令和5年度 研究成果

4. 第4四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 Effect of water deficit stress during fruit cultivation on the carbon stable isotopes of organic acids in Japanese apricots and liqueur prepared from these fruits 梅果実と梅酒中の有機酸の炭素安定同位体に及ぼす果実栽培中乾燥ストレスの影響

AKAMATSU Fumikazu, JOMURA Noriaki, TSUCHIDA Yasuhisa, IGI Yukari, HISATSUNE Yuri, TERAMOTO Satoko, FUJITA Akiko, and YAMADA Osamu

The objective of this study was to assess the impact of water deficit stress during fruit cultivation on the δ13C values of citric acid and malic acid in Japanese apricots at different ripeness stages and their resulting liqueurs. Our experiments show that water deficit stress increases the δ13C values of citric acid and malic acid in tree-ripened fruits, counteracting the typical decrease during ripening. However, water deficit treatment has a minimal effect on the δ13C values of organic acids in green fruits. Regardless of fruit ripeness or water status, the δ13C values of organic acids in fruits are directly reflected in the resulting liqueurs. Overall, water deficit stress during fruit cultivation has the potential to promote similarity in the δ13C values of organic acids across fruits at different ripeness levels, reducing variations among liqueurs derived from fruits of varying ripeness levels.


Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies , 60(1), 1-12 (2024)

2 The effect of mash-in temperature on the characteristics and flavor stability of Pilsner-type beer タンパク質休止温度が香味・酸化耐久性に与える影響


Beers were brewed at mash-in temperatures of 35 °C, 50 °C, and 65 °C, and their flavor profiles and stability were examined. Beers with mash-ins at 35 °C and 50 °C exhibited full-bodied taste and estery sensory qualities with higher concentrations of esters and amino acids. Higher extract yields were obtained in wort with mash-ins at 35 °C and 50 °C, the optimal temperatures for enzymes to break down the tissue where starch granules are located. In contrast, the beer with a 65 °C mash-in temperature had a light taste and a toast-like aroma. In terms of providing nutrition for the yeast, the proteolytic process to produce amino acids seemed unnecessary for brewing beer made exclusively from malt. Following a month of storage at 30 °C, cardboard flavors predominated in beers with mash-in temperatures of 35 °C and 50 °C, while honey and sherry-like scents predominated in beers with a mash-in temperature of 65 °C. The concentrations of the 14 components contributing to the stale flavor of Pilsner-type beers, including Strecker aldehydes, did not correlate with mash-in temperature, with the exception of the concentration of (E)-2-nonenal, even though the mash-in temperatures were predicted to affect the formation of Strecker aldehydes during beer storage.


  • 35℃と50℃でマッシュインを行ったビールは、「コクのある味わい」と「エステル香が高い」という官能評価結果を示し、エステルやアミノ酸の濃度が高くなった。さらに麦汁のエキス収得率(%)が高くなった。デンプン粒子は麦芽の組織中でタンパク質、βグルカンに囲まれて存在する。それらの分解に最適な温度である35℃と50℃でマッシュインした麦汁では、デンプン粒子の切出しと遊離が良くなる。また、これらの温度帯では限界デキストリナーゼも働きやすい。そのためエキス収得率が高くなったと考えられる
  • 一方で、65℃のマッシュインを行ったビールは、官能評価にて、「味が軽快」「キレが良い」そして「トーストの香り」がエステルの香りよりも優勢であった。65℃でマッシュインを行ったために、高分子タンパク質が分解されずに残存し、その高分子物質はロイター濾過工程で除去され、さらに煮沸工程にて凝集沈殿される。そのため最終的にビール中に、味に寄与する成分が残存しなかったと考えられる
  • 「タンパク質休止工程(アインマイシェ)は必要か?」という点では、アミノ態窒素含有量から考えると、酵母に栄養を与えるという観点では、麦芽100%のビールの仕込みであれば不要と思われた
  • ビールを30℃で1ヶ月間保存すると、マッシュイン温度が35℃と50℃のビールではカードボード臭が優勢となり、一方でマッシュイン温度が65℃のビールでは、カードボード臭((E)-2-ノネナール)の生成が低くなったために、「蜂蜜とシェリー」の香りが優勢になった。ピルスナービールの劣化臭に寄与する14成分の推移を測定したところ、(E)-2-ノネナール濃度のみがマッシュイン温度と相関し、それ以外の物質では、ストレッカーアルデヒドを含めてもマッシュイン温度と相関がなかった。
American Society of Brewing Chemists , 82(1), 32-38 (2024)

