令和2年度 研究成果

4. 第4四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 Growth characteristics of Bacillus cereus in sake and during its manufacture 清酒及び清酒製造工程におけるBacillus cereusの生育挙動

Masayuki TAKAHASHI, Yasuko KITA, Rui MINAKAMI, Nobuhiko MUKAI

Sake (Japanese rice wine) has been recognized as being low risk in terms of its microbiological safety. However, a confirmation of the food safety aspects of sake based on scientific evidence is important for establishing consumer confidence, in part because consumer concerns regarding food safety have increased. The presence of Bacillus cereus spores in refined rice wine has been reported, and in light of consumers' growing concern over food safety, the establishment of food and beverage safety is important for consumers' reassurance. Herein, to confirm the microbiological safety of sake, we investigated the content and growth of B. cereus. We conducted a spore addition test to determine whether B. cereus spores grow during sake production, and we observed no growth or germination of B. cereus spores during the manufacturing process. We also observed that processes such as solid–liquid separation and filtration help remove the risk posed by B. cereus. We then conducted a survey to assess the density of B. cereus in various commercial sake products. We analyzed 162 samples of commercial sake and observed that 11 of the products had ≥1 CFU of living cells in 1 mL of sake (detection rate, 6.8%). There was no product in which ≥100 CFU of living cells per 1 mL of sake was detected. Our findings confirmed that the density of these bacteria in sake is lower than that in other foods and that the probability of infection is very low. The emetic toxin produced by B. cereus was not detected in any of the sake samples. This is the first study based on experimental data demonstrating that B. cereus is not able to grow in sake or during the sake manufacturing process. We, thus, conclude that the safety risk of B. cereus in sake is negligible. Our findings indicating that B. cereus is not a significant hazard in the sake brewing process will contribute to food hygiene management based on scientific evidence in sake breweries.

清酒は様々な理由から微生物学的に低リスクであると考えられている。一方で、食の安全に対する消費者の関心が高まっている中、食品安全上の観点から科学的根拠に基づいて安全性を確認しておくことは、消費者の信頼を得る上で重要である。清酒においてはBacillus cereus(セレウス菌)芽胞が存在していることが報告されているため、食品安全に対する消費者の関心の高さに照らし、安全性を確立しておくことは消費者の安心のために重要である。そこで、清酒の微生物学的安全性を確認するため、セレウス菌の生育や存在量について検討を行った。まず、セレウス菌芽胞が清酒製造工程で生育するかどうかを判断するため芽胞添加試験を実施したところ、清酒製造工程全体を通じて生育は認められず、また、上槽やろ過などの処理もセレウス菌のリスクの低減に寄与していた。162点の市販清酒を解析した結果、1 mL当たり1 CFUを超える量で検出されたのは11点(汚染率6.8 %)であり、生菌数が1 mL当たり100 CFUを超えて検出されたものはなかった。この結果より、セレウス菌の菌体数は他食品と比較しても低く、清酒におけるセレウス菌のリスクは極めて低いことが確認された。また、セレウスが産出する毒素も市販清酒から検出されなかった。本研究は、セレウス菌が清酒及び清酒製造工程中で生育できないことを実験データに基づき証明した初めての研究であり、我々は本研究の結果に基づき、清酒においてセレウス菌による食品安全上のリスクは無視できると結論付けた。清酒製造工程においてセレウス菌は重要な危害要因ではないことを示した本知見は、清酒製造場における科学的根拠に基づいた食品衛生管理に資するものである。

Journal of Food Protection, 84(2), 213-219. (2021)

2 Changes in bacterial and chemical components and growth prediction for Lactobacillus sakei during kimoto-style fermentation starter preparation in sake brewing: a Comprehensive analysis 生酛酒母製造工程における菌叢及び経時的成分の変化の網羅的解析とLactobacillus sakeiの生育予測

Masayuki TAKAHASHI, Kana MORIKAWA, Yasuko KITA, Takamasa SHIMODA, Takeshi AKAO and Nami GOTO-YAMAMOTO

Kimoto-style seed mash is a traditional preparation method for sake that takes advantage of spontaneous lactic acid fermentation before the growth of yeast. Lactic acid helps decrease the pH in seed mash and control the growth of unfavorable microorganisms. In this study, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of the change in the bacterial community and chemical composition during the lactic acid fermentation stage in kimoto-style seed mash preparation. The bacterial transitions were diverse at five sake breweries, but they exhibited three patterns. Lactobacillus sakei was the dominant species in the later stage of lactic acid fermentation in all sake breweries. This species was found to be the most important bacterium for the accumulation of lactic acid, because its average production rate of lactic acid in seed mash reached 4.44 × 10-11mg cell-1 h-1, which is 10 times higher than those of other species. As a result of specific growth rate analysis, it was revealed that the growth rate of L. sakei was influenced by the strain, pH, and temperature. The effects of pH and temperature were explained by the square root model, and the result indicates that the strains isolated in this study were incapable of growth below pH 3.9. The growth curve predicted using the growth model fit the actual cell density in two out of five sake breweries; however, our model did not work well for the remaining three sake breweries, and we presume that the error was caused by the strain or an unknown factor.

生酛系酒母は、酵母の生育前に乳酸発酵を活用する清酒製造における伝統的な製法である。乳酸は酒母のpHを下げることで、好ましくない微生物の生育を制御する役割を果たしている。本研究では、生酛系酒母製造工程の酵母によるアルコール発酵の前の期間(以下、乳酸発酵等期間)の菌叢及び成分変化の網羅的解析を実施した。菌叢の推移は5つの清酒製造場で多様であったが、3つのパターンに分類することができた。検出された乳酸菌の中でLactobacillus sakeiは5社全ての清酒製造場において乳酸発酵等期間の後期で優占種であり、酒母における乳酸生成能が同時に検出された他の乳酸菌種の10倍以上高い4.44×10-11 mg cell-1 h-1に達していたことから乳酸の蓄積に最も重要な菌種であることが明らかとなった。比増殖速度の解析により、L. sakeiの比増殖速度は株により異なり、pHや温度に影響を受けることが明らかとなった。また、pHや温度の影響は平方根モデルにより説明可能であることが示され、本研究で単離されたL. sakei株はpH 3.9以下では生育できないことが示唆された。作成されたモデルを用いて予測された生育曲線は5社中2社における実際の菌体数とよく一致していたが、残りの3社の菌体数を正確に予測することはできず、その誤差は株の違いや未知の要因によるものであると推定している。

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 87:e02546-20. (2021)

