令和元年度 研究成果

4. 第4四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 Effects of Rice Wine Lees on Cognitive Function in Community- Dwelling Physically Active Older Adults: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. 地域在住の身体的に活動的な高齢者の認知機能に対する酒粕の影響:パイロット無作為化対照試験

Narumi NAGAI, Nana SHINDO, Akari WADA, Hanae IZU, Tsutomu FUJII, Takahiro AKASHI, Misato TOKUI, Kiminori MATSUBARA, Yuji WADA, and Naoki SAKANE

Rice wine lees (RWL), a Japanese traditional fermented product, is a rich source of one-carbon metabolism related nutrients, which may have beneficial effects on cognitive function.


We aimed to examine the effect of the RWL on cognitive function in community-dwelling physically active older adults.


Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study (clinical trial number: UMIN 000027158).


Community-based intervention including assessments conducted at the University of Hyogo and a public liberal arts school in Himeji City, Japan.


A total of 35 community-dwelling older adults (68-80 years) who performed mild exercise before and during the trial were assigned to either the RWL (n=17) or the placebo group (n=18).


Daily consumption of 50 g RWL powder, which contained one-carbon metabolism-related nutrients, or the placebo powder (made from soy protein and dextrin) for 12 weeks. Both supplements included equivalent amounts of energy and protein.


Montreal Cognitive Assessment, computerized cognitive function test, and measurements of serum predictive biomarkers (transthyretin, apolipoprotein A1, and complement C3) were conducted at baseline and follow-up.


Visual selective attention and serum transthyretin significantly improved in the RWL group, whereas there was no significant change in the placebo group. No significant group difference was observed in the remaining cognitive performance tests.


RWL supplements seem to have a few effects on cognitive function in community-dwelling physically active older adults. However, the impact was limited; therefore, further studies with sufficient sample size are warranted to elucidate this issue.






二重盲検、無作為化、プラセボ対照試験(臨床試験番号:UMIN 000027158)。




試験前および試験中に軽度の運動を行った合計35人の地域在住高齢者(68-80歳)をRWL(n = 17)またはプラセボ群(n = 18)に割り当てた。


12週間、1炭素代謝関連栄養素を含む50 g RWLパウダーまたはプラセボパウダー(大豆タンパク質とデキストリンから作成)を毎日摂取。どちらも同等のエネルギーとタンパク質を含む。







The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease 2020, 7(2): 95-103.

2 Aspergillus luchuensis fatty acid oxygenase ppoC is necessary for 1-octen-3-ol biosynthesis in rice koji 黒麹菌の脂肪酸オキシゲナーゼppoCは、米麹における1-octen-3-ol生合成の必須因子である

Ryousuke Kataoka, Taisuke Watanabe, Shigekazu Yano, Osamu Mizutani, Osamu Yamada, Takafumi Kasumi, Jun Ogihara
片岡涼輔, 渡邉泰祐, 矢野成和, 水谷 治, 山田修, 春見隆文, 荻原淳

Awamori is a distilled spirit produced in Okinawa Prefecture, in southern Japan. Awamori contains the volatile organic compound 1-octen-3-ol, an important flavor component. Here, using solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SPME-GCMS), we demonstrate that the black koji mold Aspergillus luchuensis produces 1-octen-3-ol in rice koji. To examine the role of the fatty acid oxygenase genes ppoA and ppoC in 1-octen-3-ol biosynthesis by A. luchuensis, we constructed ppoA and ppoC disruptants, ΔppoA and ΔppoC, respectively, via protoplast-PEG transformation. No clear differences in growth and conidiation were observed between the transformants and the parent strain. Volatile compounds in rice koji prepared using these gene disruptants were analyzed by SPME-GCMS. The amount of 1-octen-3-ol contained in koji produced by the ΔppoA strain was the same as that produced by the parental strain. In contrast, although the ΔppoC strain grew on the rice koji, was not detected. These results indicate that ppoC is involved in 1-octen-3-ol biosynthesis in A. luchuensis.

泡盛は沖縄の蒸留酒であり、1-octen-3-olは、その特徴香の一つである。我々は、SPME-GCMS法により米麹において黒麴菌(Aspergillus luchuensis)が1-octen-3-olを生産することを明らかとした。1-octen-3-ol生合成における脂肪酸オキシゲナーゼ遺伝子の機能を解析するためにppoA 及び ppoC遺伝子破壊株をprotoplast-PEG法により作製した。両破壊株の生育は親株と変わらなかったが、ppoC遺伝子破壊株において1-octen-3-olが検出されず、ppoCが、米麹における1-octen-3-ol生合成の必須因子であることが示唆された。

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 129, 192-198 (2020)

3 Characterisation and threshold measurement of aroma compounds contributing to the quality of Honkaku shochu and Awamori 本格焼酎・泡盛の品質を特徴付ける香気成分の閾値調査及び特性把握

Yukio Osafune, Kenji Toshida, Jinshun Han, Atsuko Isogai, Nobuhiko Mukai

Honkaku shochu and Awamori are traditional Japanese spirits. The detection and recognition thresholds of 16 compounds in these spirits were determined to understand the compounds contributing to the aroma characteristics of Honkaku shochu and Awamori. The odour activity values calculated using detection thresholds suggested that 14 compounds affect the quality of Honkaku shochu and Awamori. The odour activity values of β‐damascenone and rose oxide were much higher in sweet potato shochu and these two compounds are considered to contribute to the characteristics of sweet potato shochu. Similarly, the odour activity value of 1‐octen‐3‐ol was higher in Awamori than in the other categories, suggesting that 1‐octen‐3‐ol produces the characteristic aroma of Awamori. In addition, the sensory attribute terms of 16 compounds are summarised.