3 ワイン用酵母発酵助成剤が清酒醸造に及ぼす影響(第2報)-添加時期による差異- Effects of fermentation nutrients for wine on sake brewing (Part 2) -Differences due to the timing for adding

IIZUKA Sachiko, TERAMOTO Satoko, FUJITA Akiko, and MUKAI Nobuhiko

これまでに我々は、ワイン用酵母発酵助成剤(Lallemand社製Stimula Sauvignon BlancとOptimum White)を添加した一段仕込み及び三段仕込み(Stimula Sauvignon Blancは留時に添加、Optimum Whiteは上槽前日に添加)の清酒醸造試験を行い、酵母発酵助成剤の添加による原料利用率の向上と製成酒の香気増強効果を確認した。今回、我々はこれらの酵母発酵助成剤を水麹または添時に添加した三段仕込みの清酒醸造試験をワイン酵母と清酒酵母を用いて行い、添加時期による差異を調べた。その結果、ワイン酵母では、酵母発酵助成剤Stimula Sauvignon Blancの添加時期が前報の留時よりも水麹または添時でその添加効果が高く、水麹と添時ではほとんど差がなかった。従ってワイン酵母では、一段仕込みほど顕著ではないものの、水麹または添時に添加した三段仕込みでも前報と同様に、Stimula Sauvignon Blancの添加による原料利用率の向上と製成酒の香気増強効果が確認され、ワイン酵母で清酒醸造を行う際の発酵代謝是正に効果的であることが示唆された。一方、清酒酵母では、酵母発酵助成剤の添加効果は前報と同様にワイン酵母より小さかった。酵母発酵助成剤Stimula Sauvignon Blancの添加時期が水麹、添時及び前報の留時のいずれにもその添加効果にほとんど差異は見られなかった。以上のことから、今回用いたワイン用酵母発酵助成剤の添加時期は、ワイン酵母では仕込みの早い段階である方が効果的であるが、清酒酵母では発酵助成剤の添加時期の製成酒の酒質への影響はあまり大きくはないと考えられた。

Previously, we have examined the one-step and the three-step (Stimula Sauvignon Blanc, addition at third step Tome ; Optimum White, addition at the day before pressing) preparations for fermentation mash with the use of fermentation nutrients for wine(Stimula Sauvignon Blanc and Optimum White, Lallemand), their addition improved the utility efficiency of raw materials and enhanced the aroma of the brewed sake. In this study, we have investigated differences due to the timing for adding by the three-step (addition at koji and water mixture Mizu-koji or first step Soe) preparation for fermentation mash using wine and sake yeasts. In the case of using wine yeast, the effect of Mizu-koji or Soe in the addition of fermentation nutrients Stimula Sauvignon Blanc was higher than Tome in the previous report, while there was hardly any difference in Mizu-koji and Soe. Although this was not as remarkable as the previous results of the one-step preparation for fermentation mash, the addition of Stimula Sauvignon Blanc improved the utility efficiency of raw materials and enhanced the aroma of the brewed sake in the use of wine yeast. It was suggested that its addition improved the fermentative metabolism in sake brewing using wine yeast. The effects of their addition in the case of using sake yeasts were smaller than that of using wine yeast, the same as in the previous report. However little difference was observed in the timing for adding among Mizu-koji, Soe and Tome. From these results, in the case of using wine yeast, adding at the early stage of the sake brewing process is effective at the time for the addition of the fermentation nutrients for wine used in this study. In the case of using sake yeast, the timing for adding fermentation nutrients for wine does not have so great an influence on the quality of the sake.

