令和3年度 研究成果

4. 第4四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 Prediction method for determining the carbon stable isotopic composition of berry sugars in the original must of Chardonnay wines シャルドネワインの果醪における糖類の炭素安定同位体比の推定方法

Fumikazu Akamatsu, Hideaki Shimizu, Yukari Igi, Aya Kamada, Kazuya Koyama, Osamu Yamada, and Nami Goto-Yamamoto

The carbon stable isotopic composition, as indicated by the δ13C value, of wine ethanol is inherited from berry sugars, but little is known about the variation in sugar δ13C values of Japanese grapes relative to overseas grapes. This study found a large variation in sugar δ13C values of Chardonnay grapes grown in Japan (−27.2 ± 0.9‰, mean ± standard deviation, n = 33), with sugar δ13C values depending on the δ13C values and content of monosaccharides. After complete fermentation, the carbon isotope discrimination between berry sugars and wine ethanol was 1.5 ± 0.1‰. Ethanol δ13C values and carbon isotope discrimination enabled prediction of sugar δ13C values in the original must. Imported wines had higher sugar δ13C values than those of wines made from Japanese grapes, suggesting drier overseas viticulture conditions. The determination of sugar δ13C values in grape berries provides valuable information for viticulture and wine authentication.

ワインに含まれるエタノールの炭素安定同位体比(δ13C値)は、ブドウ果実の糖類のδ13C値を反映するが、日本産ブドウの糖類のδ13C値の変動は、海外産ブドウに比べて知見が少ない。本研究は、日本産シャルドネブドウの糖類のδ13C値は変動が大きく(−27.2 ± 0.9‰、 平均値 ± 標準偏差、 n = 33)、糖類のδ13C値が単糖類のδ13C値と含有量で決まることを明らかにした。シャルドネブドウを完全発酵した後、果実の糖類とワインのエタノールの同位体分別は、1.5 ± 0.1‰だった。ワインのエタノールのδ13C値と同位体分別から、果醪の糖類のδ13C値が推定可能になった。輸入ワインは日本ワインよりも原料ブドウの糖類のδ13C値が高く、ブドウ栽培環境が海外の方が日本よりも乾燥条件にあることが示唆された。ブドウ果実の糖類のδ13C値の決定は、ブドウ栽培とワイン認証に価値ある情報をもたらす。

Food Chemistry, 369, 130854(2022)

2 Chemometric approaches for determining the geographical origin of Japanese Chardonnay wines using oxygen stable isotope and multi-element analyses 酸素安定同位体比分析および多元素分析を用いた日本産シャルドネワインの原料原産地判別のための計量化学的アプローチ

Fumikazu Akamatsu, Hideaki Shimizu, Sakura Hayashi, Aya Kamada, Yukari Igi, Kazuya Koyama, Osamu Yamada, and Nami Goto-Yamamoto

Determining the geographical origin of wines is a major challenge in wine authentication, but little information is available regarding non-parametric statistical approaches for wines. In this study, we collected 33 domestic Chardonnay wines vinified on a small scale from grapes cultivated in Japan, and 42 Chardonnay wines imported from 8 countries, for oxygen stable isotope and multi-element analyses. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) were applied to the oxygen stable isotopic compositions (δ18O) and the concentrations of 18 elements in the wines to compare the extractions by parametric and non-parametric methods. The non-parametric methods, NMDS and KPCA, separated domestic from imported Chardonnay wines better than the parametric method, PCA. Of 19 variables, 18 were important for geographical discrimination, with the δ18O value being the most significant in all statistic methods. Non-parametric multivariate analyses will help discriminate domestic from imported Chardonnay wines.


Food Chemistry, 371, 131113(2022)

3 3回蒸留泡盛の再留工程における香気成分の蒸留挙動と製品特性 Distillation behavior of aroma compounds during spirits distillation and product properties of a triple distillation of Awamori

Yukio Osafune, Kenji Toshida, Jinshun Han, Atsuko Isogai, Munehiro Miyamoto, Johji Aizawa, and Nobuhiko Mukai


Triple distillated Awamori "sho" was developed by a new production method for Japanese hard liquor which has a sweet flavor, cleanliness, and smoothness. It was commercialized by 12 Awamori manufacturers in Okinawa. To determine the unique characteristic of the spirits, multi distillations using small pot stills were performed and the distillation behavior of various aroma compounds were analyzed. As a result, the distillation behavior was mainly classified to five groups. Moreover, the concentrations of the aroma compounds increased and decreased respectively through both the second and the third distillations. In addition, the commercially available three times distillated Awamori was analyzed and compared with normal Awamori (Ippanshu). There was a significant difference in some volatile compounds, and they showed the same tendency as with the small pot still study. It is suggested that these compounds, which were changed through the multi distillation, contribute to the characteristics of the triple distillated Awamori.

日本醸造協会誌, 117(2), 111-130(2022)

4 日本酒百年貯蔵プロジェクト 10年目の分析結果について Analyses of sake stored for 10 years in the “100 Year Sake Storage Project”

Atsuko Isogai, Hanae Izu, Ryoko Kanda, Yuriko Ikeda, Yukari Igi, and Tsutomu Fujii

日本酒百年貯蔵プロジェクトに提供された清酒について10年貯蔵酒の成分分析を行った。貯蔵前後の分析値を比較すると、紫外部吸収、着色度、色彩値のb*、3-デオキシクルコソンが顕著に増加した。酸度および 個別のアミノ酸の多くは減少傾向であった が、アミノ酸の増加がみられたサンプルもあった。香味成分については、酢酸エチル、酢酸イソアミル、カプロン酸エチルといった主要香気成分は減少し、カルボニル化合物、分岐脂肪酸および有機酸のエチルエステル、ポリスルフィド、ハルマンは増加するものが多かった 。ただし、アルデヒド類はサンプルによっては減少した。これまでに報告されていたソトロン、イソバレルアルデヒド、メチオナール、ベンズアルデヒド、ジメチルトリスルフィド、ジメチルジスルフィド、ハルマンに加えて、乳酸エチルおよびフェニル酢酸エチルも閾値を超えるものがあった。主成分分析の結果、アミノ酸や有機酸が多い清酒ほど、上記の変化が大きい傾向がみられた。カルバミン酸エチル(EC)の増加量と貯蔵前の尿素濃度との間に非常に高い相関がみられ、尿素がEC生成の支配的な要因であることが示唆された。

We carried out analyses of sake stored for 10 years presented for the “100 Year Sake Storage Project”. Comparing the sake before and after storage, absorbance at 280nm and 430nm, b* of CIE color value, and the concentration of 3-deoxyglucosone significantly increased. Acidity and the concentrations of most amino acids tended to decrease, although increases in amino acids were observed in some samples. As for flavor components, major aroma components such as ethyl acetate, isoamyl acetate, and ethyl caproate decreased, while carbonyl compounds, ethyl esters of branched chain fatty acids and organic acids, polysulfides and harman tended to increase, although some aldehydes decreased in some samples. Ethyl lactate and ethyl phenylacetate were shown to exist at concentrations exceeding their sensory threshold, in addition to sotolon, isovaleraldehyde, methional, benzaldehyde, dimethyl trisulfide, dimethyl disulfide and harman, which were previously reported to contribute to the aged sake flavor. Principal component analysis indicated that the more amino acids and organic acids the sake contains, the larger the changes were in the components mentioned above. A high correlation between the increment of ethyl carbamate (EC) during storage and urea concentration before storage suggested that urea is the dominant factor of EC formation in sake.

日本醸造協会誌, 117(3), 181-194(2022)

5 Effect of high temperature and short maceration on red wine making 赤ワインの高温短期醸しの効果

Hideaki Shimizu,Minori Kono, Kazuya Koyama, Kazuhiro Iwashita, and Nami Goto-Yamamoto

The effects of high temperature and short maceration (HT&S) of vinification processes were examined in eight wineries and the National Research Institute of Brewing by analyzing the chemical and/or sensory characteristics of produced wines. In the 2017 laboratory-scale vinification of Muscat Bailey A (MBA), HT&S wines had higher color intensity than control wines. In 2018, the effect of HT&S varied according to grape variety: HT&S increased the color intensity of MBA and Merlot wines, but not wines made from three other varieties. As regards pilot- and plant-scale vinification, HT&S tended to increase wine color intensity when the maceration temperature was controlled appropriately, and some HT&S wines received favorable evaluation with regard to astringency or body in the sensory analysis compared with control wines. However, the HT&S technique requires further improvement of the following two items prior to practical application in wineries. The first item is the pressing time, which is dependent on the degree of extraction of the anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin from skin and seed, the grape variety, and the temperature changes during maceration. The second item is temperature control between 28 and 30 ℃ in the early stage of fermentation, which is difficult to achieve when the fermentation scale is large.