本格焼酎・泡盛は日本の伝統的な蒸留酒である。本格焼酎・泡盛の品質を特徴付ける成分を明らかにするため、本格焼酎・泡盛に含まれる16の成分について検知閾値及び認知閾値を決定した。検知閾値を用いて計算したOdour activity value(OAV)は14の成分について、本格焼酎・泡盛の品質に寄与していることを示唆した。β‐ダマセノンとローズオキサイドのOAVは甘藷焼酎において特に高く、これらの成分は甘藷焼酎の特徴香として存在していることが推察された。同様に、1-オクテン-3-オールのOAVは泡盛において他の区分と比較して高い値となっており、この成分が泡盛の特徴香として存在していることが推察された。これに併せて16の成分に対応する官能評価用語をとりまとめた。

Journal of The Institute of Brewing, 126, 131-135 (2020)

4 Mechanism of high folate accumulation in a sake yeast other than Kyokai yeasts 非きょうかい清酒酵母における葉酸高蓄積機構

Yusuke Shibata, Tasuku Yamada, Tomoko Morimoto, Tsutomu Fujii, Takeshi Akao, Tetsuya Goshima, Toshinari Takahashi, and Nobuchika Tanaka

Folates are important vitamins in human nutrition. Pressed sake cake, a brewing by-product of sake, is a rich dietary source of folates derived from sake yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). The National Research Institute of Brewing investigated 106 samples of pressed sake cake and revealed that three samples containing large amounts of folates were produced by Km67 yeast derived from the house sake yeast strain of Kiku-Masamune sake brewery. In this study, we performed sake brewing tests using Km67 and Kyokai no. 7 group strains and confirmed that Km67 yeast contributed to the production of pressed sake cake containing large amounts of folates. To elucidate the mechanisms of high folate accumulation in Km67, we performed whole-genome sequence analysis in Km67 and then screened 10 folate metabolizing genes showing different sequences in Km67 and K7 strains. By folate analysis of each gene-disrupted strain derived from strain BY4743, we also selected four genes having significant effects on folate content in yeast from 10 candidate genes. Folate analysis of gene-disrupted yeast strains complemented with either Km67-type genes or K7-type genes revealed that the Km67-type HMT1 gene was related to high folate accumulation not only in laboratory yeast but also in sake yeast. In this gene, Leu63Phe was present in the methyltransferase motif I of Hmt1p, which was essential for the methyltransferase activity of Hmt1p. Our results and previous reports suggested that the methyltransferase activity of Km67-Hmt1p was higher than that of K7-Hmt1p, leading to enhanced production and high accumulation of folates in Km67 yeast.

葉酸は人の栄養において重要なビタミンである。清酒の醸造副産物である酒粕は、清酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiaeに由来する葉酸の豊富な食供給源である。酒類総合研究所では106の清酒粕試料を調査し、菊正宗酒造の蔵付き酵母に由来するKm67酵母により製造された3試料において、特に多くの葉酸が含まれることを明らかにした。本研究において著者らはKm67株とK7グループの菌株を用いた清酒醸造試験を行い、Km67株が多量に葉酸を含んだ清酒粕の生成に寄与することを確認した。Km67株の葉酸高蓄積機構を解明するため、著者らはKm67株の全ゲノムシーケンスを行い、葉酸代謝関連する10遺伝子中にKm67とK7との間で多型が存在することを見出した。実験室酵母BY4743株における各遺伝子の破壊株の葉酸含量を調べ、10の高蓄積関連候補遺伝子から、葉酸含量に有意な効果が見られた4つの遺伝子を選抜した。続いて、遺伝子破壊株にKm67型とK7型のアレルを相補し、葉酸含量を比較したところ、Km67型のHMT1遺伝子が実験室酵母と清酒酵母のいずれにおいても、葉酸高蓄積に関与することが明らかとなった。本遺伝子中には、Hmt1pのメチルトランスフェラーゼモチーフ中に1アミノ酸置換Leu63Pheが存在した。当該残基は、Hmt1pのメチル基転移活性に必須であった。ここでの結果は、先行論文と併せ、Km67-Hmt1pのメチル基転移活性は、K7-Hmt1pよりも高く、そのことがKm67株における葉酸生産の増強と高蓄積につながった、ということを示している。

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 129 (1) 1-5 (2020)

5 Factors affecting levels of ferulic acid, ethyl ferulate and taste-active pyroglutamylpeptides in sake 清酒のフェルラ酸、フェルラ酸エチル及び呈味性ピログルタミルペプチドのレベル変動要因の検討

Katsumi Hashizume, Toshihiko Ito, Karin Shirato, Naomi Amano, Tetsuo Tokiwano, Tsuyoshi Ohno,Sho Shindo, Seiei Watanabe and Masaki Okuda

Factors affecting ferulic acid, ethyl ferulate and taste-active pyroglutamyl (pGlu) peptides levels in sake were analyzed using small-scale sake brewing tests on eighteen rice samples with differing cultivar variety, cropped year and area, and polishing rate. Ferulic acid concentration in sake was highly positively correlated with its content in rice (r = 0.782**, double asterisk indicates 1% significance level), feruloylesterase (FE) activity (r = 0.804**) and feruloylated saccharide forming activity (FSFA) (r =0.619**) in the rice koji. The results suggested that ferulic acid in rice induced FE activity and FSFA, and these two enzymes accelerated the formation of ferulic acid in sake mash. The concentration of bitter-tasting peptides in sake was highly positively correlated with crude protein content in rice (r = 0.786**), and negatively correlated with acid carboxypeptidase (ACP) activity to (pGlu)LFGPNVNPWH (r = -0.612**), fermentation length (r = -0.820**), and pyroglutamyl leucine ((pGlu)L) concentration in sake (r = -0.502*; 5% significance level). The observation suggested that bitter-tasting peptides are initially formed in sake mash in accordance with protein content in rice, and are then hydrolyzed to smaller peptides, such as (pGlu)L. An ACP specific to the hydrolysis of bitter-tasting peptides was suggested by the observation that ACP activity to (pGlu)LFGPNVNPWH was significantly correlated (r = -0.612**) to their formation whereas an ACP to Cbz-Glu-Tyr was not (r = -0.220). It was suggested that (pGlu) oligopeptide ethyl esters were formed during the decomposition of bitter-tasting peptides to which the ACP to (pGlu) LFGPNVNPWH might contribute.