日本醸造協会誌,119(1), 45-55 (2024)

4 Physiological role of the EHL gene in sake yeast and its effects on quality of sake 清酒酵母におけるEHL遺伝子の生理的役割と酒質に及ぼす影響

TOMONAGA Kazuko, TANAKA Jumpei, KIYOSHI Keiji, AKAO Takeshi, WATANABE Kota, KADOKURA Toshimori, and NAKAYAMA Shunichi

The EHL1/2/3 genes were identified by whole-genome sequencing of Kyokai No. 7 (K7), which is a well-known representative Japanese sake yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The genes are present in K7, but not in laboratory strain S288C. Although the genes were presumed to encode epoxide hydrolase based on homology analysis, their effect on cellular metabolism in sake yeast has not yet been clarified. We constructed ehl1/2/3 mutants harboring a stop codon in each gene using the haploid yeast strain H3 as the parental strain, which was derived from K701, and investigated the physiological role and effects of the EHL1/2/3 genes on sake quality. Metabolome analysis and vitamin requirement testing revealed that the EHL1/2/3 genes are partly responsible for the synthesis of pantothenate. For fermentation profiles, ethanol production by the ehl1/2/3 mutant was comparable with that of strain H3, but succinate production was decreased in the ehl1/2/3 mutant compared to strain H3 when cultured in yeast malt (YM) medium containing 10% glucose and during sake brewing. Ethyl hexanoate and isoamyl acetate levels in the ehl1/2/3 mutant strain were decreased compared to those of strain H3 during sake brewing. Thus, the EHL1/2/3 genes did not affect ethanol production but did affect the production of organic acids and aromatic components during sake brewing.

EHL1/2/3遺伝子は、清酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiaeの代表株として知られるきょうかい7号(K7)の全ゲノム配列決定により同定された。この遺伝子はK7には存在するが、実験株S288Cには存在しない。相同性解析から、これらの遺伝子はエポキシドヒドロラーゼをコードしていると推定されたが、清酒酵母の細胞内代謝に及ぼす影響はまだ明らかにされていない。我々は、K701由来のハプロイドH3株を親株として、各遺伝子に停止コドンを導入したehl1/2/3変異体を構築し、EHL1/2/3遺伝子の生理的役割と酒質への影響を検討した。メタボローム解析およびビタミン要求性試験の結果、EHL1/2/3遺伝子がパントテン酸の合成に一部関与していることが明らかになった。発酵プロファイルについては、ehl1/2/3変異体によるエタノール生産はH3株と同等であったが、グルコースを10%含む酵母麦芽(YM)培地で培養した場合、および清酒醸造中に、ehl1/2/3変異体ではコハク酸生産がH3株に比べて減少した。ヘキサン酸エチルおよび酢酸イソアミルの生産量は、H3株に比べて減少した。このように、EHL1/2/3遺伝子はエタノール生産には影響を及ぼさなかったが、清酒醸造中の有機酸および芳香成分の生産には影響を及ぼした。

Journal of Biosciences and Bioengineering, 137,195-203 (2024)

3. 第3四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 Carbon stable isotopic compositions of glucose and ethanol in sake after simultaneous saccharification and fermentation processes 並行複発酵後の清酒におけるグルコースとエタノールの炭素安定同位体比

AKAMATSU Fumikazu, IGI Yukari, FUJITA Akiko, YAMADA Osamu, and OKUDA Masaki

The carbon stable isotopic composition of glucose is transferred to that of ethanol during the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation processes of sake production. However, there is limited information regarding carbon isotope discrimination between the ingredient rice and the sake components. Our fermentation experiments show that the carbon stable isotopic composition of rice is intermediate between those of glucose and ethanol in sake and do not differ significantly from those of rice koji and sake lees. Carbon isotope discriminationfrom rice to ethanol and from glucose to ethanol is 0.9 ± 0.1‰ (mean ± standard deviation, n = 18) and 1.9 ±0.2‰, respectively. This is approximately half of the isotope discrimination observed in grape wine due to the saccharification process during sake manufacture. Carbon isotope discrimination from ingredient rice to sake components provides valuable insights for the manufacturing process and the authentication of sake.