赤ワインの色の向上に効果があると報告のある高温短期醸しについて、日本国内で栽培されている様々な品種を用いて小規模試験醸造及びワイナリーにおける実証試験を行いその効果を検証した。2017年のマスカット・ベーリーA(MBA)を用いた小規模試験では、発酵中盤から後半にさしかかったColor Intensityが最大付近でプレスした場合、製成後のワインのColor Intensityは対照区の1.1∼1.4倍となった。2018年のブドウ品種5種類を用いた小規模試験では、ブドウ品種の違いによって高温短期醸しの効果が異なり、MBAやメルローではColor Intensityが向上したが、それ以外の品種では対照区とほぼ同じとなった。ワイナリーにおける実証試験では、醪初期に28∼30℃程度の高めの温度で醸し発酵を行い、色素やタンニンを適度に抽出後、比重1.020∼1.000付近で速やかにプレスすることで、Color Intensityが向上し、渋味(収斂味)、厚み(ボディ感)が通常醸しと比べて良いと評価される場合もあった。ただし、プレスのタイミングを判断する難しさ、発酵スケールが大きくなるほど醸し発酵開始時に28∼30℃の温度にしつつ30℃を超えないようにする温度コントロールの難しさもあり、ワイン醸造で実施するには更なる条件設定の見直しが必要と思われた。

Journal of ASEV Japan, 32, 111-125(2021)

6 Chromosome-level genome sequence data and analysis of the white koji fungus, Aspergillus luchuensis mut. kawachii IFO 4308 白麹菌Aspergillus luchuensis mut. kawachii IFO 4308の染色体レベルのゲノムシークエンスデータと比較解析

Kazuki Mori, Chihiro Kadooka, Ken Oda, Kayu Okutsu, Yumiko Yoshizaki, Kazunori Takamine, Kosuke Tashiro, Masatoshi Goto, Hisanori Tamaki, and Taiki Futagami

Aspergillus luchuensis mut. kawachii is used primarily in the production of shochu, a traditional Japanese distilled alcoholic beverage. Here, we report the chromosome-level genome sequence of A. luchuensis mut. kawachii IFO 4308 (NBRC 4308) and a comparison of the sequence with that of A. luchuensis RIB2601. The genome of strain IFO 4308 was assembled into nine contigs consisting of eight chromosomes and one mitochondrial DNA segment. The nearly complete genome of strain IFO 4308 comprises 37,287,730 bp with a GC content of 48.85% and 12,664 predicted coding sequences and 267 tRNAs. Comparison of the IFO 4308 and RIB2601 genomes revealed a highly conserved structure; however, the IFO 4308 genome is larger than that of RIB2601, which is primarily attributed to chromosome 5. The genome sequence of IFO 4308 was deposited in DDBJ/ENA/GenBank under accession numbers AP024425–AP024433.

Aspergillus luchuensis mut. kawachiiは、日本の伝統的な醸造酒の焼酎に主に使用されている。本稿では、A. luchuensis mut. kawachii IFO 4308 (NBRC 4308) の染色体レベルのゲノム配列と、A. luchuensis RIB2601の配列との比較について報告する。IFO 4308株のゲノムは、8本の染色体と1本のミトコンドリアDNAからなる9つのコンティグにアセンブルされた。IFO 4308株のほぼ完全なゲノムは37,287,730 bpからなり、GC含量は48.85%、予測されるコード配列は12,664個、tRNAは267個であった。IFO 4308とRIB2601のゲノムを比較すると、高度に保存された構造が明らかになった。しかしながら、IFO 4308のゲノムはRIB2601のゲノムより大きく、これは主に第5染色体に起因するものであった。IFO 4308 のゲノム配列は DDBJ/ENA/GenBank にアクセッション番号 AP024425-AP024433 で登録されている。

Data in Brief, 41, 107888(2022)

7 ペプチダーゼの添加が清酒のピログルタミルペプチド濃度及び呈味特性に及ぼす影響 Effects of exogenous peptidase addition on the concentration of pyroglutamyl peptides in sake and its taste characteristics

Katsumi Hashizume, Junya Ohno, Toshihiko Ito, and Masaki Okuda

外因性ペプチダーゼ添加の清酒のピログルタミル(pGlu)ペプチド濃度及び清酒の呈味特性に及ぼす効果を調べた。高い酸性カルボキシペプチダーゼ(ACP)活性を持つペプチダーゼ剤の清酒への添加は、苦味ペプチドを低下させ (pGlu)L-エチルを増加させた。(pGlu)ペプチドエチルエステル活性が高くACP活性が低い酵素剤の清酒への添加は、清酒中の(pGlu)LF-エチル及び(pGlu)LFNP-エチルを増加させたが、 (pGlu)L-エチルは増加させなかった。これらの効果は精製された(pGlu)ペプチドエチルエステル生成酵素でも確認された。酵素の添加によって生じた、(pGlu)L-エチルを除く(pGlu)オリゴペプチドエチルエステルの増加は、清酒の味わいに良い効果を与えることが示唆された。ACP活性が低く (pGlu)ペプチドエチルエステル生成活性を持つ酵素剤の、米麹による米プロテインボディー(PB)の消化液への添加は、(pGlu)オリゴペプチドエチルエステルを増加させた。しかしながら、その酵素添加は、(pGlu)L-エチルの増加を引き起こさなかった。 当該ペプチダーゼの清酒もろみへの添加はPBの消化液の添加試験の場合と類似した効果をもたらしたが、その効果はかなり弱かった。

Effects of exogenous peptidase addition on the concentration of pyroglutamyl (pGlu) peptides in sake and also on the taste characteristics of sake were investigated. The addition of peptidase agents involving high acid carboxypeptidase (ACP) activity to sake decreased bitter-tasting peptides and increased (pGlu)L-ethyl. The addition of a peptidase agent with high (pGlu)peptide ethyl ester forming activity but low ACP activity increased (pGlu)LF-ethyl and (pGlu)LFNP-ethyl in sake ; however, it did not increase (pGlu)L-ethyl. These effects were also observed in test of adding purified (pGlu) peptide ethyl ester forming enzyme. It was suggested that the increase of (pGlu) oligo peptide ethyl esters except (pGlu)L-ethyl yielded positive effects on the taste of sake. The addition of a peptidase agent with high (pGlu)peptide ethyl ester forming activity but low ACP activity increased (pGlu) oligo peptide ethyl esters in the digestion solution of the rice protein body (PB) by rice koji enzymes, but it did not increase (pGlu)L-ethyl. Addition of the peptidase to the sake mash caused similar effects as the addition to the PB digestion solution, but the effects were quite weak.

日本醸造協会誌, 117(1), 45-54(2022)

8 市販種もやしで製麹した清酒米麹のピログルタミルペプチドエチルエステル生成酵素活性 Pyroglutamyl peptide ethyl ester forming activity in rice koji for sake brewing made by commercial koji starters.

橋爪克己、高嶋 海、伊藤俊彦、大野剛、進藤昌、奥田将生
Katsumi Hashizume, Junya Ohno, Toshihiko Ito, and Masaki Okuda

市販種もやし 12 点と黄麹菌 RIB128 株で作成した麹試料中の2つの(pGlu)ペプチドエチルエステル生成酵素活性を調べた。 (pGlu)LFGP エチルを生成するタイプ(A)酵素活性は、いわゆる高グルコアミラーゼ種もやしと RIB128株の麹にのみ見られた一方、(pGlu)LFGPNVNPW エチルを生成するタイプ酵素活性(B)は、全ての種もやしの麹試料に見られた。麹のタイプ酵素活性(A)は、グルコアミラーゼ生成活性と強い正の相関 を示したが、タイプ酵素活性(B)はそのような高い相関関係を示さなかった。

Two pyroglutamyl (pGlu) peptide ethyl ester forming activities in rice koji samples made by twelve commercial koji starters and Aspergillus oryzae RIB128 were analyzed. The (pGlu)LFGP-ethyl forming activity, type(A) activity, was found only in the rice koji made by so-called “high glucoamylase starter” and RIB128, while the (pGlu)LFGPNVNPW-ethyl forming activity, type(B) activity, was found in all koji samples. The type(A) activity in koji samples showed high relationship (R2 = 0.90) between glucose forming activity, while the type(B) activity did not show the high relationship.