3 清酒酵母きょうかい6号及び7号からの新規な高アルコール耐性自然突然変異体の分離並びにそれらの醸造特性 Isolation of novel alcohol-tolerant spontaneous mutant strains from sake yeast Kyokai no. 6 and no. 7, and their brewing characteristics

村上智子, 渡辺守, 髙木昌美, 末次-佐々木春菜, 渡辺大輔, 五島徹也, 福田央, 下飯仁, 赤尾健
Tomoko MURAKAMI, Mamoru WATANABE, Masami TAKAKI, Haruna SUETSUGU-SASAKI, Daisuke WATANABE, Tetsuya GOSHIMA, Hisashi FUKUDA, Hitoshi SHIMOI, and Takeshi AKAO


We screened sake yeasts Kyokai no. 6 and 7 for novel spontaneous alcohol-tolerant mutant strains. Stress-tolerance-related tests were performed to evaluate properties of the strains K6AT1?K6AT8 and K7AT1?K7AT5. All the K6AT and K7AT strains, except K7AT5, possessed higher alcohol and heat stress tolerance than each parental strain. We analyzed the general properties and the content of organic acids and volatile compounds using sake samples obtained from a small-scale sake brewing test. Their high acidity was consistent with their characteristic organic acid contents, showing a higher concentration of malic, succinic, and lactic acids than the sake sample obtained using each parental strain. A lower amino acidity would reflect a higher ratio of surviving yeast cells at the end of mash. The contents of volatile compounds in the sake samples produced by the K6AT strains were similar to those in the sake sample produced by K6. That of the sake samples produced by the K7AT strains varied for each strain. A taste sensor analysis reflected the chemical content characteristics for each sake sample. Throughout the tests, K7AT5 showed substantially different characters from the other mutant strains. Although it showed higher alcohol tolerance than K7 at the screening stage, the results of several subsequent tests indicated that its alcohol tolerance had been lost. Additionally, K7AT5 gained a unique brewing characteristic compared with the other K7AT strains. These findings implied that a suppressor mutation of alcohol tolerance should occur and spread within the K7AT5 strain.

日本醸造協会誌, 116 (2), 111-124 (2021)

2021/4/14 掲載

3. 第3四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 Aspergillus oryzae acetamidase catalyzes degradation of ethyl carbamate Aspergillus oryzaeのアセトアミダーゼはカルバミン酸エチルを分解する

Kazuo Masaki, Kanako Fujihara, Dararat Kakizono, Taichi Mizukure, Masaki Okuda, Nobuhiko Mukai

Urethanase (EC catalyzes the hydrolysis of ethyl carbamate (EC) to ethanol, carbon dioxide, and ammonia. From our recent study, we expected that an acetamidase encoded by amdS of Aspergillus oryzae may catalyze the degradation of EC because it is homologous with a Candida parapsilosis urethanase (CPUTNase) recently identified. Urethanase is a prospective candidate to reduce EC in alcoholic beverages, but knowledge of this enzyme is very limited. Recombinant AmdS was expressed to study its enzymatic properties. Purified AmdS was identified as a homo-tetramer consisting of four 60 kDa units and exhibited urethanase activity. In a 20% ethanol solution, AmdS had 65% activity compared with a solution without ethanol. Residual activity after 18 h indicated that AmdS was stable in 0%–40% ethanol solutions. The optimum temperature of AmdS was 40°C. This enzyme showed urethanase activity at pH 6.4–9.6 and exhibited its highest activity at pH 9.6. The Km value of AmdS for EC was 8.2 mM, similar to the Km value (7.6 mM) of CPUTNase. AmdS showed activity not only for EC and acetamide but also other amide compounds. In this study, we investigated the enzymatic properties of AmdS that was identified as acetamidase and showed that an amidase can be an enzymatic candidate that degrades EC.

ウレタナーゼ(ECは、カルバミン酸エチル(EC)をエタノール、二酸化炭素、アンモニアへの加水分解を触媒します。黄麹菌Aspergillus oryzaeamdSにコードされているアセトアミダーゼが、我々が最近調べた酵母Candida parapsilosis のウレタナーゼ (CPUTNase) と配列相同性があることから、この酵素がECを分解することを予測しました。ウレタナーゼは、アルコール飲料中のECを分解する有望な手段ですが、その研究例はまだ少ないのが現状です。本研究では、アセトアミダーゼの性質を明らかとするために、組換えAmdS発現させ、精製酵素の性質を調べました。AmdSは、60 kDaタンパク質の4分子からなるホモ四量体でした。20%エタノール中では、65%の活性を保持し、0-40%のエタノール中で18時間保持した場合でも、安定に存在しました。至適温度は40℃、pH6.4-9.6の間で活性を示し、pH9.6で最大活性を示しました。AmdSのECに対するKm 値は、8.2 mMであり、CPUTNase の7.6 mMと近い値を示しました。さらに、AmdSは、EC以外にも、様々なアミド化合物へ基質特異性を示しました。この研究では、以前にアセトアミダーゼと同定されたAmdSの酵素的性質を詳細に調べ、アミダーゼがEC分解の候補酵素としての可能性を示しました。

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 130, 577-581 (2020)

2 Mutagenesis, breeding, and characterization of sake yeast strains with low production of dimethyl trisulfide precursor DMTS前駆物質低生産清酒酵母の育種と特性評価

Jun Makimoto, Kou Wakabayashi, Toyohisa Inoue, Yuriko Ikeda, Ryoko Kanda, Atsuko Isogai, Tsutomu Fujii, Takashi Nakae

Dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS) is one of the main components responsible for “hineka”, the aroma associated with deteriorated Japanese sake during storage. The molecule 1,2-dihydroxy-5-(methylsulfinyl)pentan-3-one (DMTS-P1) has been previously identified as a major precursor compound of DMTS. Furthermore, it had been suggested that the yeast methionine salvage pathway is involved in the production of DMTS-P1. In sake brewing tests, DMTS-P1 and the DMTS producing potential (DMTS-pp; DMTS amount of sake after accelerated storage) were significantly reduced in mde1 or mri1 strain, which lack genes of the methionine salvage pathway. Industrial use of the gene-disrupting strains may not be accepted in the Japanese food industry. In order to obtain mde1 or mri1 mutants, we established a method to screen 5’-methylthioadenosine (MTA) non-utilizing strains using minimum culture medium containing methionine or MTA by ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis with methionine-auxotrophic sake yeast haploid. As expected, mde1 and mri1 mutants were identified among the obtained mutants by an established screening method. The obtained strains had poor fermentation ability in sake brewing tests, so back-crossing was performed on the mutants to obtain mde1 or mri1 homozygous mutants. These strains had improved brewing characteristics, and DMTS-P1 and the DMTS-pp of the produced sake were significantly lower than those of the parent strains. These strains are expected to contribute to improving the maintenance of sake quality during storage.

