平成29年度 研究成果

4. 第4四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 Analysis of protein composition in rice cultivar used for sake brewing, and their effects on nitrogen compounds in sake 酒造用原料米のタンパク質組成の解析とタンパク質組成が清酒中の窒素化合物に及ぼす影響

Background and objectives

Protein composition analysis of 81 rice samples was performed on three cultivars harvested different regions in Japan, and the effects of the protein composition on the nitrogen composition in sake.


Crude protein content showed a significant positive correlation with glutelin content. Yamadanishiki cultivars showed lower crude protein and glutelin contents compared with Gohyakumangoku cultivars harvested from the same field. Total nitrogen content in the enzyme digest of steamed rice grains showed a significant positive correlation with the crude protein and glutelin contents. Ten polished (70%) white rice samples were investigated in a small-scale sake brewing test. Total nitrogen compounds, bitter-tasting peptides, and free amino acids in the brewed sake positively correlated with the glutelin content of the rice samples. There were no clear correlations between a-amylase and acid proteinase activities with the nitrogen compounds in the sake.


The results indicated that the glutelin content in the cultivar rice affects sake quality through taste-active and other nitrogen-containing compounds produced from rice glutelin in the sake brewing process.

Significance and novelty

We revealed that the glutelin content in the milled rice grains is important to brew high quality of sake clearly. The present results would be useful for cultivation or breeding of sake rice.









Cereal Chemistry, 95, 320-329 (2018)

2 カシャーサの揮発性成分組成の特性 Characteristics of the volatile composition of Cachaca

Hisashi FUKUDA and Jinshun HAN


To classify the compounds of rum and imported cachaca, we analyzed 78 volatile compounds by solid phase micro extraction (SPME) and 6 volatile compounds by direct head space analysis. There was a significant difference for 10 volatile compounds between cachaca and rum made in Caribbean and Indian Ocean regions. In a stepwise discriminant analysis procedure using 3 volatile compounds (β-phenethyl alcohol, diethyl succinate and S-methyl thioacetate) , 31 of 33 samples were rightly classified. Estimating the accuracy of the discriminant analysis by cross validation, the ratios of appropriate classification were 90.9 %. For cachaca and Japanese rum, there was a significant difference in 18 of 84 volatile compounds. All of 16 samples were rightly classified by 2 volatile compounds (citronellol and furfural). When estimating the accuracy of the discriminant analysis, the ratios of appropriate classification were 100 %.

日本醸造協会誌, 113, 105-114 (2018)

3 甘藷焼酎醸造工程中の葉酸含量の推移 Changes in folate level during sweet potato shochu production

Nobuhiko MUKAI, Tomoko MORIMOTO, Narumi FUKE, Daiki UESAKO, Osamu MIZUTANI, Nahoko NISHIBORI, Muneyoshi KANAI, Osamu YAMADA and Tsutomu FUJII


We have reported that the shochu distillation residue (SDR) contains relatively large amounts of folate (the sum of tetrahydrofolic acid (THF) and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF)) in comparison with other foods and drinks. However, the origin of the folate in SDR has not been clear. We carrried out a sweet potato shochu production test by pilot-scale plant (total weight of rice and sweet potato was 48 kg) to examine the folate high component factor in SDR derived from sweet potato shochu, and we analyzed the folate content of samples in each process of manufacture. THF was not present in rice, sweet potato, or rice koji. It was produced by yeast during fermentation, but almost disappeared by distillation. On the other hand, 5-MTHF was included in rice and sweet potato and produced by koji during koji making and by yeast during fermentation. It was partly decreased by distillation. When the total amount of folate at the end of the second mash was assumed as 100, the contribution of the steamed sweet potato used in the second mash was 46.4, and the production by yeast during fermentation in the second mash was 44.1. It was found that almost all of the folate in SDR came from sweet potato and the production by yeast. Thirty-six percent of the total folate was decreased in distillation. In addition, in the storage test of SDR, as a result of inhibiting of the decrease of 5-MTHF, the storage stability of the folate was improved by the deoxygenation treatment of SDR and freeze-drying of cake.

日本醸造協会誌, 113, 115-122 (2018)

4 Ethyl Carbamate Degrading Enzyme from Yeast Meyerozyma caribbica strain SKa5: Purification and Biochemical Properties. 酵母Meyerozyma caribbica SKa5株のカルバミン酸エチル分解酵素:精製及び生化学的性質

Jantaporn THONGEKKAEW, Tsutomu FUJII and Kazuo MASAKI
Jantaporn Thongekkaew、藤井力、正木和夫

Ethyl carbamate degrading enzyme from yeast which was isolated from spoilage fruit was studied. Based on ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region and D1/D2 domains of the 26S subunit analysis, the selected yeast was identified as Meyerozyma caribbica and named as M. caribbica SKa5. The enzyme from cell extracted was purified by anion exchange chromatography. The molecular mass of the enzyme was approximately 55 kDa, as identified by SDS-PAGE. The optimum pH and temperature were 7.0-8.0 and 37℃, respectively. The enzyme was stable at pH range of 4.5-8.0 and at temperature range of 10-37℃. The enzyme also exhibited ethanol tolerance at concentration of 20% (v/v). In addition, the enzyme was not affected in the presence of Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, β-mercaptoethanol and EDTA. This favorable properties could become one of potential enzyme resources for removal of ethyl carbamate in alcoholic beverages and fermented foods industry.