日本醸造協会誌, 117(1), 55-58(2022)

9 清酒のジメチルトリスルフィド生成に影響する製造要因の解析 Analysis of sake making procedures accelerating dimethyl trisulfide formation during sake storage

Kei Sasaki, Nahoko Nishibori, Satoko Yoshida, Muneyoshi Kanai, Atsuko Isogai, Osamu Yamada, Nami Goto-Yamamoto, and Tsutomu Fujii

ジメチルトリスルフィド(DMTS)は清酒貯蔵中に増加する劣化臭、老香(ひねか)の主成分である。我々は全国の清酒製造場から収集した清酒サンプルを分析し、使用酵母菌株の違い、酒母製造法の違い(生もとと速醸法)、もろみへのアルコール添加の有無、上槽方式の違い、の4つの清酒製造条件を70℃で7日間貯蔵後のDMTS濃度(DMTS-pp)に影響しうる製造条件として抽出し、実証試験を行った。小仕込み試験、及び酒母以外ほぼ同じ条件で製造した清酒の比較を行った結果、使用酵母菌株の違い、酒母製造法の違いはDMTS-ppにほとんど影響しなかった。一方で、もろみへのアルコール添加がDMTS-ppを減少させることを明らかにした。これは希釈効果によるものと考えられ、DMTS-ppは希釈率より顕著に減少した。また、もろみの圧搾課程もDMTS-ppに影響することが明らかになった。責め(上槽末期の高圧条件で得られる画分)の酒はあらばしり(圧力をかける前の画分)や中垂れ(上槽の中期画分)に比べてDMTS-ppが高くなった。責めでは波長260 nmの吸光度があらばしりや中垂れに比べて高かった。これらの結果から、責めでは酵母内容物の漏出がDMTS-ppに影響していることが示唆された。

Dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS) is responsible for hineka, an off-flavor in sake that develops during storage. We analyzed sake samples which were donated by sake companies, and extracted and demonstrated 4 sake making factors which could possibly affect DMTS concentration in sake after 7 days of storage at 70℃ (DMTS-pp): differences in yeast strains, differences in shubo (yeast seed mash called kimoto or sokujomoto) making methods with or without of the addition of alcohol to moromi, and differences in moromi pressing methods. Small scale fermentation tests and comparisons of sake commercially made with similar conditions except for shubo revealed that the differences in yeast strains and the differences in shubo making scarcely affect DMTS-pp. On the other hand, we found that the addition of alcohol to moromi decreased DMTS-pp, probably due to a dilution effect, and that DMTS-pp decreased more than the dilution ratio. Also, the pressing process of sake mash was found to affect DMTS-pp. Seme (later fraction of sake obtained under high pressure) has a higher DMTS-pp compared with arabashiri (free run fraction) and nakadare (middle fraction). In seme, absorbance at 260 nm was higher than that of arabashiri and nakadare. These results suggest that yeast cell leakage may affect DMTS-pp in seme.

日本醸造協会誌, 117(2), 101-110(2022)

10 岐阜大泡なし酵母G Y115-a3株の交配育種による高発酵・高吟醸香生産型接合変異株の単離とその醸造特性 Isolation and sake-brewing characteristics of mating mutants of strain GY115-a3 with high fermentation and ginjo-ka production abilities

Mai Okumura, Kazuo Masaki, Akihiro Yoshimura, Yoshinori Sawai, Kentaro Hisamatsu, Yuto Harada, Satoshi Iwamoto, Masaya Shimada, Takashi Hayakawa, and Tomoyuki Nakagawa


In this study, we aimed to breed strain GY115-a3 by mating with strain Ce41, which is high ethyl caproate-producing mutant strain derived from Gifu prefecture yeast, strain G. Among the obtained mating mutant strains between strain GY115-a3 and strain Ce41, the tetraploid strains showed the production characteristics for the unique organic acid composition like strain GY115-a3, and also had high fermentation and ginjo-ka production abilities, similar to those of strain Ce41. From these results, it was concluded that the expected mating mutant strains, such as a3×Ce41_1 and a3×Ce41_5, which inherited characteristic properties from the both parent strains, could be bred.

日本食品保蔵科学会誌, 48(2), 67-72(2022)

3. 第3四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 Evaluation of components contributing to the International Bitterness Unit of wort and beer 麦汁およびビールの苦味価に寄与する物質群の評価

Toru Kishimoto, Satoko Teramoto, Akiko Fujita, and Osamu Yamada

This study evaluated the components that contribute to the International Bitterness Unit (IBU) of wort and beer. A range of samples were analyzed in this study, including beer with 47.5 IBU containing 39.9 ppm iso-α-acid, and one with 49.9 IBU containing only 2.2 ppm iso-alpha acid. The IBU value of wort and beer is mainly contributed by iso-α-acid, non-isomerized α-acid, oxidative polar compounds, and malt-derived polar components. The isomerization of α-acid to iso-α-acid is initiated between 60 °C and 70 °C and the isomerization ratios accelerate rapidly at higher temperature. In the wort boiled below 60 °C, over 50% of the IBU value was contributed by non-isomerized α-acid. Most of the non-isomerized α-acid disappeared during fermentation, whereas the concentration of iso-α-acid was stable. The disappearance of α-acid resulted in a large decrease in the IBU value during fermentation, and the isomerization ratio influenced the degree of the decrease. Over 80% of the IBU value was contributed by the oxidative polar compounds in the beer hopped with the pellet stored at 40 °C for 90 days. Bitterness intensity was less in the beers with deteriorated hops than in those with non-deteriorated hops, despite both having the same IBU values.

苦味価 (IBU値)は、ビールの苦味の強さを表すために使用される。本研究では麦汁およびビール中において、IBUに寄与する成分の挙動を追った。苦味価は「イソα酸濃度を反映する」と言われているが、必ずしも当てはまらない。本研究では47.5 IBUで40ppmのイソα酸を含むビール、一方で、49.9 IBUでありながらイソα酸を 2.2 ppmしか含まないビールを作成した。HPLCクロマトグラフより、麦汁およびビールのIBU値には、イソα酸、非イソ化α酸、α酸の酸化劣化物、および麦芽由来極性物質が寄与していることがわかる。α酸のイソ化は麦汁を高温下に置くことで急速に加速する。α酸のイソ化は60℃から70℃で始まることを初めて本論文において図示した。これは煮沸終了後のワールプール工程でもイソ化が進み、苦味価の調節においては本工程にも注意を払わねばならないことを示す。60℃以下の温度で沸騰した低イソ化率の麦汁においては、非イソ化α酸がIBU値の50%以上に寄与していた。しかし、非イソ化α酸は発酵中に消失するため、IBU値が発酵中に著しく低下することとなる。ホップの劣化に伴って増加する酸化劣化物もまた、ビールのIBU値に寄与する。通常の未劣化のホップを用いた場合、主にイソα酸濃度がビールのIBU値に寄与し、酸化劣化物の寄与は8.4%のみであった。しかし、40℃で90日間保存したホップペレットを用いたビールにおいては、IBU値の83%に酸化劣化物が寄与していた。劣化したホップを用いたビールの苦味強度を味センサを用いて調べた。劣化したホップを用いたビールの苦味強度は、通常の未劣化ホップを用いたビールと同じ40 IBUであるにもかかわらず、苦味強度は低いという結果であった。

Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, 80, 53-61(2022)

2 全国新酒鑑評会出品酒の香気成分濃度と原料米のイネ登熟期の気象条件及び溶解性との関係 Relationship between flavor compounds in sake exhibited at the Annual Japan Sake Awards and meteorological conditions during grain filling and the properties of rice starch

Masaki Okuda, Midori Joyo, Bao Hong-Bin, Kei Takahashi, Atsuko Isogai, Nobuhiko Mukai,Toru Kishimoto, Ryoko Kanda, Sachiko Iizuka, Hanae Izu, Akiko Fujita, and Osamu Yamada

本研究では2009 BY~2018BY (BY = Brewing Year) に製造された全国新酒鑑評会出品酒の香気成分含有量と原料米のイネ登熟期気温及びデンプンの性質との関係性を解析した。全国新酒鑑評会出品酒のカプロン酸エチル平均濃度は、もろみ最高ボーメ、粕歩合、兵庫県産山田錦のDSC糊化温度、蒸米酵素消化性、イネ登熟期気温と高い相関性がみられた。一方、酢酸イソアミル平均濃度、イソアミルアルコール平均濃度及び酢酸エチル平均濃度とイネ登熟期気温及び原料米デンプン特性との間には高い相関関係はみられなかった。すなわち、山田錦の登熟期の気温が低く原料米の蒸米消化性が高いと、全国新酒鑑評会出品酒のカプロン酸エチル平均濃度は高かった。今回の結果から、イネ登熟期気温が原料米の蒸米消化性を変化させ大吟醸酒のカプロン酸エチル濃度に大きな影響を及ぼす可能性が示唆された。

In the present study, the relationship between the flavor compounds in sake exhibited at the Annual Japan Sake Awards and the meteorological conditions during grain filling and the properties of rice starch during the 2009-2018 brewing years were investigated. The mean concentration of ethyl caproate in sake exhibited at the Annual Japan Sake Awards showed significant correlations with the maximum Baume, the ratio of sake cake, the gelatinization temperature, the enzyme digestibility of steamed rice grains, and the temperature during one month at grain filling of the Yamadanishiki rice cultivar harvested at Hyogo, but that of isoamlylacetate, isoamylalcohol, and ethylacetate did not. Therefore, when the temperature during grain filling of Yamadanishiki was lower and the enzyme digestibility of steamed rice grain was higher, the mean concentration of ethyl caproate in sake exhibited at the Annual Japan Sake Awards was higher. The present study indicated the possibilities that the meteorological conditions during rice grain filling cause the change in digestibility of sake rice and have considerable influence on the ethyl caproate concentrations in daiginjyo-sake.