ジメチルトリスルフィド(DMTS)は清酒の貯蔵劣化臭である老香の主要成分である。これまでに、DMTSの主要前駆体として1,2-dihydroxy-5-(methylsulfinyl)pentan-3-one (DMTS-P1)が同定されている。さらに、DMTS-P1の生成に酵母のメチオニン再生経路が関与し、そのメチオニン再生経路の遺伝子であるMRI1,MDE1のいずれかを破壊した株を用いることで清酒中のDMTS-P1及びDMTS生成ポテンシャル(DMTS-pp;強制劣化後のDMTS生成量)が顕著に減少することが明らかになっている。我々は産業利用には課題が多い遺伝子破壊株ではなく、突然変異によってMDE1, MRI1変異株を取得するため、メチオニン要求性の一倍体清酒酵母にethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) 変異処理を行い、 メチオニンまたは5’-methylthioadenosine(MTA)を含む最少培地を用いてMTA非資化性株をスクリーニングする方法を確立した。この方法により得られた変異株の中から、期待通りmde1, mri1変異株を取得できた。しかし清酒醸造試験において発酵能が悪かったため、これら変異株に対し戻し交雑を行いmde1,mri1ホモ変異接合株を取得した。取得した接合株は醸造特性も改善しており、製造した清酒のDMTS-P1,DMTS-ppは親株より顕著に低かった。これらの株は清酒保存中の品質保持の向上に資すると期待される。

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 130, 610-615 (2020)

3 Effect of Cold Soak on Red Wine Making 赤ワインの初期低温醸しの効果


The effect of cold soak in pilot-scale and plant-scale vinification processes at various maceration temperatures was examined in nine wineries, and the produced wines were analyzed for chemical and sensory properties. Cold soak tended to increase total anthocyanins, color intensity, and total phenols (A280) of wine regardless of grape variety, when the temperatures for the cold soak and the subsequent maceration were controlled appropriately. The basic chemical components of wines were minimally affected by the cold soak. Total anthocyanins in the cold soak wines were higher than those in control wines, and some cold soak wines received favorable evaluation with regard to flavor, astringency, or body in the sensory analysis compared with control wines. The results indicate that cold soak carried out appropriately resulted in good coloration in many cases and had no deleterious effects.

海外や小規模試験において赤ワインの色の向上に効果があると報告のある初期低温醸しについて,日本ワインに用いられる様々な品種を用いてワイナリーで試験醸造を行いその効果を検証した.初期低温醸しやその後の温度条件が適切であった場合は,品種を問わず,総アントシアニン,Color Intensity,総フェノール(A280)が,通常の醸し方法と比べて高くなる傾向であった.総アントシアニンが向上したサンプルは官能評価においても,ワインの香り,渋味(収斂味),厚み(ボディ感)が通常醸しと比べて良いと評価される場合もある一方で,通常の醸造方法と顕著な差が認められない場合もあったが,概して劣る結果は認められなかった.

Journal of ASEV Japan, 31, 115-124 (2020)

4 Low-Dose Ethanol Has Impacts on Plasma Levels of Metabolites Relating to Chronic Disease Risk in SAMP8 mice SAMP8マウスにおける低用量エタノール摂取は慢性疾患リスクに関連する血漿代謝物レベルに影響を及ぼす

Churan Fu, Yongshou Yang, Thanutchaporn Kumrungsee, Akiko Kimoto, Hanae Izu and Norihisa Kato

The effects of low-dose alcohol on experimental animals are unclear. This study examined plasma metabolites in senescence-accelerated mice 8 (SAMP8) given lowdose ethanol, and compared them with aging progress and skeletal muscle strength. Male SAMP8 mice (10-wk-old) were given drinking water containing 0% (control), 1%, 2%, or 5% (v/v) ethanol for 14 wk. Compared with the control group, only mice who consumed 1% ethanol experienced a lower senescence score at 18 and 23 wk, as well as an increased limb grip strength at 21 wk. Plasma metabolites of control, 1% and 2% ethanol groups were analyzed by capillary electrophoresis–time-of-flight mass spectrometry (CE-TOF/MS). Among the 7 metabolites affected by ethanol, notewhorthy is the positive association of the ethanol levels in drinking water with the levels of α-ketoglutarate (antioxidant and anti-inflammatory metabolite) and hippurate (antioxidant and microbial co-metabolite) (p<0.05). Intriguingly, the levels of 2-hydroxyisobutyrate (the biomarker of energy metabolism and microbial co-metabolite) were higher in the 1% ethanol group (p<0.05), but not in the 2% ethanol group as compared to the control. Furthermore, the levels of some of the metabolites affected were correlated with some variables in the grading score of senescence and muscle strength. This study provides a novel insight into how low-dose ethanol in SAMP8 mice modulates the levels of circulating metabolites relating to chronic disease risk.

実験動物に対する低用量アルコールの摂取の影響は不明である。本研究では、低用量エタノールを投与した老化促進マウス8(SAMP8)の血漿代謝物を調べ、加齢の進行と骨格筋の強度と比較した。オスのSAMP8マウス(10週齢)に、0%(コントロール)、1%、2%、または5%(v / v)のエタノールを含む飲料水を14週間与えた。対照群と比較し、1%エタノールを摂取したマウスのみ、18週目と23週目で老化スコアが低くなり、21週目で四肢の握力が強かった。コントロール、1%および2%エタノール群の血漿代謝物をキャピラリー電気泳動-飛行時間型質量分析(CE-TOF / MS)によって分析した。エタノールの影響を受ける7つの代謝物のうち、飲料水中のエタノールとα-ケトグルタル酸(抗酸化および抗炎症代謝物)および馬尿酸(抗酸化および微生物共代謝物)に正相関がみられた(p<0.05)。興味深いことに、2-ヒドロキシイソ酪酸(エネルギー代謝と微生物共代謝物のバイオマーカー)が2%エタノール群ではなく、コントロールと比較して1%エタノール群(p<0.05)で高かった。さらに影響を受けたいくつかの代謝物は老化と筋力の評価スコアの変数のいくつかと相関が見られた。本研究はSAMP8マウスの低用量エタノール摂取が慢性疾患リスクに関連する血中代謝物レベルをどのように調節するか、新たな知見を提供する。

J Nutr Sci Vitaminol, 66, 553–560, 2020

5 Influence of Maceration Temperature and Duration on Anthocyanin and Proanthocyanidin of Red Wine 醸し発酵の温度及び期間が赤ワインのアントシアニン及びプロアントシアニジンに及ぼす影響


The effects of maceration temperature and duration on anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin of red wine were examined using Merlot cultivated in Japan. After an extraction experiment using model wine solutions, a small scale vinification test was carried out. A short (3 days) maceration at a high temperature (30℃) resulted in a stronger red color and lower proanthocyanidin concentration than the control (25℃ for 8 days). Also, a combination of cold maceration (15℃ for 2 days) with the short maceration at a high temperature resulted in a stronger red color and similar proanthocyanidin concentration compared with the control. The difference of the color of finished wine was maintained after 1-year aging in bottles.