腐敗果実から単離した酵母のカルバミン酸エチル分解酵素について研究した。26SサブユニットのITS1-5.8S-ITS2領域及びD1/D2領域の解析から選択された酵母はMeyerozyma caribbicaと同定され、M. caribbica SKa5株と名付けた。細胞抽出液の酵素は陰イオン交換クロマトグラフィーで精製され、SDS-PAGEで分子量約55 kDaと同定された。至適pHは7.0-8.0で、至適温度は37℃であった。酵素はpH 4.5-8.0にて安定で、温度は10-37℃にて安定であった。酵素は20%(v/v)のエタノールにも耐性を示した。さらに、この酵素は、Na+やK+、Ca2+、Mg2+、Mn2+イオン、β-メルカプトエタノール、EDTA存在下で影響を受けなかった。これらの好ましい性質は、アルコール飲料や発酵食品業界でカルバミン酸エチル除去のための潜在的な酵素リソースの一つになり得る。

Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 9(2), 276-284 (2018)

5 差し酛の反復による焼酎醪中のセルレニン耐性酵母純度の推移とカプロン酸エチル含量の関係について Change in the purity of cerulenin tolerant yeast and relation with the ethyl caproate content in a fermenting Shochu mash during repeating Sashimoto

Takafumi MUTOU, Masaaki INAHASHI, Yasuzo KIZAKI, Naoto OKAZAKI, Takeaki ISHIKAWA and Takeshi AKAO

日本の伝統的蒸留酒である焼酎の製造において、酵母添加法として、発酵中のもろみの0.6%容を加えることが広く行われている。この再添加法は「差し酛」と呼ばれる。多くの野生酵母の生育速度は純粋な焼酎酵母のそれよりも速いため、差し酛の繰り返しによって焼酎もろみに侵入した野生酵母は増殖し、やがて優勢になる。その結果、焼酎酵母の純度の低下がおこり、製成する焼酎に品質に悪影響を及ぼす。著者らは、差し酛の反復の間のきょうかい酵母焼酎用4号(S4)株の純度の変化について検討し、製成焼酎の品質の評価を行った。S4株はセルレニン耐性を有するカプロン酸エチル高生成株だが、野生酵母はセルレニン感受性であるので、差し酛反復中のS4株の純度の変化をセルレニン耐性を純度指標として検出できることを確認した。また、野生酵母では、非増殖速度が焼酎酵母の1.2から1.4倍速いこと、高カプロン酸エチル含量を維持するには50%以上の酵母純度を維持する必要があることを示した。本研究で焼酎もろみから分離されたセルレニン感受性野生酵母(WS1)は、生理的性質とITS領域の相同性解析からSaccharomyces cerevisiaeであることが明らかとなった。

On making the Japanese traditional spirits Shochu, the pitching is commonly carried out by the addition of a volume of about 0.6% of fermenting mash. The re-pitching procedure is called "Sashimoto". By the repetition of Sashimoto, the wild yeasts which invade the Shochu mash multiply and become dominant because the growth rates of most wild yeasts are faster than that of pure Shochu-yeast. Consequently, this brings about a decreased purity of Shochu-yeasts and undesirable quality for the resulting Shochu. We studied the changes in the purity of Shochu-yeast S4 during repeating Sashimoto and evaluated the qualities of resulting Shochu. Since S4 yeast is a cerulenin tolerant and ethyl caproate high producing strain while most wild yeasts are cerulenin sensitive strains, we confirmed that changes in S4 purity during the repeating Sashimoto were possible by detecting its cerulenin tolerance as the yeast purity index.We also confirmed that, in conditions of the wild yeast, the specific growth rate is from 1.2 to 2.4 times faster than that of Shochu-yeast, and it was necessary to keep yeast purity higher than 50% to maintain a high ethyl caproate content. A cerulenin sensitive wild yeast (WS1) isolated from the Shochu mash in this study was identified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae by its physical properties and the homologous analysis of the ITS domain.

日本醸造協会誌113, 169-178 (2018)

6 清酒醸造における米デンプンの老化が原料利用率に及ぼす影響 Influence of starch retrogradation in steamed rice grains on the use of material in sake making

Syuhei KAWANE, Masaki OKUDA, Midori JOYO, Hisashi FUKUDA and Nami GOTO-YAMAMOTO


Using rice samples grown at a high temperature (2010 year) and low temperature (2009 year) during grain filling, the retrogradation of starch in steamed rice grains during sake making was examined in order to obtain the basic knowledge of improvement for the use of material rice grains grown under high temperatures during grain filling. Although the enthalpy change derived from the retrogradation of amylopectin increased during the koji making and sake mash processes, the speed of the retrogradation of rice grains harvested at a high temperature was faster than that harvested at a low temperature. Also, the speed of retrogaradation of amylopectin proceeded faster during koji making than during sake mash. From a small-scale brewing test, it was seen that the rice for koji had a greater influence on the material used such as sake cake ratios than the rice grains for steaming. The decreasing degree of enzymatic digestibility of steamed rice grains after partial retrogradation of starch stored in a plastic bag or in a buffer was higher in rice grains grown at a high temperature than for that stored in the rice grains grown at a low temperature. The degree of retrogradation showed a high negative correlation with the enzymatic digestibility of steamed rice grains after the partial retrogradation of starch stored in a plastic bag or in a buffer. Therefore, when the steamed rice grains were stored in a plastic bag such as under koji making but also in a buffer such as sake mash, the retrogradation of steamed rice grains proceeded and the retrogradation of steamed rice grains grown at a high temperature had a considerable influence on the enzyme digestibility during sake mash.

日本醸造協会誌, 113, 179-190 (2018)

(2) 公開特許

1 1,2-ジヒドロキシ-5-(メチルスルフィニル)ペンタン-3-オンの生成能が低い酵母の作出方法





2 酢酸イソアミル高生産性酵母の作出方法





2018/4/19 掲載

3. 第3四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 焼酎粕の栄養成分及び機能性成分の含量調査 Investigation of the content of nutrients and functional ingredients in shochu distillation residue

Nobuhiko MUKAI, Tomoko MORIMOTO, Narumi FUKE, Satoko YOSHIDA, Tsutomu KUMAZAKI, Takumi TERAMOTO, Daiki UESAKO, Ryuichi SATO, Nahoko NISHIBORI, Muneyoshi KANAI, Osamu YAMADA and Tsutomu FUJII


焼酎粕は遠心分離によりケーキと液部に分けた。焼酎粕のケーキ割合は平均28.0%であり、焼酎粕ケーキは平均で水分が79.1 g/100 g含まれていた。焼酎粕ケーキ(乾物)100 g中には平均でたんぱく質32.1 g、脂質12.7 g、炭水化物51.7 g、灰分3.4 g、熱量450.1 kcal、葉酸(テトラヒドロ葉酸及び5-メチルテトラヒドロ葉酸の合計)381.1 ㎎、ビタミンB60.72 ㎎、S-アデノシルメチオニン(SAM)14.5 mg、ポリアミン(プトレスシン(PUT)、スペルミジン(SPD)、スペルミン(SPM)の合計))9.1 mgを含有していた。焼酎粕液部100 ml中には平均で葉酸10.3 mg、ビタミンB60.15 mg、SAM3.0 mg、及びポリアミン1.3 mgが含まれていた。焼酎粕は他の食品、飲料と比較して、葉酸、ビタミンB6、SAM及びポリアミンを比較的多く含むことが明らかとなった。これらの成果は、焼酎粕の新たな有効利用や付加価値の向上につながるものと期待される。