清酒醸造における並行複発酵では、グルコースの炭素安定同位体比は、エタノールの炭素安定同位体比に移行する。しかし、原料米と清酒成分の炭素同位体分別には不明な点が多い。醸造試験の結果、原料米の炭素安定同位体比は、清酒に含まれるグルコースとエタノールの炭素安定同位体比の中間の値を示し、米麹と酒粕の炭素安定同位体比とは有意差がないことが明らかになった。原料米からエタノールへの炭素同位体分別は0.9 ± 0.1‰ (平均 ± 標準偏差、n = 18)、グルコースからエタノールへの炭素同位体分別は1.9 ±0.2‰である。これらの炭素同位体分別は、ワインで観察された炭素同位体分別の概ね半分の値であり、清酒醸造に特有の糖化過程が原因と考えられる。原料米から清酒成分への炭素同位体分別は、清酒の醸造工程と鑑定に貴重な洞察を与える。

Food Chemistry, 424(1), 136372 (2023)

2 瓶詰清酒の導入による影響と四合瓶及び300mL瓶の容量確立に関する一考察 A study on the impact of the introduction of bottled sake and the establishment of the capacity of Shi-gou bottle and 300-mL bottle

WATANABE Yuji and OKADA Kanako


Although the Shi-gou(四合)or 720-mL bottle is commonly used as a standard for sake containers, the origin of its capacity is still debated. This article provides an overview of the introduction of glass bottles and the establishment of domestic production systems, the introduction and development process of bottled sake in the sake industry, and their effects. This article conducted inference regarding the factors behind the origin and establishment of the Shi-gou and 300 mL capacities from historical documents. During the Meiji era (1868-1912), glass bottles were introduced, and the empty imported Western liquor bottles were initially used. Domestic production systems began to be established around 1887 (Meiji 20), and mechanization progressed around 1906 (Meiji 39), gradually strengthening production capacity throughout the Taishō era (1912-1926). In the sake industry, the production of bottled products began on a full scale around the end of the Meiji era (1868-1912). During the Taishō period, the market for bottled sake expanded. This resulted in the establishment of “bottle merchants” who collected and sold empty bottles, and a structure for reusing bottles unique to alcoholic beverages and soy sauce. The Shi-gou bottle is inferred to have originated from Western liquor bottles (known as “reputed quart” bottles), which had a standard capacity of about 750 mL, and the 300-mL bottle was introduced in response to the metric system. It is also inferred that this capacity became established as standards due to the coexistence of domestic and foreign bottles and the reuse of bottles by “bottle merchants”.

日本酒学ジャーナル, 2, 1-31 (2023)

2. 第2四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 Yeast diversity during the spontaneous fermentation of wine with only the microbiota on grapes cultivated in Japan 日本で収穫されたブドウの微生物だけを用いたワイン自発発酵中の酵母の多様性


Making wine via spontaneous fermentation without sulfur dioxide and commercial yeast (spontaneous winemaking) is increasing in recent year, but there is scant research regarding microbial communities present in Japan during spontaneous winemaking using culture-independent molecular methods. We analyzed fungal communities and populations during laboratory-scale spontaneous winemaking using sterilized labware to avoid winery-resident microbes. In the spontaneous fermentation of four grape varieties (Pinot Noir, Riesling, Koshu, and Koshusanjaku) grown in the same Japanese vineyard, our analysis of yeast and other fungal species by next-generation sequencing based on the ITS1 region demonstrated that S. cerevisiae was eventually dominant in seven of 12 fermentation batches (three replications for each grape variety), whereas non-Saccharomyces species (e.g., Schizosaccharomyces japonicus, Lachancea dasiensis,and Hanseniaspora valbyensis) became dominant in four batches at the end of fermentation. In another batch, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) became dominant and the fermentation remained incomplete. Diverse microbes were involved in the spontaneous fermentation (particularly in Koshusanjaku), indicating that residual sugar remained and lactic and acetic acid largely increased. Compared to the control wine made with SO2 and commercial yeast, the concentration of lactic acid was 45-fold higher in the must dominated by L. dasiensis,and the concentrations of acetic acid and lactic acid were 10-fold and 19-fold higher in the must dominated by LAB, respectively. Even when indigenous S. cerevisiae became dominant, the finished wines obtained high sensory-analysis scores for 'complexity' but low scores for 'varietal typicality', indicating the risk of fermentation with unselected wild yeast on the grapes grown in Japan.

