly longer lag time was observed in Happoshu and New-genre than in beer, although Happoshu and New-genre showed lower antioxidant activities than beer. Lag time did not appear to be applicable as an index of flavor stability for Happoshu and New-genre. DPPH-scavenging activity was found to be a more suitable and a common index for assessing flavor stability in not only traditional all-malt and adjunct beers but also Happoshu and New-genre, depending mostly on polyphenol-mediated antioxidant activity. In a brewing fermentation test, changes in DPPH-scavenging activity during fermentation were not observed, which suggests that the antioxidant activity of casting wort could be critical to the flavor stability of not only beer but also beer-like beverages.


Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, 71:131-137, (2013)

4 Ferulic acid and ethyl ferulate in sake: Comparison of levels between sake and mirin and analysis of their sensory properties. 清酒中のフェルラ酸とフェルラ酸エチル:清酒とみりん間のレベル比較及び官能特性の分析

Katsumi HASHIZUME, Toshihiko ITO, Misako SHIMOHASHI, Takahiro ISHIZUKA, and Masaki OKUDA

Ferulic acid (FA) and ethyl ferulate (EF) in sake and mirin samples were quantified. Concentrations of FA and EF in the sake and mirin samples showed high correlations (r=0.91 and 0.89, respectively). The highest level of EF in the sake samples was ca. 14-fold that of the mirin samples. Thresholds of FA and EF in a sake sample were estimated using a pipette method as 0.075 mg/L and 0.39 mg/L, respectively, by eight assessors in their twenties. The FA threshold was far lower than the highest level of FA in the sake samples, which suggested that FA might affect the sensory quality of sake. FA added to the sake sample showed unpleasant bitter, astringent, "egumi", or irritating taste characteristics. Sensory and instrumental analyses suggested that EF has the ability to mitigate the taste of FA in sake.


Food Science and Technology Research, 19, 705-709 (2013)

5 Construction of a ligD disruptant for efficient gene targeting in white koji mold, Aspergillus kawachii 高効率遺伝子ターゲティングのための白麴菌Aspergillus kawachii ligD破壊株の構築

Satoshi Tashiro, Taiki Futagami, Shotaro Wada, Yasuhiro Kajiwara, Hideharu Takashita, Toshiro Omori, Toru Takahashi, Osamu Yamada, Kaoru Takegawa, and Masatoshi Goto

Aspergillus kawachii IFO4308 is a commonly used strain for research into shochu-making and enzyme production without the technique of genetic engineering. In the present study, we successfully constructed various A. kawachii host strains with the ability of highly efficient homologous recombination. In addition to the genome information about A. kawachii, these strains are useful for development of genetic study concerning shochu making and industrial productions of proteins and organic acids.

Aspergillus kawachii IFO4308は、焼酎製造や酵素生産に利用されている株である。我々はA. kawachiiから高効率遺伝子ターゲティング能を有するいくつかの宿主を構築することに成功した。ゲノム情報とともにこれらの株は焼酎製造やタンパク質及びくえん生産に関する遺伝子レベルでの解析に有用である。

Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 59, 257-260 (2013)

6 炭素安定同位体比分析によるみりん市販品の原料判別の可能性 Tracing Raw Materials of Commercially-supplied Mirin by Carbon Stable Isotope Analysis


本研究では、みりん市販品を試料とし、みりんのエキス分(δ13CEx)とアルコール分(δ13CAlc)の炭素安定同位体比分析を試み、原料判別の可能性について検討した。アルコールが添加されたみりんのδ13CAlc(-14.6 ± 4.0‰)は焼酎が添加されたみりんのδ13CAlc(-26.0 ± 1.7‰)と比べ、有意に高くなった。また、糖添加で有意にみりんのδ13CExが高くなった(+糖; -17.1 ± 3.3‰, -糖; -26.1 ± 1.0‰)。米、米麹、焼酎のみで仕込みを行った旧式みりんのδ13CAlcとδ13CEx13CAlc ; -25.8 ± 1.1‰, δ13CEx; -26.6 ± 0.9‰)はアルコールや糖類を添加した新式みりん(δ13CAlc ; -16.3 ± 0.8‰, δ13CEx ; -19.8 ± 0.7‰)よりも低い値を示した。みりん類似調味料であるみりん風調味料及び発酵調味料、灰持酒についても、アルコールや糖添加でδ13Cが高くなった。以上から、みりん市販品において、糖やアルコール、焼酎の添加がδ13Cによって判別できる可能性が示唆された。