Shochu distillation residue (SDR), generated as a shochu distillery by-product, includes abundant nutrients. We collected 54 samples of SDR made from various raw materials from 30 shochu manufacturers. SDR was separated into cake and liquid parts by centrifuges. The cake ratio of SDR was 28.0% on average, and the cake of SDR contained 79.1 g/100 g of moisture on average. The cake of SDR included 32.1 g of protein, 12.7 g of lipid, 51.7 g of carbohydrate, and 3.4 g of ash, 450.1 kcal of calorific value, 381.1 mg of folate (the sum of tetrahydrofolic acid (THF) and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF)), 0.72 mg of vitamin B6, 14.5 mg of S-adenosylmethyonine (SAM) and 9.1 mg of polyamines (the sum of putrescine (PUT), spermidine (SPD) and spermine (SPM)) at an average level per 100 g (dry weight). The liquid part of SDR included 10.3 mg of folate, 0.15 mg of vitamin B6, 3.0 mg of SAM and 1.3 mg of polyamines at an average level per 100ml. It was revealed that SDR contains relatively large amounts of folate, vitamin B6, SAM and polyamines in comparison with other foods and drinks. These results can lead to new utilizations and value-added improvements for SDR.

日本醸造協会誌, 112, 695-706 (2017)

2 Chromosomal aneuploidy improves brewing characteristics of sake yeast 染色体異数性による清酒酵母の醸造特性の改良

Masafumi KADOWAKI, Yuki FUJIMARU, Seiga TAGUCHI, Jannatul FERDOUSE, Kazutaka SAWADA, Yuta KIMURA, Yohei TERASAWA, Gennaro AGRIMI, Toyoaki ANAI, Hideki NOGUCHI, Atsushi TOYODA, Asao FUJIYAMA, Takeshi AKAO and Hiroshi KITAGAKI
門脇真史、藤丸裕貴、田口誠我、FERDOUSE Jannatul、澤田和敬、木村祐太、寺沢洋平、AGRIMI Gennaro、穴井豊昭、野口英樹、豊田敦、藤山秋佐夫、赤尾健、北垣浩志

The effect of chromosomal aneuploidy on the brewing characteristics in brewery yeasts has not been studied. Here, we report that chromosomal aneuploidy in sake brewery yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) leads to the development of favorable brewing characteristics. We found that pyruvate-underproducing sake yeast, which produces less off-flavor diacetyl, is aneuploid and trisomic for chromosomes XI and XIV. To confirm that this phenotype is due to aneuploidy, we obtained 45 haploids with various chromosomal additions and investigated their brewing profiles. A greater number of chromosomes correlated with a decrease in pyruvate production. Especially, sake yeast haploids with extra chromosomes in addition to chromosome XI produced less pyruvate than euploids. Mitochondria-related metabolites and intracellular oxygen species in chromosome XI aneuploids were higher than those in euploids and this effect was canceled in their petite strains, suggesting that an increase in chromosomes upregulated mitochondrial activity and decreased pyruvate levels. These findings suggested that an increase in chromosome number including that in chromosome XI, in sake yeast haploids leads to pyruvate underproduction through the augmentation of mitochondrial activity. This is the first report proposing that aneuploidy in brewery yeasts improves their brewing profile.


Chromosomal aneuploidy has not been evaluated in development of sake brewing yeast strains. This is the first study to show the relationship between chromosomal aneuploidy and brewing characteristics of brewery yeast strains. High concentrations of pyruvate during sake storage give rise to α-acetolactate and in turn to high diacetyl, which is considered an off-flavor. It was demonstrated that pyruvate-underproducing sake yeast is trisomic for chromosome XI and XIV. Furthermore, sake yeast haploids with extra chromosomes produced reduced levels of pyruvate and showed metabolic processes characteristic of increased mitochondrial activity. This novel discovery will enable the selection of favorable brewery yeasts by monitoring the copy numbers of specific chromosomes through a process that does not involve generation/use of genetically modified organisms.

醸造用酵母の醸造特性における染色体異数性の効果は、これまで研究されてこなかった。ここに我々は清酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiaeの染色体異数性が好ましい醸造特性の付与をもたらしたことを報告する。ピルビン酸低酸性の清酒酵母はオフフレーバーであるジアセチルの生成が少ないが、我々は、この菌株が第11及び第14番染色体がトリソミーとなった異数体であることを見出した。この表現型が異数性によることを確かめるために、我々は様々な染色体が余分に付与された45株の一倍体(単数体)の異数体を取得し、醸造特性について検討した。その結果、多くの染色体の異数性がピルビン酸濃度の減少と関連があった。特に、第11番染色体が余分に付与された清酒酵母の一倍体(単数体)の異数体では、正倍数体よりも少ないピルビン酸を生成した。第11番染色体の異数体では、ミトコンドリアに関連した代謝産物や細胞内の酸素分子種が正倍数体よりも多く、この効果はそれらの呼吸欠損変異株では消失した。このことは、染色体の増加がミトコンドリア活性を上方調節しピルビン酸レベルを低減することを示唆している。これらの発見は、清酒酵母の一倍体(単数体)において、第11番を含む染色体数の増加がミトコンドリア活性の増加を通じてピルビン酸レベルの低減に繋がることを示すものである。本研究は、醸造用酵母の染色体異数性のプロファイルの改良への関与を提唱した最初の報告である。



Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83 (24),e01620-17 (2017)

3 Characterization of amylolytic enzyme overproducing mutant of Aspergillus luchuensis obtained by ion beam mutagenesis. イオンビームを変異原として取得したAspergillus luchuensisのデンプン分解酵素の高生産変異株の解析