亜硫酸および市販酵母無添加のワイン製造が近年増えているが、培養を介さず分子生物学的手法による自発発酵中の微生物菌叢に関する研究は日本では多くない。我々は、実験室スケールの自発発酵中の真菌の菌叢と菌数を測定した(その試験においては、ワイナリー蔵付酵母微生物の影響を排除するため、滅菌した器具を用いた)。日本で収穫された4つのブドウ品種(ピノ・ノワール、リースリング、甲州、甲州三尺)を用いた自発発酵中の酵母やその他真菌の菌叢解析について、ITS1遺伝子領域を対象としたアンプリコンシークエンスを用いて実施したところ、12バッチ(4品種n=3の繰り返し試験)の内、7バッチでS. cerevisiaeが最終的に優勢になった一方、他4バッチではnon-Saccharomyces酵母(Schizosaccharomyces japonicus, Lachancea dasiensis, Hanseniaspora valbyensis)が優勢になった。残り1バッチでは乳酸菌が優勢となり発酵は未完了であった。多様な微生物が自発発酵に関与し、特に甲州三尺では、残糖が残り、乳酸と酢酸が大幅に増加した。亜硫酸および市販酵母を添加して製造したコントロールワインと比べて、L. dasiensisが優勢になった醪では乳酸濃度は45倍高くなり、乳酸菌が優勢になった醪では酢酸濃度が10倍、乳酸濃度が19倍となった。S. cerevisiaeが優勢になった場合でも、製成したワインの官能評価をした結果、「複雑さ」のスコアは高かったが、「品種特性」のスコアは低かったことから、日本において、ブドウに付着している未選抜の野生酵母を用いた自発発酵のリスクを示している。

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 136(1), 35-43 (2023)

2 0次(早期)分析データを用いた酒米比較解析(第4報)2002〜2019年度産原料米の醸造特性に出穂後気温が与える影響 Effects of temperature conditions after rice heading on the brewing properties for the 2002–2019 crop years.

TAKAHASHI Kei, OKUDA Masaki, JOYO Midori, NUMATA Mineyo, BAO Hong-Bin, and KOHNO Hiromi


The correlation between the brewing properties of sake rice and temperature for a month after heading remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the relationship between the brewing properties of 22 rice varieties using sequential earlier-period rice analysis data gathered from the 2002 to 2019 crop years and temperature during the rice development period from the Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System. The 1,000-grain weight of brown rice showed a negative correlation with both the minimum and maximum temperatures for a month after heading. The influence of the minimum temperature was strong in table rice, whereas that of the average and maximum temperatures was strong in rice cultivars for sake brewing. The influence of temperature in the middle to later stages of a month of rice development was larger. Water absorption during the 20 and 120 min period showed a positive correlation with the maximum temperature. The crude protein content of many rice varieties, which is positively correlated with the minimum temperature, is affected by nighttime temperature in the paddy field. As formol nitrogen (FN) is affected by both the crude protein content and Brix value, the influence of temperature was offset. The ratio of Brix to FN showed a negative correlation with both the minimum and maximum temperatures for a month of rice development. Thus, we revealed the correlation between the brewing properties of sake rice and the temperature conditions for a month of rice development.