In this study, we determined the carbon stable isotope ratios of extract (δ13CEx) and alcohol (δ13CAlc) in commercially-supplied Mirin to confirm them as a potential index for verifying the raw material origins. The δ13CAlc values of the Mirin which brewing alcohol was added (-14.6 ± 4.0‰) are significantly higher than that of the Mirin which Shochu was added (-26.0 ± 1.7‰). The δ13CEx values of the Mirin are significantly higher by sugar addition (+sugar; -17.1 ± 3.3‰, -sugar; -26.1 ± 1.0‰). Old-style Mirin which was made from rice, koji, and Shochu shows lower δ13CAlc and δ13CEx values (δ13CAlc ; -25.8 ± 1.1‰, δ13CEx ; -26.6 ± 0.9‰) than those of new-style Mirin which includes brewing alcohol and sugar as raw materials (δ13CAlc ; -16.3 ± 0.8‰, δ13CEx ; -19.8 ± 0.7‰). Mirin-like seasonings (fermentation seasoning and Mirin-type seasoning) and Akumochizake used like Mirin are also analyzed, and their δ13CAlc and δ13CEx show higher values by addition of brewing alcohol and sugar, respectively. These results suggest that the δ13CAlc and δ13CEx values in commercially-supplied Mirin are useful for the confirmation of sugar, brewing alcohol, and Shochu addition as the raw material origins.

分析化学, 62, 841-844 (2013)

7 同位体希釈分析法(SIDA法)による酒類および発酵液中のDMTS前駆物質1,2-dihydroxy-5-(methylsulfinyl)pentan-3-one (DMTS-P1) の分析 Quantitation of the DMTS precursor, 1,2-dihydroxy-5-(methylsulfinyl)pentan-3-one (DMTS-P1) in alcoholic beverages and fermented solutions by a stable isotope dilution analysis

Atsuko ISOGAI, Ryoko KANDA, Shigetoshi SUDO, Katsumi MATSUMARU


A method for quantitation of DMTS-P1, a precursor of DMTS, was developed by using a stable isotope of DMTS-P1, DMTS-P1-d3, as an internal standard, in which the methyl group was labeled by three deuterium atoms. The recovery rate from various kinds of samples was improved to 100±10% using this method. Application of the method to various commercial alcoholic beverages revealed that the DMTS-P1 concentration in sake was higher than other beverages. When sake, wine, and beer yeast were cultivated in the same medium, sake yeast produced higher amount of DMTS-P1 than other yeast. The correlation of DMTS-P1 concentration and DMTS producing potential (production of DMTS after storage) was observed for commercial sake, but not for wine, suggesting the presence of other components responsible for DMTS production. A small-scale sake brewing test was carried out and changes in the DMTS-P1 concentration were investigated. DMTS-P1 increased during fermentation and a slight increase was observed after filtration. High fermentation temperature increased both DMTS-P1 concentration and DMTS producing potential.

日本醸造学会誌, 108, 605-614 (2013)

8 平成23酒造年度全国新酒鑑評会出品酒の分析について Analysis of Sake Component Presented to Sake Contests in 2012

Katsumi MATSUMARU, Atsuko ISOGAI, Hanae IZU, Ryoko KANDA and Yasuzo KIZAKI


審査は、酒類総合研究所広島事務所において、平成24年4月24日(火)から26 日(木)の3日間に予審を行い、5月8日(火)及び9日(水)に決審を行った。また、5月23日(水)に東広島運動公園体育館で製造技術研究会を、6月15日(金)に東京池袋のサンシャインシティ・文化会館展示ホールで公開きき酒会を開催した。