Toshihiro Kojo, Chihiro Kadooka, Marisa Komohara, Shiori Onitsuka, Miya Tanimura, Yukiko Muroi, Shugo Kurazono, Yohei Shiraishi, Ken Oda, Kazuhiro Iwashita, Masahira Onoue, Kayu Okutsu, Yumiko Yoshizaki, Kazunori Takamine, Taiki Futagami, Kazuki Mori, Hisanori Tamaki

Aspergillus luchuensis is a kuro (black) koji fungus that has been used as a starch degrader for the awamori- and shochu-making industries in Japan. In this study, we investigated the effect of ion beam irradiation on A. luchuensis RIB2601 and obtained a high starch-degrading mutant strain U1. Strain U1 showed reduced growth rate, whereas it showed higher α-amylase, glucoamylase, and α-glucosidase activities on a mycelial mass basis than the wild type (wt) strain both on agar plates and in rice koji. In addition, strain U1 showed higher N-acetylglucosamine content in the cell wall and higher sensitivity to calcofluor white, suggesting a deficiency in cell wall composition. Interestingly, produced protein showed higher expression of acid-labile α-amylase (AmyA) and glucoamylase (GlaA) in strain U1, although real-time RT-PCR indicated no significant change in the transcription of the amyA or glaA gene. These results suggested that the high amylolytic activity of strain U1 is attributable to a high AmyA and GlaA production level, but the elevated production is not due to transcriptional regulation of the corresponding genes. Furthermore, RNA-seq analysis indicated that strain U1 shows transcriptional changes in at least 604 genes related to oxidation-reduction, transport, and glucosamine-containing compound metabolic processes, which may be involved in the deficient cell wall composition of strain U1.

黒麹菌Aspergillus luchuensisは、泡盛と焼酎の製造において原料中のデンプンを分解する役割がある。本研究では、黒麹菌RIB2601株へのイオンビームの照射により取得した高いデンプン分解活性を示す変異株(以下、U1株とする)について解析した。デンプンを炭素源とする寒天培地、あるいは米麹において、U1株は親株であるRIB2601株よりも生育が遅延したが、菌体量あたりのα-アミラーゼ活性、グルコアミラーゼ活性、およびα-グルコシダーゼ活性がRIB2601株よりも高い。なお、寒天培地おいては凍結乾燥菌体重量あたりの各酵素活性を測定し、米麹においてはN-アセチルグルコサミンを指標に推定した菌体重量あたりの酵素活性を測定した。この際、U1株は菌体あたりのN-アセチルグルコサミン含量が増大していることが明らかとなり、カルコフルオロホワイトに高感受性を示したことからも細胞壁合成組成に異常が生じていることが示唆された。次に、分泌画分のNative-PAGEおよびMALDI-TOF MS解析により、U1株はRIB2601株よりも非耐酸性α-アミラーゼとグルコアミラーゼを高分泌生産していることが示唆された。一方、リアルタイムRT-PCRとRNA-seq解析の結果は、これらをコードする遺伝子の転写レベルは変化していないことを示唆した。したがって、U1株の高いデンプン分解活性は、非耐酸性α-アミラーゼとグルコアミラーゼのタンパク質レベルの上昇によるものと考えられたが、それが転写レベルでの変化によるものではないことが示唆された。さらに、RNA-seq解析では、RIB2601株とU1株との間で少なくとも604遺伝子の発現が変動していることが示唆された。GO解析の結果、これらの発現変動遺伝子には、酸化還元反応、輸送系、グルコサミン含有化合物の代謝経路に関与する遺伝子が含まれていた。グルコサミン含有化合物の代謝経路に関する遺伝子の発現変動は、U1株におけるN-アセチルグルコサミン含量の増大に関与しているかもしれない。

The Journal of general and applied microbiology, doi 10.2323/jgam.2017.02.004

(2) 公開特許

1 変形性関節症予防用組成物、変形性関節症予防用食品組成物、変形性関節症予防用食品添加物及び変形性関節症予防用医薬





2018/4/19 掲載

2. 第2四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 平成27酒造年度全国新酒鑑評会出品酒の分析について Analysis of Sake Components Presented to Sake Contest in 2016

Tsutomu FUJII, Atsuko ISOGAI, Sachiko IIZUKA, Hanae IZU, Ryoko KANDA,and Nami GOTOH





酒類総合研究所報告, 189, 1-16 (2017)

2 第39回本格焼酎鑑評会について Review of the 39th Honkaku Shochu Contest in 2016

Osamu YAMADA, Nobuhiko MUKAI, Muneyoshi KANAI, Osamu MIZUTANI, Nahoko NISHIBORI,Akinori MUTO, Takeshi AKAO, Maki KAMIMOTO, and Nami GOTO-YAMAMOTO

単式蒸留焼酎の品質を全国的に調査研究することにより、製造技術と酒質の現状及び動向を把握するとともに製造業者の参考とするため、第39 回本格焼酎鑑評会を日本酒造組合中央会と共催で開催した。出品資格は、単式蒸留焼酎の製造免許を受けている製造者で、かつ日本酒造組合中央会の組合員に限った。審査は平成28年6月 2日(木)及び6月3日(金)に行い、単式蒸留焼酎の製造に関与している者等が出品酒をきき酒する製造技術研究会は6月24日(金)に研究所で開催し111名が参加した。なお、一昨年度から輸出促進等に資する品質確保のために、分析を希望する出品者に対して有料でメタノールの受託分析を実施している。出品状況、審査及び分析結果の概要について報告する。

酒類総合研究所報告, 189, 17-30 (2017)

3 2016年度全国地ビール品質審査会出品酒の分析について Anasysis of Beer Components Presented to Craft Beer Contest of Japan Brewers Association in 2016

Kazutaka KUSAKA, Akinori MUTO

2016年度全国地ビール品質審査会(以下、「審査会」という。)は、地ビールの醸造技術向上及び品質改善を目的として、全国地ビール醸造者協議会(Japan Brewers Association、以下、「JBA」という。)の主催により、平成29年3月22日(水)に、日本醸造協会赤レンガ酒造工場(東京都北区滝野川)において実施された。審査会には43社から83点の出品があり、79点が官能評価による審査に供された。出品酒については、事前に研究所において成分分析及び微生物検査が実施された。