品種、生産年度、産地、精米歩合が異なる18点の白米を用いて清酒小仕込み試験を行い、原料米と製成酒のフェルラ酸、フェルラ酸エチル及び呈味性ピログルタミル(pGlu)ペプチド濃度との関係を検討した。製成酒のフェルラ酸濃度は、白米のフェルラ酸含有量と高い相関(r = 0.782****は1%有意)を示し、また麹抽出液のフェルロイルエステラーゼ活性(r = 0.804**)及びフェルラ酸結合糖生成活性(FSFA)(r = 0.619**)とも高い相関を示した。この結果は、白米のフェルラ酸がフェルロイルエステラーゼ及びFSFA活性を誘導し、これらの酵素が清酒もろみのフェルラ酸生成を加速することを示唆した。清酒中の苦味ペプチドレベルは、白米の粗タンパク質含有量と高く正に相関し(r = 0.786**)、(pGlu)LFGPNVNPWHを基質とする酸性カルボキシペプチダーゼ(ACP)活性(r = -0.612**)、もろみ日数(r = -0.820**)、清酒中の(pGlu)ロイシン濃度(r = -0.502*;*は5%有意)と負に相関した。この結果は、苦味ペプチドが白米のタンパク質含量に応じて清酒もろみの初期に生成し、その後に(pGlu)ロイシンのようなより小さいペプチドに加水分解されることを示唆した。(pGlu)LFGPNVNPWHに対するACP活性は苦味ペプチドと有意に相関(r = -0.612**)する一方Cbz-Glu-Tyrに対するACP活性は相関を示さなかった(r = 0.220)ことから、苦味ペプチドを特異的に分解するACPが示唆された。 (pGlu)オリゴペプチドエチルエステルは、(pGlu)LFGPNVNPWHを分解するACPが関与する苦味ペプチド分解過程において生成されることが示唆された。

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 129,322-326 (2020)

6 Isolation methods of high glycosidase-producing mutants of Aspergillus luchuensis and its mutated genes アスペルギルス・ルーチューエンシスからの糖質分解酵素高生産変異株分離法とその変異遺伝子について

Kazuya TOMIMOTO, Yukio Osafune, Dararat Kakizono, Jinshun HAN, Nobuhiko MUKAI

High glycosidase-producing strains of Aspergillus luchuensis were isolated from 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) resistant mutants. α-Amylase, exo-α-1,4-glucosidase, β-glucosidase and β-xylosidase activity in the mutants was ~3, ~2, ~4 and ~2.5 times higher than the parental strain RIB2604 on koji-making conditions, respectively. Citric acid production and mycelia growth of the mutants, however, approximately halved to that of the parent. Compared to the parent, the alcohol yield from rice and sweet potato shochu mash of the mutant increased ~5.7% and 3.0%, respectively. The mutant strains showed significantly low glucose assimilability despite the fructose one was almost normal, and they had a single missense or nonsense mutation in the glucokinase gene glkA. The recombinant strain that was introduced at one of the mutations, glkA Q300K, demonstrated similar but not identical phenotypes to the mutant strain. This result indicates that glkA Q300K is one of the major mutations in 2-DG resistant strains.

焼酎の酒化率向上を目的とし、UV照射した黒麹菌Aspergillus luchuensis RIB2604株より、グルコースアナログの一種2-deoxyglucose(2-DG)耐性を示す変異株16株を取得した。これらの変異株を米麹製麹試験に供したところ、15株は破精回りが悪くクエン酸生産量も低いものの、糖質分解酵素活性は大幅に上昇していた(α-アミラーゼ:親株比約2.4-3.6倍、糖化力:同約1.4-2.4倍)。特定の変異株を用いて米・芋焼酎小仕込み試験を行ったところ、いずれにおいても親株に比して発酵速度が向上し、アルコール収得量も増加した(特に米焼酎醪において顕著)。また、両焼酎において1-オクテン-3-オール・4-ビニルグアイヤコールの濃度が低下し、芋焼酎においては一部のテルペンアルコール類の濃度が上昇した。次にこの変異株の各炭素源資化能を調べたところ、非糖炭素源(酢酸・グリセロール・脂肪酸)の資化能は正常またはやや親株に劣る程度であったものの、グルコース資化能は顕著に低下していた。一方フルクトース・スクロース資化能はほぼ正常であったことから、変異株は糖全般ではなくグルコース特異的に資化能が低下していると考えられた。そこでこの変異株の各ヘキソキナーゼ遺伝子の塩基配列を解析したところ、先行研究よりグルコキナーゼと考えられているglkA中にQ300Kのミスセンス変異が認められた(一方、フルクトキナーゼと考えられているhxkAには変異なし)。他の糖質分解酵素高生産性変異株5株のglkA中にもミスセンスまたはナンセンス変異が認められたこと、糖質分解酵素生産性が向上しなかった変異株では同変異が認められないことから、glkA変異が糖質分解酵素高生産性の原因変異と考えられた。

Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 84, 198-207 (2020)

2020/4/28 掲載

3. 第3四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 担持金ナノ粒子を用いた老香成分DMTS除去技術の実用化に向けた検討 Study for practical application of supported gold nanoparticles for removal of DMTS responsible for hineka in sake

Atsuko Isogai, Haruno Murayama, Moemi Kimura, Takaaki Shinozaki, Eiji Yamamoto, Tsutomu Fujii, Sachiko Iizuka, Makoto Tokunaga


Dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS) is one of the primary components responsible for "hineka", the stale aroma of Japanese sake. We have reported that gold nanoparticles supported on silica (Au/SiO2) were effective for the selective removal of DMTS by adsorption from model ethanol solutions and sake. In this study, we carried out the adsorptive desulfurization of several kinds of sake: daiginjo-shu, junmai-shu, and jukusei-shu (long aged sake) in 5 L-scales. The results of instrumental analyses and sensory evaluations suggested that the effect of Au/SiO2 was most remarkable for the daiginjo sample containing a high level of ginjo-ka components and DMTS; DMTS was significantly reduced while ginjo-ka remained. For the practical application of Au/SiO2, we established a large-scale production by optimizing the calcination conditions using a rotary electric furnace. We also confirmed that Au/SiO2 can be reused by heating at 300°C.