酒類総合研究所報告, 185, 1-16 (2013)

9 第35回本格焼酎鑑評会について Analysis of Traditional Shochu Presented to the 35st Contest in 2012

Osamu YAMADA, Osamu MIZUTANI, Muneyoshi KANAI, and Yasuzo KIZAKI

単式蒸留しょうちゅうの品質を全国的に調査研究することにより、製造技術と酒質の現状及び動向を把握するとともに製造業者の参考とするため、第34回本格焼酎鑑評会を日本酒造組合中央会と共催で開催した。出品資格として、単式蒸留しょうちゅう製造免許を有する製造者で、日本酒造組合中央会の組合員に限定した。官能審査は平成24年5月 31日(木)及び6月1日(金)に行い、製造技術研究会は6月22日(金)に当所で開催し、出品関係者の参考に供した。

酒類総合研究所報告, 185, 17-26 (2013)

10 酒類及び醸造用水中の放射性セシウム実態調査結果 Survey Results of Radiocesium in Alcoholic Beverages and Brewing Water.

Tomokazu HASHIGUCHI, Hanae IZU, and Katsumi MATSUMARU


酒類総合研究所報告, 185, 27-31 (2013)

11 Fungal-specific sirtuin HstD coordinates secondary metabolism and development through control of LaeA. 菌類特異的なサーチュイン HstDはLaeAを介して2次代謝と発達を制御する

Moriyuki Kawauchi, Mika Nishiura, Kazuhiro Iwashita.

The sirtuins are members of the NAD+-dependent histone deacetylase family that contributes to various cellular functions that affect aging, disease, and cancer development in metazoans. However, the physiological roles of the fungal-specific sirtuin family are still poorly understood. Here, we determined a novel function of the fungal-specific sirtuin hstD/Aohst4, which is a homolog of yeast hst4 in Aspergillus oryzae. The deletion of all histone deacetylases in A. oryzae demonstrated that fungal-specific sirtuin hstD/Aohst4 is required for the coordination of fungal development and secondary metabolite production. We also showed that the gene expression of laeA, which is the most studied fungal-specific coordinator for the regulation of secondary metabolism and fungal development, was induced in the ΔhstD strain. Genetic interaction analysis of hstD/Aohst4 and laeA clearly indicated that hstD/Aohst4 works upstream of laeA to coordinate secondary metabolism and fungal development. The hstD/Aohst4 and laeA genes are fungal-specific but conserved in the vast family of filamentous fungi. Thus, we concluded that the fungal-specific sirtuin hstD/Aohst4 coordinates fungal development and secondary metabolism via the regulation of laeA in filamentous fungi.

サーチュインはNAD依存型のヒストン脱アセチル化酵素ファミリーのメンバーで、動物では老化やガン、疾患など様々な細胞機能に関係し、多くの研究がある。しかし、菌類特異的なサーチュインの生理学的な役割についてはこれまでほとんど明らかになっていなかった。今回我々は菌類特異的なサーチュインhstD/Aohst4の機能について、麹菌(Aspergillus oryzae)を用いて明らかにした。hstD/Aohst4は出芽酵母のhstD4に該当する。麹菌の全てのヒストン脱アセチル化酵素遺伝子を破壊したところ、hstD/Aohst4が麹菌の2次代謝物生産と分化・発達に必要であることを発見した。さらに、hstD/Aohst4破壊株ではlaeA遺伝子の発現が非常に高くなっていることを見出した。laeAは菌類では最も良く研究されている2次代謝と分化・発達の制御因子である。hstD/Aohst4laeA遺伝子の遺伝学的な解析を行ったところ、hstD/Aohst4laeA遺伝子の上流で作用して、laeA遺伝子の発現を制御している事を明らかにした。これらの遺伝子は菌類特異的であるが、菌類の中では幅広く保存されていることから、hstD/Aohst4は広く菌類の分化と2次代謝生産を制御していると考えられる。

Eukaryotic cell, 12, 1087-1096 (2013)