酒類総合研究所報告, 189, 31-36 (2017)

4 焼酎の官能評価用語と尺度評価 Shochu Sensory Assessmen

Nobuhiko MUKAI, Jinshun HAN, Nahoko NISHIBORI and Muneyoshi KANAI


酒類総合研究所報告, 189, 37-43 (2017)

5 Effects of low dose of ethanol on the senescence score, brain function and gene expression in senescence-accelerated mice 8 (SAMP8) 老化促進マウス8(SAMP8)における低用量エタノール摂取の老化スコア、脳機能、遺伝子発現への影響

Akiko KIMOTO, Hanae IZU, Churan FU, Sofya SUIDASARI, Norihisa KATO

Accumulating epidemiological evidence suggests light to moderate alcohol intake reduces risk of several chronic diseases. However, there is limited information regarding the effects of low alcohol intake in animal studies. This study investigated the effect of low ethanol dosage on senescence-accelerated mouse (SAMP8), an animal model of aging and neurodegenaration. Male SAMP8 mice (11 weeks old) had free access to a commercial stock diet with drinking water containing 0%, 1% or 2% (v/v) ethanol for 15 weeks. The total grading score of senescence in the 1%-ethanol group was, in large part, the lowest among the three groups. Analysis using the open-field test revealed a significant elevation (+77%, P < 0.05) in the rearing activity (index of seeking behavior) in the 1%-ethanol group, but not in the 2%-ethanol group. In addition, 2% ethanol elevated spontaneous locomotor activity (+75%, P < 0.05), whereas 1% ethanol did not. Scrutiny of serum parameters indicated intake of 1% ethanol significantly decreased serum insulin levels (-13%, P < 0.05), whereas 2% did not. Intake of 2% ethanol significantly elevated (2.5-fold, P < 0.05) S100a8 mRNA (an inflammatory signal) in the brain, but that of 1% ethanol did not. Intriguingly, 1% ethanol intake remarkably elevated (10-fold, P < 0.05) mRNA of brain alcohol dehydrogenase 1 (Adh1), which metabolizes lipid-peroxidation products and is involved in the synthesis of retinoic acid, a neuroprotective factor. Of note, 2%-ethanol intake did not exert this effect. Taken together, intake of 1% ethanol is likely to be beneficial for SAMP8 mice.

軽度から中程度のアルコール摂取が一部の慢性疾患リスクを減少させることが、疫学的証拠の蓄積で示唆されている。しかしながら、動物実験における少量アルコール摂取の影響については情報が限られている。本研究では、老化と神経変性のモデルである、老化促進マウス(SAMP8)における低用量エタノール摂取の影響を調べた。オスのSAMP8マウス(11週齢)に15週間、市販固形食及び0、1、2%(v/v)のエタノールを含む飲料水を自由摂取させた。1%エタノール群の老化スコア合計は3群間で最も低かった。オープンフィールド試験で1%エタノール群の立ち上がり回数(探索行動指標)が有意に上昇したが(+77%、P < 0.05)、2%エタノール群では上昇しなかった。2%エタノール群の自発運動量が増加したが(+75%、P < 0.05)、1%エタノール群では増加しなかった。血清パラメーターの解析により、1%エタノール群で有意にインシュリンが低下したが(-13%、P < 0.05)、2%エタノール群では低下しないことがわかった。2%エタノール群の脳でS100a8 (炎症シグナル)のmRNAが有意に増加したが(2.5倍、P < 0.05)、1%エタノール群では増加しなかった。興味深いことに、1%エタノール群の脳で、脂質過酸化生成物代謝やレチノイン酸(神経保護因子)産生に関与するアルコール脱水素酵素1遺伝子(Adh1)のmRNAが顕著に増加した(10倍、P < 0.05)。一方で2%エタノール群では増加が見られなかった。以上より、1%エタノール摂取によるSAMP8への有益な効果の可能性が示唆された。

Experimental and Therapeutic Medcine, 14, 1433-1440 (2017)

6 Carbon Stable Isotope Analysis for Glucose in Sake: Simple Freeze-Dried Sake Can Substitute for Glucose Following HPLC Isolation 清酒中グルコースの炭素安定同位体比分析:凍結乾燥させた清酒はHPLCによって単離したグルコースの代替となり得る

Fumikazu AKAMATSU, Tomokazu HASHIGUCHI, Yukari IGI, Hanae IZU, Tsutomu FUJII

Carbon stable isotope analysis of ethanol is an established method for determining the authenticity of alcoholic beverages, but there is no accepted method for measurements of glucose carbon stable isotopic composition (δ13C). This study aims to establish two methods to determine accurately theδ13C value of glucose isolated from sake by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) after three clean-up steps using ion exchange chromatography and in simple freeze-dried sake (total nonvolatile matter) and to examine two methods that yield differentδ13C values. In the glucose isolation procedure, theδ13C values of glucose were not significantly affected by the glucose concentration, solvent (water or aqueous acetonitrile), drying method (freeze-dry or nitrogen-spraying), the clean-up step using ion exchange chromatography (weakly acidic cation-exchange, strongly acidic cation-exchange, and weakly basic anion-exchange resins), or HPLC isolation. Glucose nitrogen spray-dried after isolation by ion exchange chromatography and HPLC showed a carbon isotope discrimination value of <0.1 ‰. The glucoseδ13C values ranged from -26.8 to -25.5 ‰ in authentic sake and from -27.0 to -11.0 ‰ in commercial sake samples. This HPLC isolation approach may provide a first step toward visualizing the brewing process via isotopic carbon flow during fermentation. Additionally, there was no significant difference between theδ13C values of glucose and total nonvolatile matter from sake. Theδ13C measurement of simple freeze-dried sake can substitute for glucoseδ13C measurement using HPLC isolation, thus aiding high-throughput detection of carbon derived from C4 plants in sake.