日本醸造協会誌、118(7)、503-518 (2023)

3 全国新酒鑑評会の出品酒におけるグルコース濃度と予審の総合評価の関係 he Relationship between glucose concentrations and overall ratings of sakes at the first-stage sensory evaluations of the annual Japan sake contests

FUJITA Akiko, AKAMATSU Fumikazu, and YAMADA Osamu


In order to investigate the relationship between the glucose concentrations and the overall ratings of sakes at the first-stage sensory evaluations of the Annual Japan Sake Contests, statistical analysis was performed using the chemical components and sensory evaluation results of 2,567 ginjo-shu entries from the past 3 years. Our results showed that glucose concentrations and the differences in the glucose concentrations between sequential sake samples did not significantly affect the overall rating. Sake that was rated highly in the required evaluation criteria of “gorgeous aromas” and “refreshing aftertaste” was also rated highly in the “overall rating” by the judging panel. Sake having off-odor indicators of the optional criteria, such as “sulfide” and “moldy”, lowered their “overall rating” considerably. Our results suggest that the judging panel at the first-stage sensory evaluation of the Annual Japan Sake Contests evaluates each sake seriously and conducts separate sensory evaluations without any dependence on specific components according to the judging criteria of flavor harmony and character. Moreover, quality control to eliminate the generation of off-odors along with manufacturing technology to increase the harmony of flavors during sake production are essential to achieve high product ratings.

日本醸造協会誌, 118(8), 579-587 (2023)

4 本格焼酎・泡盛の官能評価体系の確立のために必要な標準見本の選定とフレーバーホイールの作成 The selection of reference standards and creation of the flavor wheel for establishing a sensory analysis of Honkaku shochu and Awamori

OSAFUNE Yukio, TOSHIDA Kenji, HAN Jinshun, ISOGAI Atsuko, and MUKAI Nobuhiko



The arrangement of aroma compounds and flavor terminology is an important step in establishing a sensory evaluation system. We have reported on the detection thresholds and the odor activity values of the compounds contributing to the aroma characteristics of Honkaku shochu and Awamori. As a result, thirty-two compounds have been selected as candidates for reference standards. In this work, these compounds were evaluated by experts on Honkaku shochu and Awamori to test the validity of the concentrations and the sensory attribute terms.

As a result, it is suggested that candidates are utilizable as reference standards, after increasing the concentrations of some compounds and changing the submission methods. We reviewed the compounds which have very similar aroma characteristic, and finally thirty compounds were adopted as reference standards. Further, a flavor wheel of Honkaku shochu and Awamori was made with reference to the sensory attribute terms which were collected in this work.

日本醸造協会誌、118(8)、588-599 (2023)

5 樽材に定着したSaccharomyces cerevisiaeがワイン醸造および酵母菌叢に与える影響 Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on oak chips on wine-making and fungi communities in uninoculated-fermentation


亜硫酸および酵母無添加のワイン製造において、醸造機器やブドウ畑のSaccharomyces cerevisiaeが発酵に関与するとの報告もあるが、樽の洗浄後にどの程度酵母が残存し発酵に関与するかを調べた報告は少ない。そこで、S. cerevisiaeで発酵させた醪にオークチップを浸漬することで酵母を定着した後、(1)水洗い、(2)80℃熱処理、(3)50 mg/L亜硫酸浸漬、(4)30%エタノール浸漬の4区分の洗浄処理を行った。その後、当該チップに殺菌処理した果汁を加えた結果、(2)80℃熱処理以外の条件で発酵が起こった。さらに、発酵後のオークチップを取り出し水洗いした後、収穫直後の未殺菌の果汁を添加したところ、ブドウ由来のHanseniaspora uvarumとオークチップ由来のS. cerevisiaeが増加し、最終的に約1:1の割合となった。非殺菌果汁発酵終了後のオークチップ表面を走査電子顕微鏡で観察したところ、卵型およびレモン型の酵母が観察され、オークチップのような木材表面は酵母が留まりやすい環境であり、留まった酵母がワインの発酵に関与する可能性を示唆した。         