(2) 公開特許

1 原水の産出地判定方法および原水の産出地判定システム





2 1、2-ジヒドロキシ-5-メチルスルフィニルペンタン-3-オン生成能が低下した酵母の作出方法





3 清酒酵母及びそれを用いた酒類又は食品の製造方法





2013/11/19 掲載

1. 第1四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 SSR Genotyping of Wild Grape Species and Grape Cultivars of Vitis vinifera and V. vinifera × V. labrusca ブドウ野生種、およびVitis viniferaV. vinifera × V. labrusca栽培品種のSSR genotyping

Nami Goto-Yamamoto, Akifumi Azuma, Nobuhito Mitani and Shozo Kobayashi

To determine the relationship among wild grape species and grape cultivars, genotyping with 8 SSR loci was carried out using a wide range of grape species and cultivars, i.e., North American species, East Asian species, cultivars of Vitis vinifera, and those of V. vinifera × V. labrusca. SSR genotyping showed that wild grape species are more highly diverse than cultivated grapes. A principal coordinate analysis based on the distance (1- proportion of shared alleles) among accessions showed a clear separation between wild and cultivated grapes. A native Japanese cultivar, 'Koshu', and a Chinese one, 'Niunai', were plotted among the cultivars of V. vinifera, even though these 2 Far East cultivars have some unique alleles.

ブドウ野生種、及び栽培品種の関係を知るため、幅広い試料(北米系野生種、東アジア系野生種、Vitis viniferaV. vinifera × V. labrusca栽培品種)を用いて、8 SSR遺伝子座の解析を行った.SSR genotypingによって、野生種は栽培品種よりも高度に多様であることが示された.試料間の距離(1-共有アレル率)をもとに主座標分析(PCoA)を行ったところ、野生種と栽培品種が明確に分離した.日本の在来ブドウ品種'甲州'および中国の在来ブドウ品種'牛奶'は、若干の特異的なアレルを持っていたが、PCoAでV. vinifera品種群の中にプロットされた。

Journal of Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, 82, 125-130 (2013)

2 Aspergillus luchuensis, an Industrially Important Black Aspergillus in East Asia. Aspergillus luchuensis, 東アジアの工業的に重要な黒Aspergillus

Seung-Beom Hong, Mina Lee, Dae-Ho Kim, Janos Varga, Jens C. Frisvad, Giancarlo Perrone, Katsuya Gomi, Osamu Yamada, Masayuki Machida, Jos Houbraken, Robert A. Samson
Seung-Beom Hong、Mina Lee、Dae-Ho Kim、Janos Varga、Jens C. Frisvad、Giancarlo Perrone、五味勝也、山田修、町田雅之、Jos Houbraken、Robert A. Samson

Aspergilli known as black- and white-koji molds which are used for awamori, shochu, makgeolli and other food and beverage fermentations, are reported in the literature as A. luchuensis, A. awamori, A. kawachii, or A. acidus. In order to elucidate the taxonomic position of these species, available ex-type cultures were compared based on morphology and molecular characters. A. luchuensis, A. kawachii and A. acidus showed the same banding patterns in RAPD, and the three species had the same rDNA-ITS, β-tubulin and calmodulin sequences and these differed from those of the closely related A.niger and A. tubingensis. Morphologically, the three species are not significantly different from each other or from A. niger and A. tubingensis. It is concluded that A. luchuensis, A. kawachii and A. acidus are the same species, and A. luchuensis is selected as the correct name based on priority. Strains of A. awamori which are stored in National Research Institute of Brewing in Japan, represent A. niger (n = 14) and A. luchuensis (n = 6). The neotype of A. awamori (CBS 557.65 = NRRL 4948) does not originate from awamori fermentation and it is shown to be identical with the unknown taxon Aspergillus welwitschiae. Extrolite analysis of strains of A. luchuensis showed that they do not produce mycotoxins and therefore can be considered safe for food and beverage fermentations. A. luchuensis is also frequently isolated from meju and nuruk in Korea and Puerh tea in China and the species is probably common in the fermentation environment of East Asia. A re-descriptionof A. luchuensis is provided because the incomplete data in the original literature