Food Analytical Methods, 10, 2792-2799 (2017)

7 Application of Carbon and Hydrogen Stable Isotope Analyses to Detect Exogenous Citric Acid in Japanese Apricot Liqueur 梅酒における添加クエン酸検出への炭素・水素安定同位体比分析の応用

Fumikazu AKAMATSU, Takaaki OE, Tomokazu HASHIGUCHI, Yuri HISATSUNE, Takafumi KAWAWO, Tsutomu FUJII

Japanese apricot liqueur manufacturers are required to control the quality and authenticity of their liqueur products. Citric acid made from corn is the main acidulant used in commercial liqueurs. In this study, we conducted spiking experiments and carbon and hydrogen stable isotope analyses to detect exogenous citric acid used as an acidulant in Japanese apricot liqueurs. Our results showed that the δ13C values detected exogenous citric acid originating from C4 plants but not from C3 plants. The δ2H values of citric acid decreased as the amount of citric acid added increased, whether the citric acid originated from C3 or C4 plants. Commercial liqueurs with declared added acidulant provided higher δ13C values and lowerδ2H values than did authentic liqueurs and commercial liqueurs with no declared added acidulant. Carbon and hydrogen stable isotope analyses are suitable as routine methods for detecting exogenous citric acid in Japanese apricot liqueur.

梅酒生産者は、製造した梅酒の品質と信頼性確保が求められている。トウモロコシを原料としたクエン酸は市販梅酒の主要な酸味料として使用されている。本研究では、梅酒の酸味料として添加されたクエン酸を検出するために、添加実験と炭素・水素安定同位体比分析を実施した。δ13C値はC4 植物由来クエン酸を検出できたが、C3 植物由来クエン酸は検出できなかった。一方、δ2H値は、C3 植物とC4植物由来に関わらず、クエン酸の添加量に応じて低くなった。酸味料表示のある市販梅酒は、酸味料表示のない梅酒と酸味料を添加していない対照梅酒よりも高いδ13C値と低いδ2H値を示した。炭素・水素安定同位体比分析は、梅酒に添加されたクエン酸の検出手法として有用である。

Food Chemistry, 228, 297-300 (2017)

8 Evaluation of method bias for determining bacterial populations in bacterial community analyses 細菌叢解析において細菌数定量結果に各種定量法が与えるバイアスの影響評価


Various methods are used for analyzing a bacterial community. We recently developed a method for quantifying each bacterium constituting the microbiota by combining a next-generation sequencing (NGS) analysis with a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (NGS-qPCR) assay. Our NGS-qPCR method is useful for analyzing a comprehensive bacterial community because it is enables the easy calculation of the amounts of each bacterium constituting the microbiota. However, it has not been confirmed whether the estimated bacterial community obtained using this NGS-qPCR method corresponds to the results obtained using conventional methods. Accordingly, we prepared model bacterial community samples and analyzed them by several methods (NGS-qPCR, species-specific qPCR, flow cytometry, total direct counting by epifluorescent microscopy [TDC], and plate count). The total bacterial cell densities determined by the PCR-based methods were largely consistent with those determined by the TDC method. There was a difference between the amounts of each bacterium analyzed by NGS-qPCR and species-specific qPCR, although the same trend was shown by both species-specific qPCR and NGS-qPCR. Our findings also demonstrated that there is a strong positive correlation between the cell densities of a specific bacterial group in craft beer samples determined by group-specific qPCR and NGS-qPCR, and there were no significant differences among quantification methods (we tested two bacterial groups: lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid bacteria). Thus, the NGS-qPCR method is a practical method for analyzing a comprehensive bacterial community based on a bacterial cell density.


Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 124(4), 476-486 (2017)

9 Phenotypic Diagnosis of Lineage and Differentiation During Sake Yeast Breeding 清酒酵母の育種改良の間の系統及び分化の表現型診断

Shinsuke OHNUKI, Hiroki OKADA,* Anne FRIEDRICH, Yoichiro KANNO, Tetsuya GOSHIMA, Hirokazu HASUDA, Masaaki INAHASHI, Naoto OKAZAKI, Hiroyasu TAMURA, Ryo NAKAMURA, Dai HIRATA, Hisashi FUKUDA, Hitoshi SHIMOI, Katsuhiko KITAMOTO, Daisuke WATANABE, Joseph SCHACHERER, Takeshi AKAO, and Yoshikazu OHYA

Sake yeast was developed exclusively in Japan. Its diversification during breeding remains largely uncharacterized. To evaluate the breeding processes of the sake lineage, we thoroughly investigated the phenotypes and differentiation of 27 sake yeast strains using high-dimensional, single-cell, morphological phenotyping. Although the genetic diversity of the sake yeast lineage is relatively low, its morphological diversity has expanded substantially compared to that of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae species as a whole. Evaluation of the different types of breeding processes showed that the generation of hybrids (crossbreeding) has more profound effects on cell morphology than the isolation of mutants (mutation breeding). Analysis of phenotypic robustness revealed that some sake yeast strains are more morphologically heterogeneous, possibly due to impairment of cellular network hubs. This study provides a new perspective for studying yeast breeding genetics and micro-organism breeding strategies.

清酒酵母は、専ら日本において進化してきた。その育種改良の間の多様化については、多くが明らかではない。清酒系統の育種改良過程の評価を目的として、著者らは高次単一細胞表現型解析により、27の清酒酵母菌株の表現型と分化について徹底調査を行った。清酒酵母系統の遺伝的多様性は比較的小さいにもかかわらず、その形態的多様性は、Saccharomyces cerevisiae種全体のそれと比較して、大幅に大きくなっていた。異なるタイプの育種改良過程の評価により、交雑体(交雑育種)の生成は、変異体の単離(変異育種)よりも、細胞形態により広範囲な影響を及ぼすことが示された。表現型のロバストネスの解析は、ある種の清酒酵母菌株が、おそらくは細胞ネットワークハブの障害が原因で、形態的に不均一であることを明らかにした。本研究は酵母の育種遺伝学と微生物育種戦略に新たな視点を提供するものである。

G3:Genes,Genomes,Genetics, 7 (8), 2807-2820 (2017)

10 泡盛用原料米の白米水分及び砕米化が吸水性に及ぼす影響と二度蒸しによる蒸米吸水率の向上 Effects of moisture and pulverizing of rice on the absorption rate of rice grains used for awamori: improvement of the absorption ratio of steamed rice by two steamings.