When uninoculated fermentation is used to make wine, Saccharomyces cerevisiae living on winery equipment and in the vineyards exert important influences on the fermentation. It has been unclear whether yeasts remain after the oak barrel is washed and uninoculated wine fermentation restarted. We prepared oak chips that were immersed in a fermentation mash with S. cerevisiae and (1) washed with water at an ambient temperature, washed with and soaked in (2) water at 80°C, (3) 50 mg/L sulfur dioxide solution, or (4) 30% ethanol solution. We then performed a fermentation test using sterilized grape juice and treated oak chips without yeast inoculation. Fermentation occurred except with the 80°C-treated chips. We next conducted an uninoculated fermentation test using fresh Chardonnay grape juice with or without oak chips that were washed with water after fermentation: S. cerevisiae and Hanseniaspora uvarum increased and finally reached the same percentages as those in a fungal species analysis using high-throughput DNA sequencing. After the fermentation of Chardonnay grapes, many ovoidal and lemon-shaped cells were observed on the oak chip surfaces. Our results thus demonstrated that wood surfaces such as oak chips provide an environment where yeasts can survive, and wood-resident yeasts can re-drive wine fermentation.

日本醸造協会誌, 118(9), 639-648 (2023)

6 清酒の貯蔵温度が品質変化に及ぼす影響 Influence of storage temperature on changes in sake quality

ISOGAI Atsuko, IKEDA Yuriko, KUSAKA Kazutaka, MUKAI Nobuhiko, HISHINUMA Hayato, and UEHARA Hiroshi


We investigated changes in the quality of sake stored at 0–35℃ for up to 6 months. Sake stored at 35℃ showed significantly high hineka intensity and a poor overall score, while no significant difference was observed between 15℃ and 0℃. DMTS and methional concentrations increased remarkably at 35℃ and were highly correlated with hineka intensity. Comparing average concentrations before and after 6 months of storage, differences were within 10% at 0℃, at 25℃ methional had almost doubled, and at 35℃ DMTS increased over 10 times. These results indicate that the favorable sake storage temperature is below 15℃ for quality preservation.

日本醸造協会誌, 118(9), 649-657 (2023)

7 The bio3 mutation in sake yeast leads to changes in organic acid profiles and ester levels but not ethanol production 清酒酵母のbio3変異は有機酸プロファイルとエステルのレベルに変化をもたらすが、エタノール生成には影響しない

AKASE Shiori, TOMONAGA Kazuko, TANAKA Jumpei, MORIYA Chise, KIYOSHI Keiji, AKAO Takeshi, WATANABE Kota, KADOKURA Toshimori, and NAKAYAMA Shunichi

Biotin is an essential coenzyme that is bound to carboxylases and participates in fatty acid synthesis. The fact that sake yeast exhibit biotin prototrophy while almost all other Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains exhibit biotin auxotrophy, implies that biotin prototrophy is an important factor in sake brewing. In this study, we inserted a stop codon into the biotin biosynthetic BIO3 gene (cording for 7,8-diamino-pelargonic acid aminotransferase) of a haploid sake yeast strain using the marker-removable plasmid pAUR135 and investigated the fermentation profile of the resulting bio3 mutant. Ethanol production was not altered when the bio3 mutant was cultured in Yeast Malt (YM) medium containing 10% glucose at 15°C and 30°C. Interestingly, ethanol production was also not changed during the sake brewing process. On the other hand, the levels of organic acids in the bio3 mutant were altered after culturing in YM medium and during sake brewing. In addition, ethyl hexanoate and isoamyl acetate levels decreased in the bio3 mutant during sake brewing. Metabolome analysis revealed that the decreased levels of fatty acids in the bio3 mutant were attributed to the decreased levels of ethyl hexanoate. Further, the transcription level of genes related to the synthesis of ethyl hexanoate and isoamyl acetate were significantly reduced. The findings indicated that although the decrease in biotin biosynthesis did not affect ethanol production, it did affect the synthesis of components such as organic acids and aromatic compounds. Biotin biosynthesis ability is thus a key factor in sake brewing.