日本醸造協会誌, 116(12), 839-852(2021)

3 Quantitative stability of the folates highly accumulated in a non-Kyokai sake yeast 非協会系清酒酵母に高度に蓄積した葉酸の定量的安定性

Yusuke Shibata, Toshinari Takahashi, Tomoko Morimoto, Muneyoshi Kanai, Tsutomu Fujii, Takeshi Akao, Tetsuya Goshima, and Tasuku Yamada

Pressed sake cake, a by-product of sake brewing, is a rich dietary source of folates, which are important vitamins for humans. However, considerable losses of folates occur during storage and cooking. We have previously reported that Km67, the house sake yeast strain of Kiku-masamune sake brewery, can accumulate high folate levels. In this study, we found that the folate content of pressed sake cakes produced with Km67 remained at approximately their maximum level after the fermentation activity stopped. To elucidate the mechanisms of high folate accumulation in Km67, we analyzed the expression of 23 folate-metabolizing genes. The expression of ABZ1 and FOL3 was almost always higher in Km67 than in Kyokai no. 701 yeast (K701), which suggested that enhanced expression of the genes involved in folate biosynthesis was a mechanism of high folate accumulation in Km67. We found that the folates of Km67 pressed sake cakes were quantitatively stable at 4°C under refrigerated storage conditions. In addition, the homocysteine content of Km67 pressed sake cakes was almost always higher than that of K701 pressed sake cakes. This result suggests that a reason for high folate accumulation in Km67 yeast is the need to reduce the intracellular concentration of homocysteine. Our results provide biologically meaningful information on folate metabolism in yeast.


Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 67 (5), 214-219 (2021)

4 シンクロトロン光を利用した尿素非生産性の愛知県酵母の育種 Influence of moisture contents of steamed rice grains on starch retrogradation and enzyme digestibility during storage

Shun Mitsui, Koji Yamamoto, Akitoshi Ito Akane Ieda, Tetsuya Kondo, Nobuyuki Sugiyama, Takeshi Akao, Akihiro Yoshimura, Yasuaki Sakakibara, Hideya Funai, Naoyuki Haramoto, Motoyuki Shimizu, and Masashi Kato


Synchrotron light with a wide wavelength range has features such as high brightness and high directivity. We examined the possibility of using synchrotron light in a mutation method. Specifically, by synchrotron light irradiation, we attempted to breed non-urea producing sake yeast which makes it possible to reduce ethyl carbamate (ECA) in sake. After synchrotron light irradiation using FIA2 (Aichi sake yeast) as a parent strain, we selected candidate strains of arginase-deficient mutants using the CAO medium (containing canavanine, arginine (Arg) and ornithine (Orn)), the Arg medium, and the Orn medium. We performed a similar selection process for ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) treatment. We selected non-urea producing sake yeast from these selected strains through a 100 g scale fermentation test. Among the selected non-urea producing sake yeasts, FIA2Arg was selected as a practical yeast because of having the same alcohol and acid producing ability as the parent strain FIA2. FIA2Arg was acquired by synchrotron light irradiation, results showing that synchrotron light was available in the mutation method. We sequenced the CAR1 locus (encoding the arginase) to about 16 (11 acquired mutant strains by synchrotron light irradiation. and 5 acquired mutant strains by EMS treatment) of 21 acquired non- urea producing sake yeasts. Base substitution from G/C to A/T occurred in 5 of 9 acquired mutant strains with base substitution by synchrotron light irradiation. It was found that mutations by synchrotron light irradiation were less biased in base substitution from G/C to A/T as compared with EMS treatment. Deletion also occurred to some extent (in 4 of 11 acquired mutant strains by synchrotron light irradiation). As a result of a pilot scale (100 kg) sake brewing test, it was confirmed that FIA2Arg did not pro- duce urea and had brewing characteristics equivalent to FIA2.

日本醸造協会誌, 116 (10),703-712 (2021)

5 兵庫県における酒米品種の消化性と登熟期間の気温との関係 Relationships between enzyme digestibility of brewer’s rice and air temperature during ripening period in brewer’s rice cultivars in Hyogo prefecture

Masaru Ikegami, Yukihiro Isono, Hiroyuki Fujimoto, Masanobu Kato, Takuma Sugimoto, Kei Takahashi, and Masaki Okuda

兵庫県産酒米品種において、酒造り前に消化性の予測情報を提供することを目的に、酒米品種「山田錦」、「五百万石」、「兵庫北錦」および「杜氏の夢」 について、酒米の原料米統一分析法における消化性(Brix)と登熟期間の気温との関係を検討した。消化性は全ての品種で登熟期の気温と有意な強い負の相関が認められた。「山田錦」では、出穂後8日目(出穂期を1日目とする)~29日目までの22日間の最高気温と消化性との相関が最も強く、単回帰分析での決定係数は0.97、二乗平均平方根誤差は0.13 であり、消化性の変動はほぼこの期間の最高気温の変動で説明できた。「五百万石」で最も強い相関が認められた気温条件とその相関係数は、それぞれ出穂後5日目~27日目までの23日間の最高気温で-0.908であり、「兵庫北錦」では出穂後11日目~22日目までの12日間の平均気温で-0.957、「杜氏の夢」では出穂後6日目~28日目までの23日間の最高気温で-0.892 であった。これらの相関は、既報の出穂後30日間の平均気温と消化性との相関よりも強かった。また気温と消化性の回帰式から、「山田錦」の消化性について平年値との比較区分を提示した。

日本作物学会紀事, 90(4), 451―456(2021)

6 Growth characteristics of Aspergillus oryzae in the presence of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol 2,4,6-トリクロロフェノール存在下でのAspergillus oryzaeの増殖特性

Michiko Endo, Chika Matsui, Naomi Maeta, Yurina Uehara, Ryoya Matsuda, Yuzo Fujii, Akiko Fujita, Tsutomu Fujii, and Osamu Yamada
遠藤路子、松井千佳、前田菜緒美、上原由梨奈、松田稜哉、藤井雄三、藤田晃子、藤井 力、山田修

During the making of rice-koji for sake production, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCP) is O-methylated to 2,4,6-trichloroanisole (TCA) by the koji-mold, Aspergillus oryzae, resulting in a musty/moldy off-odor, which significantly reduces the quality of sake. Thus, we aim to develop A. oryzae strains with a less-efficient ability to produce TCA. TCP is a fungicide that suppresses the growth of fungi, whereas TCA does not. The exact effects of TCP on the growth of A. oryzae are unknown. However, it is assumed that a strain with low TCP conversion ability will be sensitive to TCP concentration. In this study, we investigated the effects of the different concentrations of TCP on the growth suppression of A. oryzae. As the TCP concentration in the media increased, the growth rate, and conidia formation of A. oryzae slowed down. No growth was observed in liquid culture (for 1 day at 30℃) containing more than 30 µg/mL of TCP and in agar culture (for 7 days at 30℃) containing more than 50 µg/mL of TCP. However, A. oryzae was able to grow on alpha rice containing higher concentrations of TCP. The results in agar culture are consistent with the effects of TCP on other Aspergillus species.

清酒製造では製麴中に2,4,6-トリクロロフェノール(TCP)が麴菌Aspergillus oryzaeにより2,4,6-トリクロロアニソール(TCA)にメチル化されると、カビ臭が発生し、清酒の品質が著しく低下することが知られている。従って、我々はTCA生成能の低い麴菌株を育種しようとしている。TCPは菌類の増殖を抑える防黴剤であるが、TCAは増殖を抑えない。TCPが麴菌の生育に及ぼす影響はわかっていない。しかしながら、TCP変換能が弱い株はTCP濃度に対する感受性が高いと考えられる。本研究において、我々は種々のTCP濃度が麴菌の生育抑制に及ぼす影響を調べた。麴菌はTCP濃度が高くなるほど生育や胞子形成が遅れた。液体培養(30℃、1日間)では30 µg/mL、寒天培養(30℃、7日間)では50 µg/mLのTCP濃度で完全に生育が阻害されたが、α米においてはより高濃度のTCP存在下でも生育可能であった。寒天培養の結果はAspergillus属の他種におけるTCPの影響と一致した。

Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 67, 256-259(2021)

7 Expression profiles of amylolytic genes in AmyR and CreA transcription factor deletion mutants of the black koji mold Aspergillus luchuensis 黒麴菌(Aspergillus luchuensis)AmyA及びCreA転写制御因子遺伝子破壊株におけるアミロリティック遺伝子の発現プロファイル

Wataru Hashimoto, Hiraku Arai, Osamu Mizutani, Osamu Yamada, Takahiro Shintani, and Katsuya Gomi
橋本渉、新井開、水谷治、山田修, 新谷尚弘、五味勝也

The black koji mold, Aspergillus luchuensis, which belongs to Aspergillus section Nigri, is used for the production of traditional Japanese spirits (shochu) mainly in the southern districts of Japan. This mold is known to produce amylolytic enzymes essential for shochu production; however, mechanisms regulating amylolytic gene expression in A. luchuensis have not been studied in as much detail as those in the yellow koji mold, Aspergillus oryzae. Here, we examined the gene expression profiles of deletion mutants of transcription factors orthologous to A. oryzae AmyR and CreA in A. luchuensis. A. luchuensis produces acid-unstable (AmyA) and acid-stable (AsaA) α-amylases. AmyA production and amyA gene expression were not influenced by amyR or creA deletion, indicating that amyA was constitutively expressed. In contrast, asaA gene expression was significantly down- and upregulated upon deletion of amyR and creA, respectively. Furthermore, the glaA and agdA genes (encoding glucoamylase and α-glucosidase, respectively) showed expression profiles similar to those of asaA. Thus, genes that play pivotal roles in starch saccharification, asaA, glaA, and agdA, were found to be regulated by AmyR and CreA. Moreover, despite previous reports on AsaA being only produced in solid-state culture, deletion of the ortholog of A. oryzae flbC, which is involved in the expression of the solid-state culture-specific genes, did not affect AsaA α-amylase activity, suggesting that FlbC was not associated with asaA expression.