Journal of ASEV Japan, 31, 125-132 (2020)

2021/1/21 掲載

2. 第2四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 平成30酒造年度全国新酒鑑評会出品酒の分析について Analysis of Sake Components Presented to the Japan Sake Awards 2019






酒類総合研究所報告, 192, 1-17 (2020)

2 第42回本格焼酎・泡盛鑑評会について Review of the 42nd Honkaku Shochu and Awamori Contest in 2019

Nobuhiko MUKAI, Atsuko ISOGAI, Muneyoshi KANAI, Masayuki TAKAHASHIO, Yukio OSAFUNE, Yoshiharu YAMANE, Toshihiro YOSHIMURA, and Nami GOTO-YAMAMOTO

単式蒸留焼酎の品質を全国的に調査研究することにより、製造技術と品質の現状及び動向を明らかにし、もって単式蒸留焼酎の製造技術及び品質の向上に資することを目的として、第42 回本格焼酎・泡盛鑑評会を日本酒造組合中央会と共催で開催した。今回から開催目的を改訂し、鑑評会が単式蒸留焼酎の製造技術及び品質の向上に資することを明確化した。

審査は令和元年6月 4日(火)及び6月5日(水)に行い、単式蒸留焼酎の製造に関与している者等が出品酒をきき酒する製造技術研究会は令和元年6月21日(金)に当研究所で開催し112名が参加した。



酒類総合研究所報告, 192, 18-34 (2020)

3 全国地ビール品質審査会2020出品酒の分析について Analysis of Beer Components Presented to Craft Beer Contest of Japan Brewers Association in 2020

Shinichi ITO, Hisashi YAZAWA, Maki KAMIMOTO and Takayuki EMURA

全国地ビール品質審査会2020は、地ビールの醸造技術向上及び品質改善を目的として、全国地ビール醸造者協議会(Japan Brewers Association)の主催により実施しており、本年で4回目となる。本年においては45社から106点の出品があり、品質審査会を令和2年3月11日(水)及び12日(木)に、公益財団法人日本醸造協会赤レンガ酒造工場(東京都北区滝野川)で実施する予定であったが、新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大防止の観点から中止となった。出品酒については、令和2年2月から4月の期間において、独立行政法人酒類総合研究所において成分分析及び微生物検査を実施したので、その結果について報告する。

酒類総合研究所報告, 192, 35-39 (2020)

4 官能評価訓練用ワインフレーバーサンプルの作成 Formulation of Wine Flavor Samples for Sensory Evaluation Training



酒類総合研究所報告, 192, 40-45 (2020)

5 Food safety evaluation of Aspergillus oryzae species based on the regulation by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan 農林水産省が定める優先的にリスク管理を行うべきカビ毒のリストに基づいたAspergillus oryzae 種の安全性評価

Sharon Marie Bahena-Garrido, Ryota Saito, Yuko Komatsu, Shiori Kodama, Ken Oda and Kazuhiro Iwashita
シャロン マリエ バヘナ-ガリド、齊藤亮太、小松夕子、児玉詩織、織田健、岩下和裕

Based on the tandem approach of DI-HRMS and LC-QTOF-MS/SIM(and MS/MS), we could finally conclude that no significant traces of harmful secondary metabolites or mycotoxins found in all of the 13 Aspergillus oryzae industrial strains cultivated under different culture conditions. We further confirmed the safety of these Aspergillus oryzae strains for industrial production of fermented foods and beverages.


酒類総合研究所報告, 192, 46-57 (2020)

6 Effect of koji starter on metabolites in Japanese alcoholic beverage sake made from the sake rice Koshitanrei 酒米「越淡麗」を使用した日本酒の代謝物に及ぼす麹スターターの影響

Eri lchikawa, Shougo Hirata, Yuko Hata, Hisashi Yazawa, Hiroyasu Tamura, Mitsuoki Kaneoke, Kazuhiro lwashita, and Dai Hirata

In sake brewing, the steamed rice is used in 2 ways, added to sake-mash and making rice-koji. Rice-koji is made from the steamed rice by using koji starter, and its quality is an important determinant of the aroma/taste of sake. The sake rice Koshitanrei (KOS) was developed in Niigata Prefecture by crossing 2 sake rice varieties, Gohyakumangoku and Yamadanishiki. Recently, we reported the characteristic components/metabolites in sake made from KOS by conducting metabolome analysis using UPLC-QTOF-MS. In this study, to investigate the effect of koji starter and sake rice cultivars on the sake metabolites, we performed small-scale sake-making tests using the above 3 rice cultivars and 3 koji starters. Finally, we demonstrated that some of the characteristic components/ metabolites of sake from KOS are affected by the koji starter. Thus, in addition to rice cultivar, koji starter plays an important role for establishment/maintenance of the quality of the final product.



7 Effect of light on carotenoid and lipid production in the oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides 油脂酵母Rhodosporidium toruloidesのカロテノイドと脂質生産における光の影響

Khanh Dung Pham, Yosuke Shida, Atsushi Miyata, Takeru Takamizawa, Yoshiyuki Suzuki, Satoshi Ara, Harutake Yamazaki, Kazuo Masaki, Kazuki Mori, Sachiyo Aburatani, Hideki Hirakawa, Kosuke Tashiro, Satoru Kuhara, Hiroaki Takaku and Wataru Ogasawara

The oleaginous yeast Rhodosporodium toruloides is receiving widespread attention as an alternative energy source for biofuels due to its unicellular nature, high growth rate and because it can be fermented on a large-scale. In this study, R. toruloides was cultured under both light and dark conditions in order to understand the light response involved in lipid and carotenoid biosynthesis. Our results from phenotype and gene expression analysis showed that R. toruloides responded to light by producing darker pigmentation with an associated increase in carotenoid production. Whilst there was no observable difference in lipid production, slight changes in the fatty acid composition were recorded. Furthermore, a two-step response was found in three genes (GGPSI, CAR1, and CAR2) under light conditions and the expression of the gene encoding the photoreceptor CRY1 was similarly affected. Light effect on carotenoid production in Rhodosporidium toruloides