泡盛、焼酎、マッコリなどの食品やアルコール飲料に使用されている黒、白麴菌は、A. luchuensis, A. awamori, A. kawachii, あるいは A. acidusとして報告されている。コレラの菌株の分類学的な位置を明らかとするためにex-type株の形態的分子的比較を行った。A. luchuensis, A. kawachii 及びA. acidusは、RAPD解析において同じバンドパターンを示し、また、rDNA-ITS, β-tubulin 及びcalmodulin配列も一致し、近縁のA.niger 及びA. tubingensisとは異なっていた。形態的には、この3株の酷似しており、A.niger 及びA. tubingensisとも大きな差はなかった。A. luchuensis, A. kawachii 及びA. acidusは、同じ種と考えられ、プライオリティに基づきA. luchuensisと命名された。酒類総合研究所に保存されているA. awamoriは、14株がA. niger, 6株がA. luchuensisであり、A. awamoriのneotype株(CBS 557.65 = NRRL 4948)は、泡盛醸造現場由来ではない。また、Aspergillus welwitschiaeと同一と考えられる。Extrolite解析から、A. luchuensisはカビ毒非生産性であり食品や醸造の上で安全である。A. luchuensisは、韓国のmejuやnuruk、中国のPuerh茶からも頻繁に単され、東アジアに共通する株かもしれない。オリジナルな報告に不備な点があったことから、A. luchuensisを再記載する。

PLOS ONE, 8, e63769 (2013)

3 Comparison of laccase production levels in Pichia pastoris and Cryptococcus sp. S-2. Pichia pastorisCryptococcus sp. S-2でのラッカーゼ発現量の比較

Nahoko Nishibori, Kazuo Masaki, Hiroaki Tsuchioka, Tsutomu Fujii, Haruyuki Iefuji

The heterologous expression of the laccase gene from Trametes versicolor and Gaeumannomyces graminis was evaluated in the yeasts Pichia pastoris and Cryptococcus sp. S-2. The expression levels of both laccase genes in Cryptococcus sp. S-2 were considerably higher than those in P. pastoris. The codon usage of Cryptococcus sp. S-2 as well as the GC content were similar to those of T. versicolor and G. graminis. These results suggest that using a host with a similar codon usage for the expressed gene may improve protein expression. The use of Cryptococcus sp. S-2 as a host may be advantageous for the heterologous expression of genes with high GC content. Moreover, this yeast provides the same advantages as P. pastoris for the production of recombinant proteins, such as growth on minimal medium, capacity for high-density growth during fermentation, and capability for post-translational modifications. Therefore, we propose that Cryptococcus sp. S-2 be used as an expression host to improve enzyme production levels when other hosts have not yielded good results.

Trametes versicolorGaeumannomyces graminis由来のラッカーゼの異種発現を、Pichia pastoris および Cryptococcus sp. S-2を宿主とした場合で比較した。どちらのラッカーゼでもCryptococcus sp. S-2を宿主とした方が、P. pastorisを宿主とした場合よりも発現レベルが高かった。Cryptococcus sp. S-2のコドンの使用頻度はT. versicolorG. graminisのラッカーゼのそれに近く、このことは、目的とする遺伝子と近いコドン使用頻度を有する宿主の使用が異種タンパク質発現に有効であることを示している。したがって、GCコンテンツが高い遺伝子を発現させようとするときは、宿主としてCryptococcus sp. S-2を使用する利点があるかもしれない。さらに、Cryptococcus sp. S-2はP. pastorisと同様に発現タンパク質の翻訳後修飾や無機培地での生育、さらに高密度培養が可能である。従って、我々は、これまでに異種タンパク質の発現が成功していない場合には、その遺伝子を新規に開発したCryptococcus sp. S-2の異種タンパク質発現系に導入することで、それらタンパク質の生産性の向上の可能性があることを提案する。

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering., 115, 394-399 (2013)

4 Fusion of cellulose binding domain from Trichoderma reesei CBHI to Cryptococcus sp. S-2 cellulase enhances its binding affinity and its cellulolytic activity to insoluble cellulosic substrates Trichoderma reesei CBHI のセルロース結合ドメインをCryptococcus sp. S-2のセルラーゼに融合することで、不溶性セルロースへの結合性と分解活性が高まる