日本醸造協会誌, 114, 779-786 (2019)

2 富山県産大麦麦芽から分離した酵母菌株「とやま産まれの酵母」の清酒醸造特性 Characterization of a wild sake-brewing yeast isolated from barley malt in Toyama

Hiroyasu Onaka, Jun-ichi Maruyama, Shumpei Asamizu, Mayumi Kuroiwa, Katsuhiko Kitamoto, Masato Yamada, Tetsuya Goshima, Takeshi Akao

富山県高岡市産六条大麦麦芽より醸造に適した富山酵母「とやま産まれの酵母」を分離した。本菌株はITS領域解析の結果、Saccharomyces cerevsiae NBRC2114 (Kotobukiya whisky No. 1)に最も近い配列を有することが明らかとなった。清酒小仕込み試験による醸造特性解析の結果、とやま産まれの酵母のもろみ日数はK701よりも3日長くなったものの、両者の到達アルコール濃度はほぼ同じ18%であった。K701と比較し、有機酸組成では酢酸、リンゴ酸、コハク酸の含有量が顕著に異なっており、揮発性物質では高級アルコール含量が高く、エステル類の含量が低かった。アミノ酸度はとやま酵母の方が顕著に高かった。これらの性質が官能特性評価にも現れており、K701に比較して、酸味の違いや、旨み、重い、雑味などの味の多さに特徴がある個性的な酒質であった。


A wild sake-brewing yeast, Toyama yeast (Toyama-Umare-no-Koubo) was isolated from the malt of six-rowed barley harvested in Takaoka, Toyama. Molecular phylogenetic analysis revealed that Toyama yeast had the highest homology with Saccharomyces cerevisiae NBRC2114 (Kotobukiya whisky No. 1) in the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) region. Small-scale sake brewing test revealed that the mash (moromi) fermentation period for Toyama yeast was 3 days more than that for K701 yeast, and the alcohol concentration reached almost the same i.e. 18%. In the composition of organic acids in sake fermented by Toyama yeast, the amounts of acetic acid, malic acid, and succinic acid were considerably different from sake fermented by K701. Considering volatile contents, sake fermented by Toyama yeast also contained more higher alcohols and less esters than K701 sake. In amino acid content, sake fermentated by Toyama yeast was much higher than K701. These properties also appeared in organoleptic evaluation. Further, Toyama yeast sake has unique and distinctive properties characterized by differences in aroma and flavor such as acid smell, umami, heavy, zatsumi, and thin as compared to K701 sake. Commercialized brewing with Toyama yeast has been done five times in Narimasa Shuzo Breweries, the current brewing sake has become rich in flavor and has a sharp finish. Also, since this yeast is not a sake yeast but a wild yeast, it has been also used for the brewing of craft beer, wine, and whiskey.

日本醸造協会誌, 114 (10) 645-653 (2019)

3 山梨県内の標高が異なる圃場における'シャルドネ'および'メルロー'の生育および果実成分の差異 Effect of Vineyard Altitude on Phenological Events and Berry Components of 'Chardonnay' and 'Merlot' in Yamanashi)

Eri INOUE, Munekazu KISHIMOTO, Manabu NEMOTO, Koki WATANABE, Hiroshi SAITO, Kazuya KOYAMA, Nami GOTO-YAMAMOTO, Hidetoshi MINO, Tomohiro SUZUKI and Tohru OKUDA

本研究は、山梨県内の様々な標高に位置する圃場においてブドウ生育期間の気温および生育ステージを比較するとともに、果実成分の含有量に及ぼす影響について調査することを目的とした。山梨県内においてシャルドネ'および'メルロー'が栽培される標高250mから750mの圃場はウィンクラ-・インデックス(WI)に基づいてregion ⅢからⅤの幅広い気候区分に分類された。標高によるブドウ 生育期間の気温差はブドウの萌芽、開花、ヴェレー ゾンあるいは着色、および収穫の生育ステージを遅らせ、リンゴ酸およびアントシアニンの果実成分含有量に大きな影響を及ぼすことが示された。

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between vineyard altitude and climate classification, phenological events, and berry components. Vineyards located at an altitude of 250 m to 750 m where 'Chardonnay' and 'Merlot' grapevines are cultivated in Yamanashi Prefecture were classified into regions III to V on the basis of the Winkler Index. As the altitude increased, budburst, flowering, veraison or coloration, and harvest were delayed, whereas malic acid and anthocyanin contents increased. The difference in air temperature owing to vineyard altitude greatly affected both phenological events and berry components.

日本ブドウ・ワイン学会誌, 30(3), 111-120, 2019

2020/1/10 掲載

2. 第2四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 平成29酒造年度全国新酒鑑評会出品酒の分析について Analysis of Sake Components Presented to Sake Contest in 2018






酒類総合研究所報告, 191, 1-17 (2019)

2 第41回本格焼酎・泡盛鑑評会について Review of the 41st Honkaku Shochu and Awamori Contest in 2018

Nobuhiko MUKAI, Atsuko ISOGAI, Muneyoshi KANAI, Masayuki TAKAHASHIO, Yukio OSAFUNE, Akinori MUTO, Toshihiro YOSHIMURA, and Nami GOTO-YAMAMOTO

単式蒸留焼酎の品質を全国的に調査研究することにより、製造技術と酒質の現状及び動向を把握するとともに製造業者の参考とするため、第41 回本格焼酎・泡盛鑑評会を日本酒造組合中央会と共催で開催した。審査は平成30 年6月 5日(火)及び6月6日(水)に行い、単式蒸留焼酎の製造に関与している者等が出品酒をきき酒する製造技術研究会は6月26日(火)に当研究所で開催し92名が参加した。