酵母Rhodosporidium toruloidesのカロテノイドや脂質の生産における光応答を調べるために、光の有無の条件で培養を行なった。表現型と遺伝子発現解析から、酵母は光に応答して、カロテノイド生産に関係する濃い色の色素を生産した。一方、脂質の生産には光は関与しなかった。さらに、光の照射条件では、3つの遺伝子(GGPSI, CAR1, and CAR2) の2ステップの反応が見られた。


8 New urethanase from the yeast Candida parapsilosis 酵母Candida parapsilosis由来、新規ウレタナーゼ

Kazuo Masaki, Taichi Mizukure, Dararat Kakizono, Kanako Fujihara, Tsutomu Fujii, Nobuhiko Mukai

Urethanase (EC is an effective enzyme for removing ethyl carbamate (EC) present in alcoholic beverages. However, urethanase is not well studied and has not yet been developed for practical use. In this study, we report a new urethanase (CPUTNase) from the yeast Candida parapsilosis. Because C. parapsilosis can assimilate EC as its sole nitrogen source, the enzyme was extracted from yeast cells and purified using ion-exchange chromatography. The CPUTNase was estimated as a homotetramer comprising four units of a 61.7 kDa protein. In a 20% ethanol solution, CPUTNase had 73% activity compared with a solution without ethanol. Residual activity after 18 h indicated that CPUTNase was stable in 0%-40% ethanol solutions. The optimum temperature of CPUTNase was 43℃. This enzyme showed urethanase activity at pH 5.5-10.0 and exhibited its highest activity at pH 10. The gene of CPUTNase was identified, and a recombinant enzyme was expressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Characteristics of recombinant CPUTNase were identical to the native enzyme. The putative amino acid sequence indicated that CPUTNase was an amidase family protein. Further, substrate specificity supported this sequence analysis because CPUTNase showed higher activities toward amide compounds. These results suggest that amidase could be a candidate for urethanase. We discovered a new enzyme and investigated its enzymatic characteristics, sequence, and recombinant CPUTNase expression. These results contribute to a further understanding of urethanase.

ウレタナーゼ(ECは、アルコール飲料に含まれるカルバミン酸エチル(EC)を取り除くのに有効な酵素です。しかしながら、これまでにあまり研究されておらず、実用品もまだ開発されていません。この研究では、酵母Candida parapsilosis由来の新規ウレタナーゼ(CPUTNase)を報告します。この酵母は、ECを単独窒素源として資化できるので、目的の酵素はその状態の酵母細胞内より抽出、イオン交換クロマトグラフィーで抽出しました。CPUTNaseは、61.7 kDaタンパク質の4分子からなるホモ四量体でした。20%エタノール中では、73%の活性を保持し、0-40%のエタノール中で18時間保持した場合でも、安定に存在しました。至適温度は43℃、pH5.5-10の間で活性を示し、pH10で最大活性を示しました。CPUTNaseの遺伝子も同定し、酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiaeにて組換え酵素として発現できました。この組換え酵素の性質は、本来の酵素と同じものだと確認できました。予想されるアミノ酸配列から、CPUTNaseはアミダーゼファミリーの酵素だと推測されました。CPUTNaseは、アミド化合物に高い活性を示し、この基質特異性からも、この配列解析の予想を支持することができました。我々はこの研究で、この新しい酵素を発見し、酵素の性質を調べ、配列解析、組換え酵素の生産を示しました。これらの結果は、ウレタナーゼのさらなる理解に貢献するものです。

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 130, 115-120 (2020)

9 Variation in the mineral composition of wine produced using different winemaking techniques 製造方法の違いによるワインのミネラル組成の変動

Hideaki Shimizu, Fumikazu Akamatsu, Aya Kamada, Kazuya Koyama, Kazuhiro Iwashita, and Nami Goto-Yamamoto

It has been reported that the concentrations of minerals in wines can be used to discriminate their geographical origin. However, some winemaking techniques may also affect the mineral concentration of the final product. In this study, we examined the effects of various winemaking techniques, including (i) fining, (ii) aging with oak tips, (iii) maceration with grape skins, (iv) chaptalization and acidification, and (v) yeast nutrient addition for alcohol fermentation, on the concentration of 18 minerals (Li, B, Na, Mg, Si, P, S, K, Ca, Mn, Co, Ni, Ga, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ba and Pb) in a total of 154 wine samples using grapes from different production areas. Among the various winemaking techniques, maceration with grape skin had the largest effect on mineral content, significantly changing the concentrations of 17 or 18 elements (B, Na, Mg, Si, P, S, K, Ca, Mn, Co, Ni, Ga, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ba and Pb). Fining treatment using bentonites had the second largest effect, altering the concentrations of 14 elements (Li, B, Na, Si, P, S, Ca, Co, Ga, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ba and Pb). However, in principal component analysis using all data (n=154), the wine samples were clearly clustered according to grapes used in the experiments rather than the winemaking technique. In conclusion, some winemaking techniques significantly altered the concentration of some minerals in wine; however, the principal factor influencing wine mineral composition seems to be its geographical origin.

ワインに含まれる無機成分濃度は、産地を識別するのに有用である可能性があるものの、製造工程での各種操作によって変動するとの報告もある。そこで、(i) 滓下げ、(ii) オークチップによる貯蔵、 (iii) 醸し、(iv) 補糖・補酸、(v) 発酵助成剤の違いによる無機成分濃度の変動の程度を、様々な産地のブドウを用いた154サンプルの18元素(Li, B, Na, Mg, Si, P, S, K, Ca, Mn, Co, Ni, Ga, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ba, Pb)を用いて調べた。様々な製造方法の中で、醸しが17-18元素濃度を有意に変化させ、最も大きな影響があった。次に、滓下げ剤であるベントナイトを添加した実験の影響が大きく、14元素濃度を有意に変化させた。しかし、本実験で用いた全154サンプルの18元素を基にした主成分分析を実施したところ、製造方法の違いより、今回用いたブドウ毎に分布する結果であった。つまり、製造方法によってはいくつかの無機成分濃度を有意に変化させるものの、ワインの無機成分組成に影響を与える主要因は産地である可能性が示唆された。

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 130, 166-172 (2020)

2020/10/8 掲載

1. 第1四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 Evaluating the influence of temperature on proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in developing grape berries (Vitis vinifera L.) ブドウ果粒生育中のプロアントシアニジン生合成に及ぼす温度の影響の評価