Jantaporn Thongekkaew, Hiroko Ikeda, Kazuo Masaki, Haruyuki Iefuji
ジャンタポーン トッケンガウ、池田博子、正木和夫、家藤治幸

Cryptococcus sp. S-2 carboxymethyl cellulase (CSCMCase) is active in the acidic pH and lacks a binding domain. The absence of the binding domain makes the enzyme inefficient against insoluble cellulosic substrates. To enhance its binding affinity and its cellulolytic activity to insoluble cellulosic substrates, cellulose binding domain (CBD) of cellobiohydrolase I (CBHI) from Trichoderma reesei belonging to carbohydrate binding module (CBM) family 1 was fused at the C-terminus of CSCMCase. The constructed fusion enzymes (CSCMCase-CBD and CSCMCase-2CBD) were expressed in a newly recombinant expression system of Cryptococcus sp. S-2, purified to homogeneity, and then subject to detailed characterization. The recombinant fusion enzymes displayed optimal pH similar to those of the native enzyme. Compared with rCSCMCase, the recombinant fusion enzymes had acquired an increased binding affinity to insoluble cellulose and the cellulolytic activity toward insoluble cellulosic substrates (SIGMACELL® and Avicel) was higher than that of native enzyme, confirming the presence of CBDs improve the binding and the cellulolytic activity of CSCMCase on insoluble substrates. This attribute should make CSCMCase an attractive applicant for various application.

Cryptococcus sp. S-2 のカルボキシメチルセルラーゼ(CSCMCase)は、酸性pHで活性を有し、セルロース結合ドメインを持っていない。結合ドメインが無い場合、不溶性セルロースへの活性は低い。不溶性セルロースへの結合性と分解活性を高めるために、carbohydrate binding module (CBM) family 1に属するTrichoderma reesei のセロビオヒドラーゼI(CBHI)のセルロース結合ドメイン(CBD)をCSCMCaseのC末端に融合した。作製した融合タンパク質(CSCMCase-CBD and CSCMCase-2CBD)は新しく構築したCryptococcus sp. S-2の組み換えタンパク質生産システムにて発現し、単一になるまで精製し、詳細に性質を調べた。組換え融合酵素は本来の酵素と同じ最適pHを示した。CBDを持たないrCSCMCaseと比較して、この組換え融合酵素は不溶性セルロース(SIGMACELL® and Avicel)への結合性と分解活性が高くなっていた。このことは、CSCMCaseが様々な応用利用に向けて魅力的な酵素としている。

Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 52, 241-246 (2013)

5 Genome-wide screening to study breeding methods to improve the nitrogen accumulation ability of yeast without gene recombinant techniques. 網羅的遺伝子発現解析による遺伝子組換え技術を用いない酵母の窒素蓄積能を改善する育種方法の検討

Takashi Watanabe, Haruyuki Iefuji, and Hiroko K. Kitamoto.

To remove nitrogen efficiently from high-concentration organic wastewater, we studied breeding methods using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model yeast with improved nitrogen accumulation ability. By DNA microarray analysis under various nitrogen concentrations with two nitrogen sources (peptone and L-asparagine), we obtained 295 commonly overexpressed (over 2-fold) genes and 283 commonly underexpressed (under one-half) genes under nitrogen-starvation conditions. We speculated that overexpression or underexpression recombination of some of these genes might enhance nitrogen uptake. Because a complete collection of nonessential gene deletion strains had been created, we investigated the nitrogen accumulation profiles of underexpressed gene deletion strains. From 256 nonessential gene deletion strains, three (URE2, SNO1, and AVT3) were selected. Strain SUD2 (ure2Δ::kanMX4) improved by 1.2-fold total nitrogen per cell (TN/OD660) as compared to the parent strain, S288c. Positive selection of methylamine-resistant mutants to obtain URE2 mutants was useful for improving nitrogen accumulation ability without recombinant techniques.