酒類総合研究所報告, 191, 18-36 (2019)

3 全国地ビール品質審査会2019出品酒の分析について Analysis of Beer Components Presented to Craft Beer Contest of Japan Brewers Association in 2019

Shinichi ITO, Kazutaka KUSAKA

全国地ビール品質審査会2019(以下、「審査会」という。)は、地ビールの醸造技術向上及び品質改善を目的として、全国地ビール醸造者協議会(Japan Brewers Association)の主催により、平成31年3月13日(火)及び14日(水)に、日本醸造協会赤レンガ酒造工場(東京都北区滝野川)において実施された。審査会には47社から110点の出品があり、出品酒全点が官能評価による審査に供された。出品酒については、事前に独立行政法人酒類総合研究所において成分分析及び微生物検査が実施された。

酒類総合研究所報告, 191, 37-43 (2019)

4 泡盛用原料米のデンプン特性及びタンパク質組成 Characteristics of the starch and protein composition of rice grains used for awamori

Masaki Okuda, Midori Joyo, Hisashi Fukuda, Takako Tamamura


Recently, the properties of Thai non-broken rice for the production of awamori have varied significantly among shipments imported from Thailand, and these variations make the production of awamori difficult. In the present study, we investigated the starch and protein properties of Thai rice used for awamori production compared with Nipponbare, which is used as a cultivar for sake making, because these properties have the possibilities of affecting the water absorption ratio and enzyme digestibility of steamed rice grains. The results of individual alkali solubility testing and DSC (= Differential Scanning Calorimeter) analyzing showed that the shipments of Thai rice have mixtures of different properties in gelatinization temperature and alkali solubility. The Thai rice of high gelatinization temperature had a lower content of short-chain (DP6-8 = Degree of polymerization ) of amylopectin structure than that of low temperature gelatinization and Nipponbare. This result indicated that the difference of the amylopectin structure was due to the starch synthase IIa activity from a previous report. The starch in Thai rice with a high gelatinization temperature retrogradated faster than that with a low gelatinization temperature. The analysis of protein composition showed no clear difference between the Thai rice with high gelatinization temperature and that with low gelatinization temperature although intense 60kDa protein bands were observed in Thai rice. From the above results, the mixture of cultivars in Thai rice may influence treatments of materials for the production of awamori.


5 食品と酒の組合せにおける酒類の有機酸が食品の旨味に及ぼす影響 Effect of organic acids in alcoholic drinks on the umami of food paired with alcoholic drinks



While cheese is widely known to pair well with wine, it is presently also consumed as a complement to sake in Japan. Cheese contains high levels of umami constituents such as amino acids and peptides. Its rich taste decreases sensorially in pairing with wine in comparison with sake. In order to confirm this fact, the intensity of the aftertaste of some kinds of food in paring with alcoholic drinks was measured by instrumental taste sensor analysis. Intensity of the umami aftertaste of cheese, miso soup, noodle soup, monosodium glutamate, and a kokumi seasoning was lower in paring with white wines than with sake. Among the major chemical constituents that distinguish wine from sake, organic acids such as tartaric acids and malic acids reduced umami aftertaste intensity. In paired comparison tests conducted for a pair of sake samples with and without tartaric acid, more panelists selected the sake without tartaric acid as the sample which left a stronger umami aftertaste of cheese. These results suggest that organic acids in alcoholic drinks reduce umami aftertaste derived from amino acids and peptides of food in food and alcohol pairings.

日本醸造協会誌, 114(8), 522-529 (2019)

6 Nutritional characterization of sake cake (sake-kasu) after heat-drying and freeze-drying. 加熱乾燥および凍結乾燥後の酒粕の栄養特性

Hanae IZU, Sayo YAMASHITA, Hideyuki ARIMA, Tsutomu FUJII

Sake cake contains rice-derived components, as well as cell components and metabolites of Aspergillus oryzae and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, the effect of food processing on sake cake (sake-kasu) ingredients was investigated. Sake cake, obtained through brewing liquefied rice, was heat-dried (HD) or freeze-dried (FD) and analyzed. There were no differences in the amounts of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamin B6, choline, betaine, nicotinic acid, β-glucan and resistant proteins in HD and FD. There was also no difference in the amount of hydrolyzed amino acids in HD and FD, but many free amino acids were observed in HD. S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) was found to be abundant in FD. Meanwhile, nucleic acid-related components were found to be increased in HD, which seems to be due to the degradation of microbial metabolites. When considering the health benefits of sake cake, it is necessary to pay attention to the effects of processing method.

酒粕には、米由来成分、Aspergillus oryzaeSaccharomyces cerevisiaeの細胞成分および代謝産物が含まれている。本研究では、酒粕成分に及ぼす食品加工の影響について検討した。液化仕込で得た酒粕を乾熱乾燥(HD)または凍結乾燥(FD)し、成分を分析した。HDおよびFDでタンパク質、脂質、炭水化物、ビタミンB6、コリン、ベタイン、ニコチン酸、β-グルカン、レジスタントプロテイン含量に違いはなかった。HDおよびFDの加水分解アミノ酸量にも差がなかったが、HDで多くの遊離アミノ酸が観察された。 SAM(S-アデノシルメチオニン)はFDに豊富にあった。一方、核酸関連成分がHDで増加しており、これは微生物代謝物の分解によるものと思われる。酒粕の健康効果を考える場合、加工方法の影響を考慮する必要がある。

Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 83(8), 1477-1483 (2019)

7 Sake cake (sake-kasu) ingestion increases branched-chain amino acids in the plasma, muscles, and brains of senescence-accelerated mice prone 8 酒粕摂取が老化促進マウス8の血漿、筋肉、脳の分岐鎖アミノ酸を増加させる

Hanae IZU, Sachi SHIBATA, Tsutomu FUJII, and Kiminori MATSUBARA

To examine metabolic effects of sake cake ingestion, plasma and tissues were analyzed in senescence-accelerated mice prone 8 (SAMP8) fed a sake cake diet. As a result, branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) were found to be significantly higher in the plasma, gastrocnemius muscles and brains of the sake cake group than in the control group. Mice in the sake cake group showed stronger grip strength than the control group. High levels of circulating BCAA have been reported to be associated with pathological states, such as metabolic diseases, but the parameters of glucose and lipid metabolism were not affected between the two groups. Otherwise, pyridoxal was significantly higher and nicotinamide as well as 1-methylnicotinamide showed a tendency to be higher in the plasma of the sake cake group than in the control group. These findings indicate that intake of sake cake increases the levels of BCAA, vitamin B6, and vitamin B3.