The variability in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) proanthocyanidin content is largely attributable to viticultural and environmental conditions. However, the particular effect temperature has on proanthocyanidin biosynthesis is poorly understood. The aim of the present study was to ascertain the magnitude of the effect of temperature on proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in Cabernet Sauvignon grape berries cultured in vitro. In addition, the effects of temperature on global gene transcription were evaluated, and the microarray data were later validated by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). The grape berries used in this research were sampled 3-4 weeks after full bloom and cultured in vitro either under a low (20 ℃) or high (30 ℃) temperature treatment for 15 days (d) with sampling occurring every five days. The proanthocyanidin content was higher in the skin and seeds of grape berries cultured at a low temperature compared with a high temperature. However, overall proanthocyanidin composition between the treatments was not significantly affected. Microarray data revealed a total of 1298 genes with ≥ 3.5-fold expression differences under high temperature conditions. High temperature also inhibited the expression level of key genes involved in proanthocyanidin biosynthesis, anthocyanidin reductase (ANR) and leucoanthocyanidin reductase-1 (LAR-1) within the berry skin. However, the transcriptomic accumulation of transcription factors, such as VvMybPAs, VvMyb5a and VvMyb5b, was barely influenced during the peak expression of ANR and LAR-1. Thus, the present study revealed that temperature has a significant effect on proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in grape during berry development through enhancing the expression of key biosynthetic genes.

ブドウ(Vitis vinifera L.)のプロアントシアニジン含有量は、ブドウの栽培条件・環境条件によって大きく変動する。ただし、温度がプロアントシアニジン生合成に及ぼす影響はあまり理解されていない。そこで本研究では、in vitroで培養したカベルネ・ソーヴィニヨンのブドウ果粒のプロアントシアニジン生合成に対する温度の影響を明らかにすることを目的とした。さらに、包括的な遺伝子転写に対する温度の影響をマイクロアレイで評価し、定量的リアルタイムPCR(qPCR)で検証した。満開の3~4週間後にサンプリングしたブドウ果粒を、低温(20℃)または高温(30℃)の温度条件で15日間 in vitroで培養し、5日ごとにサンプリングした。プロアントシアニジン含有量は、低温で培養されたブドウ果実の果皮と種子の方が高かった。ただし、全体的なプロアントシアニジン組成は有意な影響を受けなかった。マイクロアレイデータにより、温度条件間で3.5倍以上の発現差がある合計1298個の遺伝子が明らかになった。高温によって、果皮のプロアントシアニジン生合成に関与する重要な遺伝子、アントシアニジンレダクターゼ(ANR)およびロイコアントシアニジンレダクターゼ-1(LAR-1)の発現レベルが低下した。ただし、VvMybPAsVvMyb5aVvMyb5bなどの転写因子のmRNAレベルは、ANRLAR-1のピーク発現中にほとんど影響を受けなかった。したがって、本研究は、温度が生合成遺伝子の発現に影響することにより、ブドウ果実生育中のプロアントシアニジン生合成に有意な影響を与えることを明らかにした。

Molecular Biology Reports, 47, 3501-3510 (2020)

2 Separation and Purification of Glucose in Sake for Carbon Stable Isotope Analysis 炭素安定同位体比分析のための清酒中グルコースの分離精製

Fumikazu AKAMATSU, Yukari IGI, Akiko FUJITA

An existing procedure for the separation and purification of glucose in sake for compound-specific carbon stable isotope analysis was examined with a view to reducing the sample amount required and process complexity, with a focus on the freeze-drying, solid-phase extraction (SPE), and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) steps. In the revised procedure, the carbon stable isotopic composition, as indicated by δ13C values, of glucose was not significantly affected by glucose concentration in the range 0.25-1.00 mg mL-1, solvent (water or 80% aqueous acetonitrile), or HPLC procedure. Glucose freeze-dried after separation and purification by SPE and HPLC exhibited procedure-induced carbon isotopic discrimination of ≤ 0.1‰. The isolation procedure achieved the same accuracy in glucose δ13C values as that achieved with traditional ion-exchange procedures while requiring a sample volume (1 mL) only 4% that of the usual volume. The improved method enables cost-effective, labor-efficient, small-scale, compound-specific carbon stable isotope analyses of glucose in sake.

凍結乾燥、固相抽出(SPE)、高速液体クロマトグラフィー(HPLC)の各処理過程を中心に、必要試料量の低減と処理過程の簡素化を目的として、炭素安定同位体比分析のための清酒中グルコースの分離精製方法を検討した。その結果、δ13C値で表したグルコースの炭素安定同位体比は、グルコースの濃度(0.25-1.00 mL-1)、溶液(水、80%アセトニトリル水溶液)、HPLC精製過程による有意な影響を受けないことがわかった。SPEによる分離、HPLCによる精製後、凍結乾燥したブドウ糖は、炭素同位体分別が0.1‰以下だった。この方法は、従来のイオン交換樹脂を用いた方法と同水準のグルコースの正確なδ13C値が得られ、分析に必要な試料量を従来の4%にまで低減できた。改良された分離精製方法は、清酒中グルコースの炭素安定同位体比分析の費用対効果の向上、省力化、小規模化を可能にする。

Food Analytical Methods, 13 (4), 885-891 (2020)

3 Awamori fermentation test and 1-octen-3-ol productivity analysis using fatty acid oxygenase disruptants of Aspergillus luchuensis 黒麹菌の脂肪酸オキシゲナーゼ破壊株を用いた泡盛発酵試験および1-octen-3-ol生産性の解析

Ryousuke Kataoka, Taisuke Watanabe, Risa Hayashi, Atsuko Isogai, Osamu Yamada, Jun Ogihara
片岡涼輔, 渡邉泰祐, 林梨咲, 山田修, 荻原淳

1-Octen-3-ol is a major aroma component of awamori, a traditional distilled liquor produced in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. As 1-octen-3-ol is thought to affect the sensory properties of awamori, it is important to fully characterize the compound's biosynthetic pathway and control mechanism. We previously reported that the fatty acid oxygenase ppoC (ppo: psi-produced oxygenase) of Aspergillus luchuensis is directly involved in the production of 1-octen-3-ol in rice koji (Kataoka et al., J. Biosci. Bioeng., 129, 192-198, 2020). In the present study, we constructed A. luchuensis ppoD disruptants to characterize the role of ppo genes in 1-octen-3-ol biosynthesis. A small-scale awamori fermentation test was performed using ppoA, ppoC, and ppoD single disruptants (ΔppoA, ΔppoC, and ΔppoD, respectively), along with the parent strain, ΔligD. 1-Octen-3-ol was not detected in the distillate prepared using the ΔppoC strain. We conclude that A. luchuensis ppoC is the only 1-octen-3-ol-producing factor in the awamori brewing process. Because ΔppoA and ΔppoD slightly enhanced 1-octen-3-ol productivity, these two genes may play a role in negatively controlling 1-octen-3-ol biosynthesis.