高濃度有機性排水から効率的に窒素除去をするために、排水処理用酵母の窒素除去能力を改善することが望まれている。そこで我々は、S. cerevisiaeをモデル酵母として用い、窒素蓄積能を改善する育種を試みることにした。2種類の窒素源(ペプトンとL-アスパラギン)に対して、DNAマイクロアレイを用いて窒素濃度に応答する網羅的な遺伝子発現解析を行った。その結果、2種類の窒素源に共通して窒素飢餓状態で、2倍以上に発現が上昇する295遺伝子、および2分の1以下に発現が抑制される283遺伝子を取得した。これらの発現抑制される遺伝子の中で、非必須遺伝子の256の破壊株の窒素蓄積プロファイルを調べ、最終的に3株の非必須遺伝子(URE2SNO1、およびAVT3 )の破壊株を選別した。URE2遺伝子を破壊したSUD2株(ure2Δ::kanMX4 )は、親株S288c株と比較して単位菌体量辺りの窒素蓄積量(TN/OD660)が1.2倍となった。さらに、URE2遺伝子変異株の取得を目的とした、塩化メチルアミン耐性変異株の選抜は、遺伝子組換え技術を用いない酵母の窒素蓄積能の改善に有効であることを示した。

Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 77, 917-922. (2013)

6 Identification of the sulphate ion as one of the key components of yeast spoilage of a sports drink through genome-wide expression analysis ゲノムワイドな発現解析を用いたスポーツ飲料の酵母による腐敗の主要成分の1つである硫酸イオンの同定

Lahiru N. Jayakody, Keisuke Tsuge, Akihiro Suzuki, Hitoshi Shimoi, Hiroshi Kitagaki

Because of the growing market for sports drinks, prevention of yeast contamination of these beverages is of significant concern. This research was performed to achieve insight into the physiology of yeast growing in sports drinks through a genome-wide approach to prevent microbial spoilage of sports drinks. The genome-wide gene expression profile of Saccharomyces cerevisiae growing in the representative sports drink was investigated. Genes that were relevant to sulphate ion starvation response were upregulated in the yeast cells growing in the drink. These results suggest that yeast cells are suffering from deficiency of extracellular sulphate ions during growth in the sports drink. Indeed, the concentration of sulphate ions was far lower in the sports drink than in a medium that allows the optimal growth of yeast. To prove the starvation of sulphate ions of yeast, several ions were added to the beverage and its effects were investigated. The addition of sulphate ions, but not chloride ions or sodium ions, to the beverage stimulated yeast growth in the beverage in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, the addition of sulphate ions to the sports drink increased the biosynthesis of sulphur-containing amino acids in yeast cells and hydrogen sulphide in the beverage. These results indicate that sulphate ion concentration should be regulated to prevent microbial spoilage of sports drinks.


The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 59, 227-238 (2013)

7 Fission yeast leucine-rich repeat protein Lrp1 is essential for cell morphogenesis as a component of the morphogenesis Orb6 network (MOR) 分裂酵母のロイシンリッチ反復タンパク質であるLrp1はmorphogenesis Orb6 network (MOR) の構成因子として細胞の形態形成に必須である

Kazunori Kume, Shunsuke Kubota, Takayuki Koyano, Muneyoshi Kanai, Masaki Mizunuma, Takashi Toda, Dai Hirata

In eukaryotes, cell morphogenesis is regulated coordinately with the cell cycle. In fission yeast, the morphogenesis network MOR (morphogenesis Orb6 network) consists of 5 conserved proteins, Pmo25, Nak1, Mor2, Orb6, and Mob2, and is essential for cell polarity control and cell separation following cytokinesis. Here we show that the conserved leucine-rich repeat protein Lrp1 is required for cell morphogenesis as a newly recognized component of MOR. Lrp1 has 4 leucine-rich repeats in its N-terminus and is a homolog of the budding yeast Sog2, which is a component of the RAM network (regulation of Ace2 activity and cellular morphogenesis). Lrp1 was essential for both cell growth and cell morphogenesis as were the other MOR components. Lrp1 was localized to the SPBs (spindle pole bodies, the yeast equivalent of the animal centrosome) throughout the cell cycle and to the medial ring during cytokinesis. Lrp1 interacted with Nak1 and was important for Orb6 kinase activity. Thus Lrp1 proved to function upstream of Orb6 in cell morphogenesis.