Masaki OKUDA, Midori JOYO, Hisashi FUKUDA, Takako TAMAMURA


Thai non-broken rice has been mainly used for the production of awamori after 2010. It is more difficult to absorb water ideally than for Thai broken rice, which has been mainly used for a long time. This difficulty in absorption for Thai non-broken rice has the recently demanded on immediate solution. In the present study, to obtain the basic knowledge for improving the absorption of Thai non-broken rice, we examined the suitability of Thai rice used for awamori production compared with Nipponbare, which is used for sake making. The property of Thai rice starch by RVA analysis was significantly different from that of Nipponbare. The water absorption ratio of rice showed a negative correlation with the moisture of rice grains in both Thai rice and Nipponbare. However, the ratio of water absorption of Thai rice was lower than that of Nipponbare, when the moisture of the rice was same. The speed of water absorption was significantly improved by pulverizing the rice grains when the steeping time was short. Two steamings also significantly improved the ratio of water absorption of steamed rice and enzyme digestibility. From the above results, we recommend that prevention of an increase in the moisture of rice grains is important to deal with Thai rice appropriately. Also, sufficient steeping time, or two steamings are effective to achieve the ideal ratio of water absorption when using Thai rice.

日本醸造協会誌, 112, 629-640 (2017)

11 Chloride-free and water-soluble Au complex for preparation of supported small nanoparticles by impregnation method 塩化物イオン非含有水溶性金錯体を用いた含浸法による微小担持ナノ粒子の調製

Haruno MURAYAMA, Takayuki HASEGAWA, Yusuke YAMAMOTO, Misaki TONE, Moemi KIMURA, Tamao ISHIDA, Tetsuo HONMA, Mitsutaka OKUMURA, Atsuko ISOGAI, Tsutomu FUJII and Makoto TOKUNAGA

A novel simple and easy impregnation method for preparation of small gold (Au) nanoparticle (NP) catalysts (<3 nm) deposited on various supports including silica, which is difficult to be applied for conventional methods, has been developed. Chloride-free and water-soluble precursor, Au complexes coordinated with β-alanine, were successful for the preparing Au NPs, which exhibited an average diameter less than 3 nm. Thermal behavior of the Au complex was investigated by TG-DTA and in situ XAFS. XAFS analyses and DFT calculations revealed a molecular structure of the Au complex to be square-planar coordination structure and mononuclear complex of Au3+. Lower decomposition and reduction temperature of the chloride-free Au complex prevented Au atoms from aggregating and from following growth of Au particles. The prepared Au/SiO2 showed high selectivity for hydrogenation of 1-nitro-4-vinylbenzene into 1-ethyl-4-nitorobenzene and good performance for removal of unpalatable aroma by means of adsorption of polysulfide molecules.

従来法では難しかったシリカを含む様々な担体上に、微小金ナノ粒子触媒(<3nm)を簡単に担持できる新規な含浸法を開発した。塩化物イオンを含まない水溶性の金-β-アラニン錯体により、平均直径3 nm以下の金ナノ粒子を調製することに成功した。錯体の熱分解過程をTG-DTAとXAFS測定し、さらにDFT計算を行ったところ、3価Auを中心とした平面4配位の単核錯体と解析された。また、金-β-アラニン錯体では、配位子の脱離とAuの還元が低温で速やかに進行するため、HAuCl4よりも金の凝集が起きにくくなったものと考えられる。調製したAu/SiO2は、1-ニトロ-4-ビニルベンゼンの水素化による1-エチル-4-ニトロベンゼン生成への高選択性とポリスルフィド吸着による不快臭の除去に高活性を示した。

Journal of Catalysis, 353, 74-81 (2017)

(2) 公開特許

1 アルコール飲料におけるクエン酸添加の有無を判定する方法





2 米の特性を評価するための方法及びキット





3 醸造特性が向上した酵母株の作出方法





2018/4/19 掲載

1. 第1四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 Phenotypes and brewing characteristics of sake yeast Kyokai no. 7 mutants resistant to valproate 清酒酵母きょうかい7号由来バルプロ酸耐性変異体の表現型と醸造特性

Kazuya TOMIMOTO, Takeshi AKAO, Hisashi FUKUDA

Screening of drug-resistant mutants of sake yeast strains has been a major method for creation of superior strains. We attempted to create a valproic acid (VPA)-resistant mutant strain from sake yeast Kyokai No. 7 (K7). VPA is a branched-chain fatty acid and is an inositol synthesis inhibitor in mammals and yeast. We succeeded in isolating a mutant of strain K7 that can survive long-term in a VPA-containing medium. This strain, K7-VPALS, is significantly more resistant to not only VPA-induced cell death but also ethanol in comparison with the parent strain. Further experiments showed that the new strain is likely to have a deficiency in inositol and/or phosphatidylinositol synthesis. The major characteristics of sake brewed by strain K7-VPALS (compared with K7) were lower amino acidity, higher isoamyl acetate content without an increase in the isoamyl alcohol level and changes in constituent organic acids, particularly higher malate and succinate but lower acetate concentrations. In addition, taste sensor analysis revealed that K7-VPALS-brewed sake has milder sourness and higher saltiness or richness than K7-brewed sake does. High isoamyl acetate production may be related to a deficiency in phosphatidylinositol because this compound directly inhibits alcohol acetyltransferase, an enzyme responsible for isoamyl acetate synthesis. Strain K7-VPALS grew more rapidly than the parental strain did in a medium containing acetate as a sole carbon source, indicating that K7-VPALS effectively assimilates acetate and converts it to malate and succinate through the glyoxylate cycle. Thus, strain K7-VPALS shows improved characteristics for brewing of high-quality sake.