1-octen-3-olは、沖縄の伝統的な蒸留酒である泡盛の特徴香の一つであり、その生合成系を理解することは重要である。すでに我々は、ppoCが、米麹における1-octen-3-ol生合成の必須因子であることを報告した。さらに我々は、 ppoD 遺伝子破壊株を作成するとともに、泡盛小仕込を行うことで、ppoC遺伝子破壊株のみ1-octen-3-olが検出されずA. luchuensis ppoCが泡盛における1-octen-3-olの唯一の生成要因であることを明らかとした。また、ppoA及びppoD遺伝子破壊株は、1-octen-3-ol生産性を促進したことから、両遺伝子には1-octen-3-ol生産を負に制御している可能性が考えられた。

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 130, 489-495 (2020)

4 Characteristic analysis of the fermentation and sporulation properties of the traditional sake yeast strain Hiroshima no.6 伝統的な清酒酵母である「広島6号」の発酵特性及び胞子形成特性の解析

Risa Yamasaki, Tetsuya Goshima, Kenji Oba, Atsuko Isogai, Ritsushi Ohdoi, Dai Hirata, Takeshi Akao

General sake yeasts (e.g., Kyokai no.7, K7) show high fermentation ability and low sporulation frequency. Former is related to stress-response defect due to the loss-of-function of MSN4 and RIM15. Later is mainly caused by low IME1 expression, leading to difficulty in breeding and genetic analysis. Sake yeast Hiroshima no.6 (H6), which had been applied for sake fermentation, has sporulation ability. However, its detailed properties have not been unveiled. Here we present that the fermentation ability of H6 is suitable for sake brewing, and the precursor of dimethyl trisulfide in sake from H6 is low. MSN4 but not RIM15 of H6 has the same mutation as K7. Our phylogenetic analysis indicated that H6 is closely related to the K7 group. Unlike K7, H6 showed normal sporulation frequency in a partially RIM15-dependent manner, and IME1 in H6 was expressed. H6 possesses excellent properties as a partner strain for breeding by crossing.

一般的な清酒酵母(例:協会7号(K7))は、高い発酵能力と低い胞子形成頻度を示す。前者は、MSN4およびRIM15の機能欠損変異によるストレス応答の欠損との関連が報告されている。後者は、主にIME1発現の低下が一因であることが報告されているが、胞子形成欠損により交配育種と遺伝解析が困難となる。以前清酒の発酵に使用されていた清酒酵母広島6号(H6)は、胞子形成能を有しているが、その詳細な特性は明らかにされていなかった。本論文で私たちは、小規模清酒製造試験を行い、H6の発酵能力が清酒醸造に適していることと、H6の製成酒のジメチルトリスルフィドの前駆体が低いことを示した。H6のRIM15はK7と同様の機能欠失変異はなく、H6のMSN4はK7と同じ機能欠失変異を有した。さらに、系統解析により、H6はK7グループと遺伝的に近縁であることが明らかとなったが、K7とは異なり、H6は部分的にRIM15依存的に正常な胞子形成頻度を示し、H6のIME1は正常な発現を示した。 H6は交配による育種のパートナー株として優れた特性を持っている。

Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 84 (4), 842-853 (2020)

5 The sake yeast YHR032W/ERC1 allele contributes to the regulation of the tetrahydrofolate content in the folate synthetic pathway in sake yeast strains 清酒酵母型Erc1は清酒酵母の葉酸合成経路におけるテトラヒドロ葉酸の含量を制御している

Muneyoshi Kanai, Tomoko Kawata, Tomoko Morimoto, Masaki Mizunuma, Daisuke Watanabe, Takeshi Akao, Tsutomu Fujii, Haruyuki Iefuji

To elucidate the mechanism underlying tetrahydrofolate (THF) accumulation in sake yeast strains compared with that in laboratory yeast strains, we performed a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis. The results revealed that the sake yeast ERC1 allele contributes to an increase in the ratio of THF to the total folate content in sake yeast.


Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 84 (5), 1073-1076 (2020)

6 Efficacy of a long term feeding of α-glycerophosphocholine on aging-related phenomena in old mice 老齢マウスの加齢関連現象に対するα-グリセロホスホコリン長期摂取の効果

Masataka NARUKAWA, Aya KAMIYOSHIHARA, Hanae IZU, Tsutomu FUJII, Kiminori MATSUBARA, and Takumi MISAKA

α-Glycerophosphocholine (GPC) is a natural source of choline. It reportedly prevents aging-related decline in cognitive function, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Although it is understood that aging influences taste sensitivity and energy regulation, whether GPC exerts antiaging effects on such phenomena requires further elucidation. Here, we used old C57BL/6J mice that were fed a GPC-containing diet, to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the prevention of a decline in cognitive function associated with aging and examine the beneficial effects of GPC intake on aging-related phenomena, such as taste sensitivity and energy regulation. We confirmed that GPC intake reduces the aging-related decline in the expression levels of genes related to long-term potentiation. Although we did not observe an improvement in aging-related decline in taste sensitivity, there was a notable improvement in the expression levels of β-oxidation-associated genes in old mice. Our results suggest that the prevention of aging-related decline in cognitive function by GPC intake may be associated with the improvement of gene expression levels of long-term potentiation. Furthermore, GPC intake may positively influence lipid metabolism.

α-グリセロホスホコリン(GPC)は天然のコリン源である。加齢による認知機能低下を防ぐことが知られているが、メカニズムは不明である。一方、老化は味覚感受性やエネルギー調節に影響を与えることが知られているが、GPCにこれらの老化防止効果があるかはさらなる解明が必要である。本研究では、GPCを含む食餌を与えた老齢C57BL / 6Jマウスを用い、加齢による認知機能低下予防の分子メカニズムを調べ、GPC摂取による味覚感受性やエネルギー調節などの加齢関連現象改善を検討した。記憶の長期増強関連遺伝子発現レベルの加齢にともなう減少がGPC摂取で抑制されることを確認した。加齢による味覚感度低下の改善はみられなかったが、肝臓のβ酸化関連遺伝子発現レベルが顕著に改善した。我々の結果はGPC摂取による加齢に伴う認知機能低下抑制が長期増強遺伝子発現レベルの改善と関連し、GPC摂取が脂質代謝に良い影響を及ぼすことを示唆している。

Gerontology, 2020, 66: 275-285.