酒粕摂取の代謝影響を調べるため、酒粕食を与えた老化促進マウス8(SAMP8)の血漿と組織を分析した。 その結果、対照群に比べ、酒粕群の血漿、腓腹筋と脳の分岐鎖アミノ酸(BCAA)が有意に多かった。対照群よりも酒粕群は強い握力を示した。 高い血中BCAA濃度と代謝性疾患など病的状態との関連が報告されているが、糖や脂質代謝指標は2群間で違いがなかった。 このほか、対照群より、酒粕群の血漿でピリドキサールが有意に高いこと、ニコチンアミドと1-メチルニコチンアミドが高い傾向にあることがわかった。 以上は酒粕摂取がBCAA、ビタミンB6、ビタミンB 3を増加させることを示す。

Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 83(8), 1490-1497 (2019)

8 Histone deacetylases in sake yeast affect fermentation characteristics 清酒酵母のヒストン脱アセチル化酵素は発酵特性に影響する

Kazuya Tomimoto, Takeshi Akao, Hisashi Fukuda

Yeast histone deacetylases (HDAC) affect the production of alcoholic beverages. In this study, we evaluated the sake fermentation characteristics when using HDAC gene-disrupted yeast strain Kyokai No. 701. Flavor components of the sake product were significantly changed. RPD3 or HDA1 disruption increased twofold the amount of isoamyl acetate, and isoamyl alcohol levels also increased in the rpd3△ strain. To determine the contribution of Rpd3L and Rpd3S complexes to sake characteristics, a gene responsible for Rpd3L and/or Rpd3S formation was also disrupted. Disruption of DEP1 or SDS3 that is an essential component of Rpd3L led to increased isoamyl alcohol production similar to that of the rpd3△ strain, but the efficiency of isoamyl alcohol esterification was not affected. In addition, Rpd3 and Hda1 may regulate the responsiveness to oxygen in isoamyl acetate production. We conclude that HDAC genes regulate the production of flavor components during sake fermentation.


Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 83 (8), 1498-1505 (2019)

9 SKO1 deficiency extends chronological lifespan in Saccharomyces cerevisiae SKO1遺伝子欠損は出芽酵母における経時寿命を延長させる

Koji Masumura, Sachi Matsukami, Kumiko Yonekita, Muneyoshi Kanai, Kazunori Kume, Dai Hirata & Masaki Mizunuma

Sko1 plays a key role in the control of gene expression by osmotic and oxidative stress in yeast. We demonstrate that the decrease in chronological lifespan (CLS) of hog1Δ cells was suppressed by SKO1 deletion. sko1Δ single mutant cells were shown to have a longer CLS, thus implicating Sko1 in the regulation of their CLS.


Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 83(8), 1473-1476 (2019)

10 Analysis of metabolites in Japanese alcoholic beverage sake made from the sake rice Koshitanrei 酒造好適米越淡麗で醸造した清酒のメタボローム解析

Eri ICHIKAWA, Shougo HIRATA, Yuko HATA, Hisashi YAZAWA, Hiroyasu TAMURA, Mitsuoki KANEOKE, Kazuhiro IWASHITA, Dai HIRATA

In sake brewing, the steamed rice is used in two ways, added to sake-mash (as kake-mai) and making koji. The rice is an important determinant for the quality of sake, as the metabolites in sake affect its taste/aroma. The sake rice Koshitanrei (KOS) was developed in Niigata Prefecture by genetically crossing two sake rice, Gohyakumangoku and Yamadanishiki. However, the metabolites in sake from KOS have not been analyzed. Here, to investigate the characteristic metabolites in sake from KOS, we performed two types of small-scale sake fermentation tests changing only the rice used for kake-mai or total rice (both kake-mai and koji) by these three rice cultivars and examined the effect of KOS on sake metabolites by the metabolome analysis method using UPLC-QTOF-MS. We identified the peaks/metabolites, whose intensity in sake from KOS was higher/lower than those from the other cultivars. The brewing properties of KOS were partially characterized by this analysis.


Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 83, 1570-1582 (2019)

11 Genome editing to generate nonfoam-forming sake yeast strains ゲノム編集による泡なし清酒酵母の創出

Shunsuke Onuki, Mao Kashima, Toshikazu Yamada, Farzan Ghanegolmohammadi, Yan Zhou, Tetsuya Goshima, Jun-ichi Maruyama, Katsuhiko Kitamoto, Dai Hirata, Takeshi Akao, Yoshikazu Ohya

Mutations frequently occur during breeding of sake yeasts and result in unexpected phenotypes. Here, genome editing tools were applied to develop an ideal nonfoam-forming sake yeast strain, K7GE01, which had homozygous awa1△/awa1△ deletion alleles that were responsible for nonfoam formation and few off-target mutations. High-dimensional morphological phenotyping revealed no detectable morphological differences between the genome-edited strain and its parent, while the canonical nonfoam-forming strain, K701, showed obvious morphological changes. Small-scale fermentation tests also showed differences between components of sake produced by K7GE01 and K701. The K7GE01 strain produced sake with significant differences in the concentrations of ethyl acetate, malic acid, lactic acid, and acetic acid, while K701 produced sake with more differences. Our results indicated genuine phenotypes of awa1△/awa1△ in sake yeast isolates and showed the usefulness of genome editing tools for sake yeast breeding.


Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 83 (8), 1583-1593 (2019)

12 Breeding of a cordycepin-resistant and adenosine kinase-deficient sake yeast strain that accumulates high levels of S-adenosylmethionine S-アデノシルメチオニンを高蓄積するコルディセピン耐性及びアデノシンキナーゼ欠損清酒酵母の育種

Muneyoshi Kanai, Norito Yasuda, Tomoko Morimoto, Satoko Yoshida, Nahoko Nishibori, Masaki Mizunuma, Tsutomu Fujii & Haruyuki Iefuji

Adenosine kinase (ADO1)-deficient mutants can be obtained from cordycepin-resistant strains, and the disruption of ADO1 causes S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) accumulation. To breed a high-SAM-accumulating yeast strain without genetic manipulation for industrial purposes, we bred a cordycepin-resistant strain using sake yeast kyokai No. 9 as the parent strain with a mutation in adenosine kinase (ADO1) and acquired high-SAM-accumulating strain. In the bred strain (NY9-10), a single mutation (T258I) was present in the ADO1, and this mutation site is an ATP binding site and is highly conserved during evolution. Moreover, it was suggested that high accumulation of SAM and cordycepin resistance in NY9-10 was due to functional deficiency of ADO1 by this mutation. This strain is not a genetically-modified organism and can be employed for use in the food and medicine industry such as mass production and sake making.

Adenosine kinase(ADO1)の機能欠損変異株はコルディセピンという薬剤に耐性をもち、ADO1遺伝子破壊株は機能性成分であるS-アデノシルメチオニン(SAM)を高蓄積する。そこで、産業利用を目的に遺伝子組換え体ではないSAM高蓄積株を取得するため、清酒酵母協会9号を親株とし、ADO1に変異を持ったコルディセピン耐性株を選抜し、新規SAM高蓄積株の育種に成功した。育種株(NY9-10)のADO1遺伝子は、ATP結合部位に1つの変異(T258I)が挿入されており、その部位は進化上高度に保存されていた。さらに、NY9-10株が示すSAM高蓄積とコルディセピン耐性は、上記変異によるADO1の機能欠損によることが示唆された。この株は遺伝子組換え体ではないため、SAMの大量生産や清酒製造など、醸造、食品及び医薬産業への貢献が期待される。

Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 83(8), 1530-1537 (2019)

13 Investigation of relationship between sake-making parameters and sake metabolites using a newly developed sake metabolome analysis method 新規醸造酒メタボライト分析法を応用した製造条件と清酒メタボライトとの関連解析

Hisashi Yazawa, Masafumi Tokuoka, Hajime Kozato, Yutaro Mori, Miyuki Umeo, Rieko Toyoura, Ken Oda, Hisashi Fukuda, and Kazuhiro Iwashita

We developed a sake metabolome analysis method using liquid chromatography-quadrupole/time-of-flight mass spectrometry to investigate the metabolome of various types of sakes and other alcohol beverages. Our method identified 198 compounds by comparison with standard metabolites. Using this method, we investigated the relationship between several sake-making parameters and sake metabolites by conducting combination experiments of these parameters using small-scale fermentation. The results indicated that all parameters significantly affected sake metabolites (P < 0.005) and most peaks were affected by multiple sake-making parameters. Interestingly, the effect of the rice cultivar on sake metabolites was higher for koji rice than for kake-rice. This result suggests that the rice cultivar used has a greater effect on the characteristics of Aspergillus oryzae compared to sake yeast and affects sake metabolites. In this study, we also evaluated the combined effect of several parameters. We demonstrated the different effects of each parameter on several amino acids. The results showed a new aspect of the science of sake making. For example, the amount of α-ethylglucoside, which can affect the taste of sake, was negatively correlated with α-glucosidase activity in koji (r=-0.84). In this study, various unidentified peaks were observed; detectable peaks can be increased by analyzing additional standard reagents. Investigating these unidentified peaks and accumulating datasets for sake-making parameters will give us insight into how to improve sake taste and quality.

我々は清酒を含む様々な酒類のメタボローム分析を行うことを目的に、液体クロマトグラフィ-四重極飛行時間型質量分析装置を用いた「醸造酒メタボライト分析法」を開発した。この分析方法は標準物質の分析結果との比較により198成分を一度に解析可能である。我々は様々な製造条件を組み合わせた清酒小仕込試験を実施し、この分析法を用いて製造条件と清酒メタボロームとの関連について解析を行った。解析結果から、検討した全ての製造条件は多くのメタボライトに影響し(P < 0.005)、検出したほとんどのピークは複数の製造条件の影響を受けた。興味深いことに、原料米品種の違いは掛米よりも麹米で多くのピークが影響を受けた。この結果は、原料米品種の違いが酵母よりも麹菌の特性に大きく影響した結果、清酒成分に影響したと考えられる。本研究では複数の製造条件の組み合わせの影響についても評価を行っている。アミノ酸については、それぞれのアミノ酸で製造条件での影響が異なることを示した。本解析結果は清酒醸造学の新たな疑問も示した。例えば、清酒の呈味に影響するα-エチルグルコシドの含量はα-グルコシダーゼ活性と負の相関(r=-0.84)となった。本解析では多くの未同定のピークが観察されたが、今後標準物質の解析により解析可能なピークは増やすことが可能だ。このような未同定ピークの解析と、様々な製造条件でのデータの蓄積は清酒の香味と品質の改善の新たな視点を与えるだろう。

Journal of bioscience and bioengineering, 128, 183-190 (2019)

14 Increase in the Oxygen Stable Isotopic Composition of Water in Wine with Low Ethanol Yield エタノール収率の低下に伴うワイン中の水の酸素安定同位体比の上昇


The stable isotopic composition of oxygen (δ18O) in wine is often analysed to determine the geographic origin of the wine and the amount of water dilution. However, little is known regarding the effects of two major winemaking techniques (the addition of acid (acidification) and sugar (chaptalization)) on theδ18O value of water in wine. Here we show that acidification and chaptalization have minor direct effects on theδ18O value but indirect effects based on the ethanol yield, which causes isotopic variation of up to 0.6‰. During fermentation,δ18O values increase at low ethanol yields, suggesting that yeast release water with a highδ18O value into wine when consuming sugars. Additionally, the ethanol yield is negatively correlated with the consumption of amino acids by the yeast, indicating that yeast growth decreases the ethanol yield. We therefore identify ethanol yield, which is decreased by the consumption of sugars by yeast for non-alcohol-fermentation processes as a potential factor leading to variations in theδ18O value of water during the winemaking process.