黒麴菌(Aspergillus luchuensis)はAspergillus section Nigriに属する糸状菌であり、主に日本南部の伝統的蒸留酒(焼酎)製造に利用されている。焼酎製造においてアミロリティック酵素は必須であるが、黃麴菌(Aspergillus oryzae)に比べてその遺伝子発現調節機構の解析は遅れている。我々は、黃麴菌転写制御因子AmyR及び CreAの黒麴菌オルソログ破壊株について遺伝子発現プロファイルを解析した。黒麴菌は非耐酸性α-amylasesと耐酸性α-amylasesを生産する。非耐酸性α-amylases遺伝子は恒常的に発現していたが、耐酸性α-amylases遺伝子発現はAmyR及び CreA遺伝子破壊によりそれぞれ低下及び上昇した。さらに、glucoamylase及びα-glucosidase遺伝子も耐酸性α-amylases遺伝子と同様の挙動を示し、デンプン糖化に重要な3遺伝子はAmyR及び CreAにより調節されていた。また、耐酸性α-amylasesは固体培養特異的に生産されると報告されていたが、黃麴菌において固体培養特異的遺伝子発現に関与するflbCの黒麴菌オルソログ破壊株は、耐酸性α-amylases発現への関与を示さなかった。

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 132(4), 321-326(2021)

2. 第2四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 Construction of transcription factor gene deletion library of Aspergillus luchuensis 黒麹菌(Aspergillus luchuensis)転写制御因子遺伝子破壊ライブラリの構築

Osamu Yamada, Naoko Nishibori, Risa Hayashi, Toshihide Arima, and Osamu Mizutani

We selected 96 genes of Aspergillus luchuensis for the construction of a transcription factor gene deletion library. Of these, we successfully deleted 93 genes using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation (AMT) of A. luchuensis RIB 2604 ΔligD strains. We obtained only heterokaryonic strains after deletions of adaB, anBH1, hacA, hapB, hsf1, metR, and sonC gene, and additionally, could not obtain deletion strains for genes abaA and mcmA. The deletion strains will be available through our website (https://www.nrib.go.jp).

黒麹菌(Aspergillus luchuensis)転写制御因子遺伝子破壊ライブラリを構築するために96遺伝子を選抜し、Agrobacterium-mediated transformation(AMT)によりA. luchuensis RIB 2604 ΔligD株を親株として93遺伝子を破壊した。adaB, anBH1, hacA, hapB, hsf1, metR及びsonC遺伝子破壊株ではヘテロカリオン株のみが得られ、abaA及びmcmA遺伝子破壊株は取得できなかった。ライブラリは酒類総合研究所websiteから入手可能とする予定である。

The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 67, 118-123 (2021)

2 Cutinase-like biodegradable plastic-degrading enzymes from phylloplane yeasts have cutinase activity 葉面酵母由来のクチナーゼ用酵素がクチナーゼ活性を示す

Hirokazu Ueda, Jun Tabata, Yasuyo Seshime, Kazuo Masaki, Yuka Sameshima-Yamashita, and Hiroko Kitamoto

Phylloplane yeast genera Pseudozyma and Cryptococcus secrete biodegradable plastic (BP)-degrading enzymes, termed cutinase-like enzymes (CLEs). Although CLEs contain highly conserved catalytic sites, the whole protein exhibits ≤ 30% amino acid sequence homology with cutinase. In this study, we analyzed whether CLEs exhibit cutinase activity. Seventeen Cryptococcus magnus strains, which degrade BP at 15 C, were isolated from leaves and identified the DNA sequence of the CLE in one of the strains. Cutin was prepared from tomato leaves and treated with CLEs from 3 Cryptococcus species (C. magnus, Cryptococcus flavus, and Cryptococcus laurentii) and Pseudozyma antarctia (PaE). A typical cutin monomer, 10,16-dihydroxyhexadecanoic acid, was detected in extracts of the reaction solution via gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, showing that cutin was indeed degraded by CLEs. In addition to the aforementioned monomer, separation analysis via thin-layer chromatography detected high-molecular-weight products resulting from the breakdown of cutin by PaE, indicating that PaE acts as an endo-type enzyme.

酵母PseudozymaCryptococcusは、クチナーゼ様酵素(CLE)といわれる生分解性プラスチック(BP)分解酵素を分泌する。この酵素は、既知のクチナーゼとは、30%以下の配列相同性しかもたない。この研究では、CLEがクチナーゼとしての活性を有することを示す。葉から単離された、15℃でBP分解能を示す17株のCryptococcus magnusのうち1株からCLEのDNA配列を同定した。クチンはトマトの葉から調整され、3種のCryptococcus酵母のCLEとPseudozyma antarctia由来のCLE(PaE)により分解が試みられた。典型的なクチンモノマーである10,16-dihydroxyhexadecanoic acidが質量分析ガスクロマトグラフィーにより検出され、CLEによるクチンの分解が示された。さらにPaEによるクチンの分解では、薄層クロマトグラフィーにより高分子量の分解産物が示され、PaEはエンド型として作用することを示した。

Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 85, 1890-1898 (2021)

3 酒造好適米の玄米貯蔵による酒造適性変化 Changes in sake making properties of sake rice during storage

Masaki Okuda, Kei Takahashi, Bao Hong-Bin, Hiromi Kohno, Midori Joyo, Nobuhiko Mukai, Yasuhiro Tsuchida, Eizo Yoshinaka, Akihiko Takami, Yuji Kiriyama, and Yoshihiko Murai


The changes in sake making properties of sake rice were investigated during storage of brown rice grains under 4~30℃ for 24 months in two kinds of moisture contents. Significant changes in sake making properties of sake rice- -except for a small increase of potassium concentrations- -have not been observed when the brown rice grains have been stored under 10℃ at the rice warehouse in Hyogo Prefecture and under 4℃ and 10℃ at NRIB for 24 months. On the other hand, the broken rice ratio of a milling test, potassium concentrations of polished rice, and viscosity at RVA have increased during storage of brown rice under 30℃ at NRIB for 6 months. Although the hexanal concentrations in brown rice have increased during storage even under 4~10℃, those in polished rice have not been detected during storage under 4~10℃ for 24 months. The present study suggested that the sake making properties of sake rice would not deteriorate either by both storing rice grains under 10℃ or maintaining the moisture content of rice grains without changes in moisture.

日本醸造協会誌, 116(7), 521-534 (2021)

4 蒸米の水分含有量がデンプンの老化と酵素消化性に及ぼす影響 Influence of moisture contents of steamed rice grains on starch retrogradation and enzyme digestibility during storage

Takeki Tanaka, Masaki Okuda, Kei Takahashi, and Nobuhiko Mukai


In the production of sake, the enzyme digestibility of the steamed rice grains is a critical factor to realize a good quality of sake and to utilize rice grains efficiently. The retrogradation of rice starch in the steamed rice grains proceeds during sake making, and the enzyme digestibility of the steamed rice grains decreases significantly. However, the influencing factors of the retrogradation of starch in the steamed rice grains have not been elucidated clearly. In the present study, the relationships between the moisture content in steamed rice grains, the retrogradation of rice starch, and the enzyme digestibility were examined to clarify the influencing factors of the retrogradation of the starch. Steamed rice grains with a high moisture content showed a faster retrogradation of starch and lower enzyme digestibility than those with a low moisture content after storage in a plastic bag. Moreover, when the moisture content in the steamed rice grains decreased during storing under lower humidity conditions, the rate of the retrogradation and the decrease of the enzyme digestibility were slight. The present results indicated that the moisture contents of the steamed rice grains have a significant influence on rice starch retrogradation and enzyme digestibility after storing in conditions such as the cooling process of steamed rice grains in Daiginjyo sake production.