真核微生物において、細胞の形態形成は細胞周期と共に協調的に制御されている。分裂酵母において、morphogenesis network MOR (morphogenesis Orb6 network) を構成する5つのタンパク質(Pmo25, Nak1, Mor2, Orb6, and Mob2)は成長極性の制御及び細胞分裂後の細胞分離に必須である。本論文では、高度に保存されたロイシンリッチ反復タンパク質であるLrp1がMORの新しい構成因子として細胞の形態形成に必須であることを示した。Lrp1は4つのロイシンリッチ反復配列を持ち、出芽酵母においてAce2活性及び細胞の形態形成を制御しているRAM networkの構成因子であるSog2のホモログである。Lrp1は、細胞周期を通じてSPBs(紡錘極体と言い、動物でいう中心体に当たる)に局在し、Nak1と相互作用することでOrb6のキナーゼ活性に重要である。

Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 77, 1086-1091 (2013)

8 イネ登熟期が記録的な猛暑となった平成22年産米のデンプン特性及び蒸米酵素消化性 Starch characteristics and enzyme digestibility of steamed rice grains grown at high air temperature during grain filling in 2010

Masaki Okuda, Midori Joyo, Kei Takahashi, Nami Goto-Yamamoto, Yukio Takagaki, Masaru Ikegami and Yoshihito Nabekura


The mean temperature in August 2010 was the highest ever recorded in Japan. Previous studies showed that higher temperatures during rice grain filling cause a higher retrogradation of gelatinized starch due to longer side chains of amylopectin, as well as lower enzymatic digestibility during sake making. Thus, the effect of extremely high temperatures during the 2010 season on starch characteristics of rice grains for sake making and the enzyme digestibility of steamed rice grains was examined. The gelatinization temperatures of rice samples harvested during the 2010 season were higher than those harvested in the 2007 (a hot summer but cooler than 2010) and 2009(a cooler summer) seasons. The decreasing degree of enzymatic digestibility of steamed rice grains after partial retrogradation of starch was higher in 2010 than in 2007 and 2009. On the other hand, even in the rice samples harvested in the same prefectures, gelatinization temperatures and enzyme digestibility of rice grains varied among samples. Especially, the rice samples whose heading date was late showed lower gelatinization temperature and higher enzyme digestibility of steamed rice grains than early heading samples. Moreover, the polished rice grains harvested during the 2010 season showed lower alkali solubility than those harvested in 2009. The present study suggests that the enzyme digestibility of steamed rice grains can be predicted by mean air temperature after heading even in historic high air temperature such as the 2010 summer, and the alkali solubility method can be useful for examining the starch characteristics of rice grains conveniently.

日本醸造学会誌, 108, 368-376 (2013)

9 気温と清酒の粕歩合について(第2報) Relationship between sake cake ratios and atmospheric temperature conditions (part 2)

Masaki Okuda, Midori Joyo, Katsumi Hashizume, Kei Takahashi and Nami Goto-Yamamoto


Monthly mean temperature anomalies in August and September from 1998 to 2010 showed a positive correlation with the national mean data of sake cake ratios. The average enzyme digestibility of 7 rice cultivars showed negative correlations with the national mean data of sake cake ratios. Gelatinization temperatures measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed positive correlations with the national mean data of sake cake ratios. The obtained results suggest that atmospheric temperature conditions during the grain-filling period of material rice strongly affect the digestibility of steamed rice grains in sake mash because the structure of amylopectin is influenced by atmospheric temperature conditions during grain-filling.

日本醸造学会誌, 108, 461-466 (2013)

(2) 公開特許

1 葉酸高含有酵母の製造方法、葉酸高含有酵母、葉酸高含有酵母破砕物、及び食品





2013/8/23 掲載