Scientific Reports, 9, 11039 (2019)

15 Identification of enzymes from genus Trichoderma that can accelerate formation of ferulic acid and ethyl ferulate in collaboration with rice koji enzyme in sake mash. 清酒もろみで米麹の酵素との共同作用によりフェルラ酸とフェルラ酸エチルの生成を促進するトリコデルマ属由来酵素の同定

Toshihiko Ito, Anna Sato, Itsuki Takahashi, Takahito Ito, Kouto Takano, Koji Noge, Masaki Okuda, Katsumi Hashizume

The enzymes responsible for acceleration of ferulic acid and ethyl ferulate formation in sake mash were studied. Ferulic acid and ethyl ferulate are formed during the sake brewing process from feruloylated glucuronoarabinoxylan. Cellulase reagent from genus Trichoderma was used instead of rice koji, because rice koji for sake brewing produces extremely low levels of xylan-degrading enzymes. A combination of the reagent with rice koji enzymes accelerated the formation of ferulic acid from a-rice powder. Addition of the reagent to sake mash increased ferulic acid and ethyl ferulate formation. The enzyme responsible for the accelerated formation was purified using a newly developed assay method and a-rice powder as a substrate. During the assay procedure, feruloylated oligosaccharide was converted to ferulic acid by feruloylesterase for HPLC analysis. Analysis of the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified samples was successfully conducted after pyroglutamyl aminopeptidase de-blocking. Purified enzymes were identified as members of the glycoside hydrolase family 10 (GH10) and family 11 (GH11) xylanases by BLASTP database research. The GH10 xylanase showed higher specific activity for a-rice powder and insoluble wheat arabinoxylan compared with GH11 xylanase; the GH11 xylanase showed higher specific activity for the other xylan substrates, especially glucuronoarabinoxylan.The GH10 xylanase showed higher accelerating activity than the GH11 xylanase in the sake mash. The results of this study provides useful knowledge on ferulic acid and ethyl ferulate formation in sake mash, the relative levels of these compounds and their influence on the sensory quality of sake.


Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 128,177-182(2019)

2019/10/10 掲載

1. 第1四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 Glutelin subtype-dependent protein localization in rice grain evidenced by immunodetection analyses. 免疫化学的検出によって証明された米粒内のグルテリンサブタイプ特異的なタンパク質局在

Kei Takahashi, Hiromi Kohno, Tomomichi Kanabayashi, and Masaki Okuda
Key message

GluA and GluB-4/5 glutelin subfamilies are mainly localized to outer region of the endosperm, particularly in its ventral side, in rice grain, but GluC is localized to throughout the endosperm.

The major seed storage protein in rice (Oryza sativa) is glutelin, which forms a vacuole-derived protein body type-II. Glutelins are encoded by multiple genes, and generally comprise four protein subfamilies, namely, GluA, GluB, GluC, and GluD: however, the localization pattern of glutelin in rice grains remains obscure. In this study, we investigated the localization pattern of five subtypes of the glutelin protein in rice grains using glutelin-subtype specific antibodies. Immunoblot analysis against sequentially polished rice flour fractions from three crop years and seven japonica rice varieties revealed that GluA was strongly localized in the outer region of the endosperm, including the subaleurone layer, whereas GluC was distributed throughout the endosperm. Among the glutelin subtypes, GluA was mostly found in the outer region of the rice grain, followed by GluB-4/5, GluB-1, GluD, and GluC. Immunofluorescence labeling microscopy analysis using immature rice seeds clearly revealed that the localization pattern of GluC and GluD was completely different from that of GluA and GluB. Expression levels of all glutelins, particularly GluA, GluB-1, and GluB-4/5, were stronger on the ventral than dorsal side in rice grains. These results provide strong and consistent evidence that glutelins localize to the rice grain in a subfamily-dependent manner.


Plant Molecular Biology, 100, 3, 231-246 (2019)

2 Anti-diabetic effect of S-adenosylmethionine and α-glycerophosphocholine in KK-Ay mice KK-Ay マウスにおけるS-アデノシルメチオニンとα-グリセロホスホコリンの抗糖尿病効果

Hanae Izu, Mayumi Okuda, Sachi Shibata, Tsutomu Fujii, and Kiminori Matsubara

Six-week-old male KK-Ay mice received drinking water with S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), α-glycerophosphocholine (GPC), or SAM+GPC for 10 weeks. The serum glucose of SAM+GPC at 15 weeks old, total cholesterol of GPC at 12 weeks old, and triglyceride of GPC at 15 weeks old and of SAM at 16 weeks old were reduced. SAM+GPC reduced serum leptin and food intake.

6週齢のKK-Ay雄マウスにS-アデノシルメチオニン(SAM)、α-グリセロホスホコリン(GPC)またはSAM + GPCを10週間摂取させた。15週齢でSAM + GPCの血清グルコース、12週齢でGPCの総コレステロール、15週齢でGPCと16週齢でSAMのトリグリセリドが減少した。SAM + GPCで血清レプチンおよび餌摂取が減少した。

Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 83(4), 747-750 (2019)

2019/7/8 掲載