日本醸造協会誌, 116(8), 593-605 (2021)

5 ワイン用酵母発酵助成剤が清酒醸造に及ぼす影響(第1 報)
Effects of fermentation nutrients for wine on sake brewing (Part1)
-Effect of addition on sake quality-

Sachiko Iizuka, Ryoko Kanda, Satoko Teramoto, Akiko Fujita, and Osamu Yamada

酵母発酵助成剤は、製造の健全を期するため海外のワイン醸造では広く用いられており、日本でも酒税法及び酒類行政関係法令等解釈通達で、酒類の原料として取り扱わない物品として、その使用が認可されている。しかしながら、これまでのところ、これらの清酒醸造への利用に関するデータを載せた文献は、ほとんど見当たらない。本研究では、ワイン醸造で用いられている酵母発酵助成剤(Stimula Sauvignon BlancとOptimum White)を添加した清酒醸造試験を行い、酵母発酵助成剤が清酒醸造に及ぼす影響を調べるとともに、新たな特徴ある製品開発の可能性について検討した。一段仕込清酒醸造試験において、酵母発酵助成剤の添加により発酵が促進され、原料利用率が向上した。Stimula Sauvignon Blancを添加した試験区は、無添加の対照区よりも酢酸イソアミルやカプロン酸エチル含量も高かった。一段仕込及び三段仕込清酒醸造試験で得た製成酒の官能評価の結果、酵母発酵助成剤を添加した試験区も無添加の対照と同程度の評点が得られ、それらの試料では「カンキツ」、「フルーティ」、「マスカット」、「ライチ」などの特徴的なコメントが得られたことから、清酒醸造における酵母発酵助成剤の添加は、新たな特徴ある製品開発に有効な手段となる可能性があると考えられた。

Fermentation nutrients are widely used in winemaking for the manufacturing soundness, and their use is permitted as an article which is not treated as raw materials of alcoholic beverages by the Liquor Tax Law and Liquor Administrative Law or regulation interpretation notifications in Japan. However, there are few data in the literature for their use in sake brewing. In this study, we have investigated the effects of the use of fermentation nutrients for wine (Stimula Sauvignon Blanc and Optimum White) on sake brewing and considered the possibility of the development of products with new characteristics. It was shown that the addition of Stimula Sauvignon Blanc promoted fermentation and improved the utility efficiency of raw materials in a one-step preparation for fermentation mash. The contents of isoamyl acetate and ethyl caproate of the samples with the addition of Stimula Sauvignon Blanc were higher than that of the control (no addition). In the results of the sensory evaluation of brewed sake from the one-step and three-step preparation for fermentation mash, the scores of the brewed sake with the addition of the fermentation nutrients were the same level as the control (no addition). The characteristic comments such as “lychee”, ‘fruity”, “muscat” and “citrus” in those samples show a possibility in which the use of the fermentation nutrients on sake brewing provides a potent tool for the development of products with new characteristics.

日本醸造協会誌, 116(9), 641-653 (2021)

6 清酒のフェノール化合物とフェノール臭 Phenolic compounds and phenolic flavor in sake

Nobuhiko Mukai, Jinshun Han, and Nahoko Nishibori

著者らは清酒35点の官能評価を実施するとともにフェノール化合物を測定した。フェノール化合物の最大含量は、p-クマル酸0.4 mg/l、フェルラ酸5.4 mg/l、4-ビニルフェノール204.1 μg/l、4-ビニルグアイアコール282.7 μg/l、グアイアコール58.0 μg/lであった。4-エチルフェノールと4-エチルグアイアコールの含量は非常に少なかった。重回帰分析の結果、フェノール臭の強度は4-ビニルグアイアコール及びグアイアコールの2成分でほとんど説明できた。いくつかの活性炭を用いて、p-クマル酸、フェルラ酸、4-ビニルフェノール及び4-ビニルグアイアコールのほとんどを除去できた。一方、グアイアコールは最大35%しか除去できなかった。

The authors conducted a sensory evaluation and measured the phenolic compounds of 35 samples of sake. The maximum contents of phenolic compounds were as follows: p-coumaric acid: 0.4 mg/l; ferulic acid: 5.4 mg/l; 4-vinylphenol: 204.1 μg/l; 4-vinylguaiacol: 282.7 μg/l and guaiacol: 58.0 μg/l. The contents of 4-ethylphenol and 4-ethylguaiacol were very low. As a result of a multiple regression analysis, the intensity of phenolic flavor was almost able to be explained by 4-vinyilguaiacol and guaiacol. Using activated carbons, most of the p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, 4-vinylphenol, and 4-vinylguaiacol in sake was removed, but guaiacol could only be removed up to 35%.

日本醸造協会誌, 116(9), 662-669 (2021)

7 令和元酒造年度全国新酒鑑評会出品酒の分析について Analysis of sake components presented to the Japan sake awards 2020

Toru Kishimoto, Akiko Fujita, Sachiko Iizuka, Ryoko Kanda, Satoko Teramoto, Osamu Yamada, and Nami Goto-Yamamoto




酒類総合研究所報告, 193, 1-16 (2021)

8 第43回本格焼酎・泡盛鑑評会について Review of the 43rd Honkaku Shochu and Awamori Contest in 2020

Nobuhiko Mukai, Atsuko Isogai, Masaki Okuda, Kazuo Masaki, Kei Takahashi, Yukio Osafune, Takayuki Emura, Hisashi Yazawa, and Nami Goto-Yamamoto

単式蒸留焼酎の品質を全国的に調査研究することにより、製造技術と品質の現状及び動向を明らかにし、もって単式蒸留焼酎の製造技術及び品質の向上に資することを目的として、第43 回本格焼酎・泡盛鑑評会を日本酒造組合中央会と共催で開催した。




酒類総合研究所報告, 193, 17-32 (2021)

9 全国地ビール品質審査会2021出品酒の分析について Analysis of beer components presented to craft beer contest of Japan brewers association in 2021

Shinichi Ito, Hisashi Yazawa, Kaori Isobe, Satoko Teramoto and Takayuki Emura

全国地ビール品質審査会2021は、地ビールの醸造技術向上及び品質改善を目的として、全国地ビール醸造者協議会(Japan Brewers Association)の主催により実施しており、本年で5回目となる。


酒類総合研究所報告, 193, 33-39 (2021)

10 農林水産省のその他カビ毒のリストに基づいたAspergillus oryzae種の安全性評価 Evaluation of Aspergillus oryzae specie for the production of candidate mycotoxins listed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan

シャロン マリエ バヘナ-ガリド、小松夕子、齊藤亮太、岩下和裕
Sharon Marie Bahena-Garrido, Yuko Komatsu, Ryota Saito and Kazuhiro Iwashita


In this report, we investigated the production of 6 candidate mycotoxins in A. oryzae species based on the MAFF list of risk assessment. We evaluated the possible production of these mycotoxins using a tandem approach as reported in the previous paper. Based on the DI-HRMS data and further validation by LC-Q/TOF-MS, our results indicate no significant traces of these candidate mycotoxins. Thus, we conclude that these 6 mycotoxins were not detected in A. oryzae species grown in all 11 culture conditions.

酒類総合研究所報告, 193, 40-47 (2021)

1. 第1四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 平成20~31年杜氏セミナー出品酒の解析 Analysis of the sake exhibited at the Toji Seminar in Heisei 20~31(2008-2019)

Naoto Okazaki, Masaaki Inahashi, Katsumi Nakahara, Hirokazu Hasuda, Takafumi Mutoh, Hitoshi Shimoii, Yasuzo Kizaki, Dai Hirata and Masaki Okuda

酒米分析結果を踏まえた出品酒生産年度の特徴として、消化性Brixが出品酒のグルコースと高い正の、アルコール、日本酒度等の発酵経過に関する項目と高い負の相関関係が認められた。結果的にグルコースが高いと総合評価は良好であった。因子分析において、因子1は原料米の溶解性、醪の発酵性に関して、消化性Brix、グルコースが高いことが、総合評価が良いことに寄与していた。因子2は、i-AmOHが高く、アル添量、酸度が低くプロットされていることから、濃さやきれいさに関する因子と解釈された。この結果は、清酒の味の基本的構造を提案した佐藤らの報告に沿ったものであった。香欠点指摘数の少ないグループについて、成分分析値の出品年度毎の総合評価への影響を解析した。その結果、寄与の大きい項目としてEt-Cap、グルコース、日本酒度、アミノ酸度、i-AmOAc が選択された。しかし、Et-Cap及びグルコースの総合評価への寄与は、パネルの審査基準が変わることによって影響を受けたと推察された。

As one feature of the sake production year based on the sake rice analyses, the digestibility Brix shows a high positive correlation with the glucose and a negative correlation with the items/factors related to the fermentation process, alcohol, sake meter values etc. As a result, it was indicated that the glucose content showed a positive correlation (p=10%) with the overall evaluation. In a factor analysis, factor 1 -- solubility of the raw material rice, with respect to the fermentation, high digestibile Brix and glucose, contribute to the evaluation were good ; factor 2 - i-AmOH, al-added amount, low acidity, were interpreted as density and cleanliness. This result could lend credence to the report by Sato et al. who proposed the basic structure of the taste of sake. In the sake group with minimal fragrance defects, we analyzed the effect of the sake components on the overall evaluation for each exhibition year. Et-Cap, glucose, sake degree, amino acid degree, and i-AmOAc were selected as the items/factors with a great contribution. However, it was suggested that the changes in the panel's examination criteria affected the contribution rate of Et-Cap and glucose to the overall evaluation.