薬剤耐性を指標としたスクリーニングは、優良清酒酵母を選抜する主な手法である。我々は、バルプロ酸(valproic acid, VPA)耐性株を清酒酵母きょうかい7号(K7)より分離することを試みた。VPAは分岐鎖脂肪酸の一種であり、哺乳動物及び酵母対してイノシトール合成阻害作用があることが知られている。我々は、VPA含有培地中で長期間生存可能なK7変異体の単離に成功した。本菌株K7-VPALS(「LS」はLong-term Survival(長期生存)の略)は、VPAによって誘導される細胞死のみならず、エタノールによるそれに対しても親株よりも高い耐性を示した。さらに、K7-VPALSはイノシトールまたはホスファチジルイノシトール合成系に部分欠損を持つことも示唆された。親株K7との比較におけるK7-VPALSの主な清酒醸造特性としては、低アミノ酸度・(イソアミルアルコールの増加を伴わない)高酢酸イソアミル・有機酸組成の変化(高リンゴ酸・高コハク酸・低酢酸)が見られた。味認識装置による解析の結果、酸味がやや穏やかになっており、塩味(いわゆる「コク)を反映)が増強されていることも明らかになった。ホスファチジルイノシトールは、酢酸イソアミル合成を担うアルコールアセチルトランスフェラーゼを直接阻害することから、前述の酢酸イソアミルの増加は、ホスファチジルイノシトール合成能不全との関連が考えられた。また、K7-VPALSは親株K7と比べて酢酸を唯一の炭素源とする合成培地中での増殖に優れることが分かった。この結果から、K7-VPALSは酢酸資化能に優れ、酢酸を(おそらくグリオキシル酸回路を介して)リンゴ酸・コハク酸に変換する効率が高いことが示唆された。このように、K7-VPALSには高品質の清酒を醸造する上で様々な利点があることが示された。

Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 123, 252-258 (2017)

2 泡盛及び甘藷焼酎の揮発性成分間の相関解析 A correlation analysis of the compounds in Awamori and sweet potato shochu

Hisashi FUKUDA, Jinshun HAN, Osamu MIZUTANI, Muneyoshi KANAI and Osamu YAMADA


Eighty-four volatile compounds of Awamori and sweet potato shochu were analyzed by head space solid phase micro extraction(SPME) and direct head space analysis, and the correlation between the compounds was analyzed. A high correlation between the medium-chain fatty acid esters and between higher fatty acid esters was generally shown, and the similarity of the chemical structure and biosynthesis was speculated to this contribute to correlation. In monoterpene alcohol and low boiling point ester, the compounds showed a high correlation and a synthesis path was expected. Surprisingly, furfural correlated with some of the aldehyde compounds. In addition, in Awamori and sweet poatato shochu, the compounds showing a high correlation were given individual consideration.

日本醸造協会誌, 112, 273-314 (2017)

3 本格焼酎鑑評会出品酒の使用麹による揮発性成分の比較検討 Comparison the volatile composition of shochu exhibited in the Honkaku Shochu Contontest by used koji

Hisashi FUKUDA, Jinshun HAN and Osamu YAMADA


Shochu exhibited in the Honkaku Shochu Contest was classified according to kinds of used koji, and 84 volatile compounds in it were attempted to be compared by koji category. Though there was a significant difference in some volatile compounds of shochu between used koji, it was expected to be due to materials. Then, as sample bias of sweet potato shochu among shochu exhibited was small compared to it of the other shochu, volatile compounds of sweet potato shochu were examined the effect of used koji. In sweet potato shochu, there was a significant difference in 13 volatile compounds between white koji products and black koji products. In a stepwise discriminant analysis procedure, white koji products and black koji products were classified by 6 volatile compounds (1-hexanol, 1-octen-3-ol, isobutyl caproate, ethyl myristate, α-bisabolol, and S-methyl thioacetate). Estimating the accuracy of the discriminant analysis by cross validation, the ratios of appropriate classification were 83.0%.

日本醸造協会誌, 112, 343-349 (2017)

4 日本産ラム酒の揮発性成分組成の特性 Characteristics of the volatile composition of Japanese rum

Hisashi FUKUDA and Jinshun HAN


To classify Japanese rum (n=18) and imported rum (n=32), we analyzed 78 volatile compounds by solid phase micro extraction(SPME), and 6 volatile compounds by direct head space analysis. There was a significant difference in 34 volatile compounds between Japanese rum and rum made in Caribbean countries and bordering the Indian Ocean. In a stepwise discriminant analysis procedure using 6 volatile compounds (1-hexanol, guaiacol, diethyl succinate, 2-methylbutyl acetate, acetaldehyde and furfural), all of 50 samples were rightly classified. Estimating the accuracy of the discriminant analysis by cross validation, the ratios of appropriate classification were 100 %.

To test the robustness of a discrimination coefficient obtained,a discrimination analysis of Japanese rum and different imported rum (n=40) provided the ratios of appropriate classification at 92.5 %. We believe that Japanese rum can be distinguished from imported rum with relatively high precision by the discriminant analysis. In addition, the production process of Japanese rum speculated from compounds was given consideration.

日本醸造協会誌, 112, 423-431 (2017)

5 Factors affecting dimethyl trisulfide formation in wine ワインにおいてDMTSの生成に影響を及ぼす要因


Dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS), which develops in wine during storage, creates unpleasant aromas. However, mechanisms of DMTS formation in the wine-making process are poorly understood. Here we attempted to identify several factors that affect DMTS development during storage. Results show that the death of yeast cells followed by the leakage of cell contents into must enhances DMTS formation, but this effect differs with the kind of grapes. Oxidation of must as well as insufficient clarification of grape juice can also lead to DMTS development during storage. DMTS-P1 and methanethiol, precursor compounds of DMTS in other beverages, made little contribution to DMTS formation in wine. When synthetic grape must was fermented instead of grape juice, less DMTS developed, although almost yeast cells were dead. Results indicated that unknown compounds contained in grape juice are involved in DMTS formation and that key compounds involved in DMTS formation in wine originate from grapes.

ワインの貯蔵中に生成されるDimethyl trisulfide (DMTS) は劣化臭の一つであるが、その生成機構はよくわかっていない。我々は、ワインの製造条件を検討することによりDMTSの生成に影響を与える要因を調べた。その結果、マスト中の酵母が死滅するとDMTSの生成が促進されること、その効果は原料として用いたブドウの影響を受けること、マストの酸化や不十分な果汁の清澄化はDMTSの生成を促進することが明らかとなった。他の酒類においてDMTSの前駆体として知られているDMTS-P1やメタンチオールは、ワインにおいてはDMTSの生成にほとんど寄与しないことから、ブドウ由来の何らかの物質がDMTSの生成に重要な役割を果たしていることが示唆された。

Food Science and Technology Research, 23, 241-248 (2017)

2018/4/19 掲載