7 Long-term Responses to Climate Change of the Carbon and Oxygen Stable Isotopic Compositions and Gelatinization Temperature of Rice 米の炭素及び酸素安定同位体比と糊化温度の気候変動への長期応答

Fumikazu AKAMATSU, Masaki OKUDA, Tsutomu FUJII

The stable isotopic compositions of carbon (δ13C) and oxygen (δ18O) in rice are often used to confirm its authenticity. The gelatinization temperature is a crucial factor in alcoholic fermentation. However, little is known about the isotopic and thermal responses of rice to climate change. We show that in sake rice grown annually in the same paddy field from 1994 to 2013, the δ13C (-27.4‰ to -25.9‰) and δ18O values (20.4‰ to 27.0‰) correlated negatively with the mean daily minimum air temperature and precipitation, and positively with the hours of sunshine during grain-filling. In contrast, of the air temperatures tested, the gelatinization temperature of the rice grains (63.2 ℃ to 70.0 ℃) correlated positively and most strongly with the mean daily mean air temperature. Thus, we identified the mean daily minimum temperature during grain-filling, a nocturnal temperature, as a major factor affecting the isotopic and thermal variations in rice grains.

米の炭素(δ13C)及び酸素安定同位体比(δ18O)は、その信頼性確保のためにしばしば利用される。醸造においては糊化温度が重要要素となっている。しかし、米の安定同位体比と糊化温度の気候変動への応答には不明な点も多い。本研究では、1994年から2013年まで同じ水田で栽培した酒造好適米について、δ13C値(-27.4‰から-25.9‰)とδ18O値(20.4‰から27.0‰)が、登熟期間の平均日最低気温及び降水量と負の相関があり、日照時間と正の相関があること、米の糊化温度(63.2 ℃から70.0 ℃)は、気温と正の相関があり、中でも平均日平均気温と最も強く相関していたことを見出した。登熟期の夜間気温を反映した平均日最低気温が、米の安定同位体比と糊化温度の主要な変動要因であることを明らかにした。

Food Chemistry, 315, 126239 (2020)

8 Invasive growth of Aspergillus oryzae in rice koji and increase of nuclear number 米麹中での麹菌の侵入成長と核の増加

Mizuki Yasui, Ken Oda, Shunsuke Masuo, Shuji Hosoda, Takuya Katayama, Jun-ichi Maruyama, Naoki Takaya and Norio Takeshita

'Rice koji' is a solid culture of Aspergillus oryzae on steamed rice grains. Multiple parallel fermentation, wherein saccharification of rice by A. oryzae and alcohol fermentation by the budding yeast occur simultaneously, leads to the formation of a variety of ingredients of Japanese sake. In sake brewing, the degree of mycelial invasive growth into the steamed rice, called 'haze-komi', highly correlates with the digestibility and quality of rice koji, since the hyphae growing into the rice secrete amylases and digest starch.


In this study, we investigated mycelial distribution of GFP-tagged A. oryzae in rice koji made with different types of rice, such as sake rice and eating rice, with 50 or 90% polishing rate to remove abundant proteins and lipids near the surface. In addition, we compared transcriptomes of A. oryzae in the different types of rice koji. Finally, we found that A. oryzae increases the nuclear number and hyphal width in the course of 1-3 days cultivation.


Our imaging analyses indicate that A. oryzae hyphae grew more deeply into 50% polished rice than 90% polished rice. The increases of nuclear number may be a selectively acquired characteristic for the high secretory capacity during the long history of cultivation of this species.







Fungal Biology and Biotechnology, 7, 8 (2020)

9 Development of sake yeast haploid set with diverse brewing properties using sake yeast strain Hiroshima no. 6 exhibiting sexual reproduction. 清酒酵母広島6号の有性生殖能を活用した、多様な醸造特性を持つ清酒酵母一倍体セットの開発

Risa Yamasaki, Tetsuya Goshima, Kenji Oba, Muneyoshi Kanai, Ritsushi Ohdoi, Dai Hirata, Takeshi Akao

Among sake yeast strains, Kyokai no. 7 (K7) and its closely related strains (K7 group) are predominantly used because of their excellent brewing properties. In the sake industrial sector, the need for various types of yeast strains is high. Although crossbreeding is an effective method for generating genetic diversity that should result in diverse characteristics, most K7 group strains lack normal sporulation ability, including the ability to undergo meiotic chromosomal recombination, which leads to difficulties in crossbreeding. Accordingly, the improvement of sake yeast strains primarily depends on mutagenesis and suitable selection in a stepwise manner. Our recent study revealed that the long-preserved sake yeast strain Hiroshima no. 6 (H6) does not belong to the K7 group despite genetically being extremely similar. In addition, H6 exhibited normal sporulation. Thus, we isolated haploid cells from H6 and mated them with previously isolated haploid cells of K7 group strains. The crossbred diploid strains had normal sporulation ability; hence, we performed tetrad analysis. The brewing characteristics of the obtained haploid set were extremely diverse. Principal component analysis based on the volatile and organic acid components measured using small-scale sake brewing tests revealed that the haploid strains derived from each diploid strain displayed a characteristic distribution. Thus, we demonstrated the availability of genetic crossbreeding using H6 with sporulation ability to facilitate both the development of novel sake yeast strains with many desirable characteristics and analyses of the function of sake yeast.

清酒酵母のうち、協会 7号(K7)およびその近縁株(K7グループ)は、優れた醸造特性を有していることから主要な株として清酒醸造に使用されている。清酒製造においては様々な醸造特性を有した菌株への要望が高い。交配は多様な特性をもたらす遺伝的多様性を生み出すための効果的な方法だが、ほとんどのK7グループ株は、減数分裂時の染色体組換えの異常を含む胞子形成能力が欠損しており、交配による育種は難しいことが知られている。したがって、新規清酒酵母株の育種は、主に段階的な突然変異誘発と薬剤耐性株の取得に依存している。我々の最近の研究により、清酒酵母広島6号(H6)はK7グループと遺伝的に非常に近縁であるが、厳密にはK7グループに属していないこと、また、正常な胞子形成能を有することを明らかにした。このことから、H6から半数体細胞を分離し、以前に分離されたK7グループ株の半数体細胞と交配を行った。交雑二倍体株は正常な胞子形成能力を有したことから、交雑二倍体を用いて四分子分析を行ったところ、得られた半数体セットは非常に多様な醸造特性を有していた。実験室規模の清酒小仕込み試験を行い、得られた製成酒の揮発性香気成分組成および有機酸組成に基づく主成分分析により、各交雑二倍体株に由来する半数体株が特徴的な分布を示すことが明らかになった。本報告では、胞子形成能力を備えたH6を使用して、多くの望ましい特性を備えた新規清酒酵母株の開発と清酒酵母の特有の機能解析の両方を促進する遺伝的交配の利用可能性を実証した。

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 129 (6), 706-714 (2020)

2020/7/6 掲載