日本醸造協会誌, 116(4), 290-299 (2021)

2 本格焼酎・泡盛の官能評価における標準見本の策定に向けた香気成分の閾値調査及び分類 Classification and threshold measurement of aroma compounds aimed for establishing the reference standards of sensory analysis of Honkaku shochu and Awamori

Yukio Osafune, Kenji Toshida, Jinshun Han, Atsuko Isogai and Nobuhiko Mukai


The relationship between aroma compounds and flavor terminology is an important step in establishing a sensory evaluation system. The detection and recognition thresholds of 16 compounds were determined to identify the compounds contributing to the aroma characteristics of Honkaku shochu and Awamori, both traditional Japanese spirits. The odor activity values calculated using detection thresholds suggested that 13 compounds affect the quality of Honkaku shochu and Awamori. Further, the sensory attribute terms of these compounds are summarized. Thirty-two compounds were selected as candidates for reference standards from among 55 compounds (threshold determined) based on their contribution to the quality and characteristics in Honkaku shochu and Awamori. The result of classifications of the candidates of the reference standard suggested that these compounds were divided into 8 groups according to their aroma characteristics. These findings help to establish reference standards, terminology, and a flavor wheel for the evaluation of Honkaku shochu and Awamori.

日本醸造協会誌, 116(4), 279-289 (2021)

3 イモ類焼酎のメタノール含量調査 Investigation of Methanol Content in Potato Shochu

Nobuhiko MUKAI, Akinori MUTO, Toshihiro YOSHIMURA, Kaori ONODERA, Kenji TOSHIDA, Jinshun HAN and Yukio OSAFUNE


The authors investigated the methanol content in potato shochu (137 samples of sweet potato shochu, 6 samples of potato shochu, and 3 samples of Japanese yam shochu. There were no samples which exceeded the regulation level of methanol of the Japanese Food Sanitation Act. In sweet potato shochu made from Koganesengan, the methanol content using sweet potato koji was significantly higher than that using rice koji. The methanol content of sweet potato shochu made from purple lineages was significantly higher than that made from Koganesengan.

日本醸造協会誌, 116(5), 347-351 (2021)

4 焼酎の尺度評価と成分分析値との相関 A Correlation Analysis between Quantitative Scale Evaluation Values and Analytical Values of Shochu

Nobuhiko MUKAI, Jinshun HAN and Yukio OSAFUNE


The authors investigated the quantitative scale evaluation of barley shochu and sweet potato shochu. Five kinds of evaluation items (body, sweetness, bitterness, aftertaste and overall evaluation) were used for the scale evaluation. The evaluation of sweetness had a significant correlation with that of the overall evaluation in both barley shochu and sweet potato shochu. As a result of a multiple regression analysis, it was found that sweetness and aftertaste were important to the overall evaluation. Futhermore, the correlation analysis between scale evaluation values, general components, and flavor components was investigated.

日本醸造協会誌, 116(5), 352-361 (2021)

5 0次(早期)分析データを用いた酒米比較解析(第1報)
Comparative analysis of sake rice varieties utilizing earlier-period-rice analysis data collected from 2002-2019 crop years

Kei Takahashi, Masaki Okuda, Midori Joyo, Mineyo Numata, Bao Hong-Bin, Hiromi Kohno


Sequential earlier-period-rice analysis data gathered from the 2002-2019 crop years, comprised of 707 samples in total, were examined focusing on a comparison within sake rice varieties. We discovered varied rice properties in Japanese sake brewing among different rice varieties. The weight of 1,000 rice grains was heavier across Hanafubuki, Okuhomare, and Hyogokitanishiki, followed by Yukimegami, Homarefuji, Akitasakekomachi, Yamadahishiki, Kitashizuku, Senbon-nishiki, and Hattan-nishiki. Water absorption during 20 minute periods was higher in Kyonohana and Dewanosato, followed by Homarefuji, Gin-noyume, Hyogokitanishiki, Hattan-nishiki, Yamadahishiki, Ipponjime, and Hanafubuki. Brix was particularly high in Dewanosato, followed by Kyonohana, Homarefuji, Akitasakekomachi. The ratio of Brix/folmol nitrogen was higher in Dewanosato, followed by Yukimegami, Yamadanishiki, Gin-noyume, Nakateshinsenbon, and Homarefuji. Crude protein was higher in Okuhomare, Ginpu, Kitashizuku, Fukuhikari, and Hyogokitanishiki, but lower in Yukimegami, Dewanosato, Yamadanishiki, Nakateshinsenbon, Akitasakekomachi, Gin-noyume, and Sanukiyoimai. Brewing properties across all rice varieties analyzed did not considerably vary from the properties of rice harvested within the same production area, indicating that sake rice variety strongly affects rice properties upon sake brewing.

日本醸造協会誌, 116(6), 428-441 (2021)

6 0次(早期)分析データを用いた酒米比較解析(第2報)
Time course study for elucidating annual variation of the brewing properties of sake rice utilizing earlier-period-rice analysis data collected from 2002-2019 crop years

Kei Takahashi, Masaki Okuda, Midori Joyo, Mineyo Numata, Bao Hong-Bin, Hiromi Kohno

本研究において、我々は2002年から2019年の間に実施した日本酒原料米の0次(早期)分析により得られたデータを利用し、酒米品種ごとの醸造特性の年次間差を解析した。吸水率(20分)の年次間差は酒米よりも一般米で大きかった。日本で8月の平均気温が最も高くなった2010年に収穫された米は、ほとんどの米品種において、吸水率(20分)と吸水率(120分)のどちらも高かった。ほとんどの米品種のデンプンの消化性(Brix)は、7月から9月まで高温となった2007年, 2010年, 2012年, 2019年において、他の年と比べて低かった。五百万石のBrix値は、産地に依存して異なる値を示したことから、この品種のBrixは気象条件により強く影響を受けることが示された。白米の粗タンパク質含量とカリウム含量は、米品種及び産地に依存していた。2008年から2018年までの山田錦と五百万石のBrix値は、該当する酒造年度の純米吟醸酒と吟醸酒の加重平均粕歩合と強く負に相関したことから、酒米分析のBrix値は純米吟醸酒や吟醸酒の製造実績を予測し、製造工程を改良するのに役立ちうる。以上から、我々は年次変遷を解析することにより、酒米の醸造特性が気象条件によりかなり変動しうることを見出したのと同時に、気象条件の醸造特性に与える効果が米品種に依存して異なることを明らかにした。

In the present study, we investigated the annual variation in the brewing properties of sake rice utilizing earlier-period-rice analysis data gathered from 2002-2019 across all rice varieties analyzed. The annual variation for water absorption during a 20 minute period of table rice was higher than sake rice. Water absorption during both 20 minute and 120 minute periods of a large amount of rice varieties was higher among rice harvested during the year 2010, when the highest mean August temperature was recorded in Japan. The starch digestibility (Brix) of a large amount of rice varieties was lower in the years 2007, 2010, 2012, and 2019, during which higher temperatures from July to September contrasted with other crop years. Brix values of Gohyakumangoku varied widely within a year depending upon the production district, indicating that the variety is likely to be strongly affected by meteorological conditions in regards to its digestibility. The annual variation of crude protein and potassium concentrations within white rice varied depending on rice variety and the production district. Brix values of Yamadanishiki and Gohyakumangoku from 2008 to 2018 were strongly and negatively correlated with the mean data of sake cake ratios for junmai ginjo and ginjo of the corresponding year, suggesting that the Brix value would be available for the estimation and improvement of premium sake brewing practices. Taken altogether, by analyzing the annual variation, we discovered that the brewing properties of sake rice can be considerably altered by meteorological conditions, and that the effects of meteorological conditions upon brewing properties vary depending on the type of rice variety in question.

日本醸造協会誌, 116 (6), 442-454 (2021)

7 Principal Component Analysis of Hop-Derived Odorants Identified by Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction Method Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction法によって同定されたホップ由来香気成分の主成分分析

Toru Kishimoto, Satoko Teramoto, Akiko Fujita, Osamu Yamada

Beers hopped with 79 varieties were brewed in small-scale fermenters, and 127 hop-derived compounds were picked up by comparing with the chromatogram of unhopped beer, after the analysis of the Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method. “Hop creep effect” could be seen, that is, larger amounts of hop pellets in the wort resulted in lower concentrations of the apparent extracts of the beers. The 127 hop-related flavor compounds were used to examine the interrelationship with the hop varieties by principal component analysis (PCA). Different varieties and amounts of hop pellets based on equal amounts of alpha-acids were added to the cooled wort. Addition of higher amounts of hops resulted in lower concentrations of apparent extracts of beer, suggesting the presence of dextrin-hydrolyzing enzymes in the hops. PCA largely established five directions. Direction I including Cascade, Amarillo, Citra, Simcoe, Mosaic, Wai-iti, and Hallertau Blanc varieties was linked to geraniol and citronellol, both known to contribute to citrus characteristics. Direction II including Bobek, Styrian Gold, and Moutueka varieties was associated with linalool and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one. Direction III including Hersbrucker and Saphir was linked to sesquiterpene alcohols. Direction IV was associated with hydrophobic monoterpenes, and direction V was linked to hydrophobic sesquiterpenes. Further study of these hop varieties and constituents can help advance our knowledge in using different hop varieties to achieve defined aroma and taste of beer.

 79種類のホップを加えたビールを小規模スケールにて製造し、Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction法によって香気成分を分析後、無ホップビールのクロマトグラムと比較して、ホップ由来化合物として127の香気成分に着目した。 127のホップ由来香気成分を使用して主成分分析(PCA)を行いホップ品種との相関を調べた。PCAによって主に5つの方向性に分けられ、柑橘類の特性に寄与することが知られているゲラニオールやシトロネロールが寄与する方向IにはCascade, Amarillo, Citra, Simcoe, Mosaic, Wai-iti, Hallertau Blanc が存在し、リナロールや6-メチル-5-ヘプテン-2-オンなどの水溶性テルペンアルコールが寄与する方向Ⅱには、Bobek, Styrian Gold, Moutuekaが存在した。 HersbruckerとSaphirを含む方向Ⅲには、セスキテルペンアルコールが寄与した。方向IVには疎水性モノテルペンが寄与し、方向Vには疎水性セスキテルペンが寄与した。
Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, 79, 272-280 (2021)

8 Genome editing to generate sake yeast strains with octuple mutations that confer excellent brewing characteristics 優れた醸造特性を備えた清酒酵母の八重変異体のゲノム編集による造成

Tomoya Chadani, Shunsuke Ohnuki, Atsuko Isogai, Tetsuya Goshima, Mao Kashima, Farzan Ghanegolmohammadi, Tomoyuki Nishi, Dai Hirata, Daisuke Watanabe, Katsuhiko Kitamoto, Takeshi Akao, Yoshikazu Ohya

Sake yeast is mostly diploid, so the introduction of recessive mutations to improve brewing characteristics requires considerable effort. To construct sake yeast with multiple excellent brewing characteristics, we used an evidence-based approach that exploits genome editing technology. Our breeding targeted the AWA1, CAR1, MDE1, and FAS2 genes. We introduced eight mutations into standard sake yeast to construct a non-foam-forming strain that makes sake without producing carcinogens or an unpleasant odor, while producing a sweet ginjo aroma. Small-scale fermentation tests showed that the desired sake could be brewed with our genome-edited strains. The existence of a few unexpected genetic perturbations introduced during breeding proved that genome editing technology is extremely effective for the serial breeding of sake yeast.


Cells, 10 (6), 1299 (2021)

9 Draft Genome Sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strain Awamori Number 101, Commonly Used to Make Awamori, a Traditional Spirit, in Okinawa, Japan 沖縄の伝統的蒸留酒である泡盛製造に広く用いられる酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae 泡盛101号株のドラフトゲノムシーケンス

Masatoshi Tsukahara, Kotaro Ise, Maiko Nezuo, Haruna Azuma, Takeshi Akao, Hirohide Toyama

We report here the draft genome sequence for Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain Awamori number 101, an industrial strain used for producing awamori, a distilled alcohol beverage. It was constructed by assembling the short reads obtained by next-generation sequencing. The 315 contigs constitute an 11.5-Mbp genome sequence coding 6,185 predicted proteins.

酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae泡盛101号株のドラフトゲノムシーケンスを報告する。泡盛101号は蒸留酒の一種である泡盛製造用の実用菌株である。泡盛101号ゲノム配列を、次世代型シーケンサーで得られたショートリードのアセンブリーにより構築した。315本のコンティグにより、6185個の予測遺伝子をコードする11.5メガ塩基対のゲノム配列が構成された。

Microbiology Resource Announcements, 10 (25) , e01414-20 (2021)

10 VvMYBAs induce expression of a series of anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway genes in red grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) VvMYBAsは赤色ブドウのアントシアニン合成系の一連の遺伝子発現を誘導する

Puspa Raj Poudel, Akifumi Azuma, Shozo Kobayashi, Kazuya Koyama and Nami Goto-Yamamoto

The role of MYBA transcription factors in anthocyanin biosynthesis has been established in many plants including grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.); however, not all of the target genes of MYBAs in grapevine have been elucidated. The aim of this study was therefore to identify targets of VvMYBAs by using berry skin from a red grape (Pinot Noir) and its white mutant (Pinot Blanc), and from white grapes (Italia and Muscat of Alexandria) and their red mutants (Benitaka and Flame Muscat). First, microarray and reverse-transcription real-time PCR data revealed that, in addition to the anthocyanin specific biosynthetic genes, i.e. UDP-glucose flavonoid:3-O-glucosyltransferase (UFGT) and O-methyltransferase (OMT), a gene involved in anthocyanin transfer into vacuoles, i.e. glutathione S-transferase (GST), as well as flavonoid-3’,5’-hydroxylase (F3’,5’H) were highly upregulated in red grapes. From collective findings, it is likely that these genes are probably induced only by VvMYBAs. By contrast, genes involved in upstream flavonoid biosynthesis, such as phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), chalcone synthase 3 (CHS3), flavanone-3-hydroxylase (F3H), dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR), and leucoanthocyanidin dioxygenase (LDOX), were expressed in white grapes and moderately upregulated in red grapes. These genes seem to be induced by both VvMYBAs and other transcription factors. The electrophoretic mobility shift assays results revealed that VvMYBA1 and/or VvMYBA2 proteins interact with the promoter region of UFGT, CHS3, and LDOX. Collectively, our findings suggest that VvMYBAs regulate the expression of all genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis, and that VvMYBA protein directly interacts with not only UFGT, but also CHS3 and LDOX.

アントシアニン生合成系におけるMYBA転写制御因子の役割は、ブドウ(Vitis vinifera L.)を含む多くの植物で明らかにされている。しかし、ブドウのMYBAのターゲット遺伝子のすべては明らかにされていない。そこで、本研究では、赤色品種(Pinot Noir)とその白色変異体(Pinot Blanc)、及び白色品種(イタリア及びマスカット・オブ・アレキサンドリア)とその赤色変異体(紅高及びフレーム・マスカット)を用いて、MYBAsのターゲットを明らかにすることを目的とした。まず、マイクロアレイと逆転写-リアルタイムPCRの結果、アントシアニン合成系に特異的な遺伝子(UFGT、OMT)に加え、アントシアニンの液胞輸送に関わる遺伝子(GST)や、F3’5’Hも赤品種で高発現していた。これらの遺伝子はおそらくMYBAsのみで誘導されていると考えられる。一方、上流のフラボノイド合成系遺伝子(PAL、CHS3、F3H、DFR及びLDOX)は白品種でも発現しており、赤品種ではやや高発現していた。これらの遺伝子はMYBAsとそれ以外の転写因子の両方で誘導されると考えられる。ゲルシフト解析の結果、VvMYBA1の両方またはいずれか一方はVvMYBA2タンパク質はUFGT、CHS3及びLDOXのプロモーター領域と相互作用することが示された。これらの結果から、VvMYBAsはアントシアニン合成系に含まれるすべての遺伝子の発現を制御し、VvMYBAタンパク質はUFGTだけではなく、CHS3やLDOXにも直接作用することが示唆された。

Scientia Horticulturae, 283, 110121 (2021)

11 1H-NMR metabolomics-based classification of Japanese sake and comparative metabolome analysis by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry

Yuji Hayashi, Takanori Komatsu, Kazuhiro Iwashita, Eiichiro Fukusaki

Six categories of Japanese sake have been established by the National Tax Agency of Japan. In this system, the rice polishing ratio and the addition of alcohol are the main criteria for classification. The most common nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry method is 1H-NMR, and has higher throughput than gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) or liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) analysis due to its short measurement time, easy sample preparation, and high reproducibility. However, owing to the production of dominant ethanol signals, metabolome analyses have not been used for classifying Japanese sake using 1H-NMR. In this study, a technique to selectively suppress ethanol signals was used to classify Japanese sake by 1H-NMR, and a model was constructed to predict the rice polishing ratio. The results were compared to those obtained by GC–MS. The suppression of ethanol signals enabled the detection of trace components by 1H-NMR. In a principal component analysis (PCA) score plot of 1H-NMR spectra with ethanol signal suppression, PC1 was associated with both the addition of alcohol and the rice polishing ratio. Additionally, the separation of samples observed was similar when PCA score plots of 1H-NMR and GC–MS data were compared. Similarly, to predict the rice polishing ratio using partial least squares regression analysis, a model was constructed using 1H-NMR data, and showed nearly similar values for precision and predictive performance with the model constructed using GC–MS data. These results suggest that metabolomic analyses of Japanese sake based on 1H-NMR spectral patterns may be useful for classification.

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 131(5), 557-564(2021)