ビオチンはカルボキシラーゼに結合し、脂肪酸合成に関与する必須補酵素である。清酒酵母がビオチン原栄養性を示す一方で、他のほとんどのSaccharomyces cerevisiae株がビオチン要求性を示すことは、ビオチン原栄養性が清酒醸造において重要な因子であることを示唆している。本研究では、マーカー除去プラスミドpAUR135を用いて、清酒酵母ハプロイド株のビオチン生合成BIO3遺伝子(7,8-ジアミノ-ペラルゴン酸アミノトランスフェラーゼをコード)に停止コドンを挿入し、得られたbio3変異体の発酵プロファイルを調べた。bio3変異体を10%グルコースを含むイーストモルト(YM)培地で15℃および30℃で培養した場合、エタノール生産に変化は見られなかった。興味深いことに、エタノール生産は清酒醸造過程でも変化しなかった。一方、bio3変異体の有機酸レベルは、YM培地での培養後および清酒醸造中に変化した。さらに、ヘキサン酸エチルと酢酸イソアミルレベルは、清酒醸造中にbio3変異体で減少した。メタボローム解析の結果、bio3変異体における脂肪酸レベルの低下が、ヘキサン酸エチルレベルの低下の原因となっていることが明らかになった。さらに、ヘキサン酸エチルと酢酸イソアミルの合成に関連する遺伝子の転写レベルが有意に低下していた。この結果から、ビオチン生合成の低下はエタノール生産には影響しないものの、有機酸や香気成分などの合成には影響することが示された。したがって、ビオチン生合成能は清酒醸造における重要な因子といえる。

Journal of Biosciences and Bioengineering, 136 (1) 44–50 (2023)

8 The effect of Aspergillus luchuensis pectin methylesterase genes pmeA and pmeB on methanol production in sweet potato shochu Aspergillus luchuensisのペクチンメチルエステラーゼ遺伝子pmeApmeBが甘藷焼酎製造におけるメタノール生成に及ぼす影響

MIZUTANI Osamu, KAKIZONO Dararat, TAKAHASHI Toru, MUKAI Nobuhiko, FUKUDA Hisashi, and YAMADA Osamu

To reduce the methanol content in sweet potato shochu, we studied the pectin methylesterase genes of the shochu–koji mold Aspergillus luchuensis. We found the following three homologs of pectin methyleseterase in the genome of A. luchuensis: pmeA, pmeB, and pmeC. Using pectin as a substrate, the methanol-producing activity of the recombinant of each gene expressed in A. luchuensis was examined and found to be present in recombinant PmeA and PmeB. Additionally, small-scale fermentation of sweet potato shochu using disruptions of pmeA and pmeA-pmeB in A. luchuensis (∆pmeA and ∆pmeApmeB) resulted in significant reduction of the methanol content. Taken together, we revealed that the A. luchuensis pmeA gene was mainly involved in methanol production in sweet potato shochu.

甘藷焼酎のメタノールを減少させるため、我々は焼酎麹菌Aspergillus luchuensisのペクチンメチルエステラーゼ遺伝子について研究した。我々はA. luchuensisのゲノム中に3つのペクチンメチルエステラーゼ遺伝子のホモログ(pmeApmeB及びpmeC)を見つけた。ペクチンを基質として、A. luchuensisで発現する各遺伝子の組換え体のメタノール生産活性を調べたところ、組換え型PmeAとPmeBにメタノール生産活性が認められた。さらに、A. luchuensis におけるpmeA遺伝子及びpmeA-pmeB遺伝子を遺伝子破壊したところ、メタノール生成が有意に減少した。以上のことから、我々はA. luchuensisにおいて主にpmeA遺伝子が甘藷焼酎製造におけるメタノール生成に関与していることを明らかとした。

Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 87(7), 777-785 (2023)

9 令和3酒造年度全国新酒鑑評会出品酒の分析について Analysis of sake components presented to the Japan Sake Awards 2022






酒類総合研究所報告, 195, 1-18 (2023)

10 第45回本格焼酎・泡盛鑑評会について Review of the 45th Honkaku Shochu and Awamori contest in 2022

MUKAI Nobuhiko, ISOGAI Atsuko, OKUDA Masaki, MASAKI Kazuo, TAKAHASHI Kei, OSAFUNE Yukio, BOERZHIJIN Surina, and FUKUDA Hisashi




酒類総合研究所報告, 195, 19-36 (2023)

11 全国地ビール品質審査会2023出品酒の分析について Analysis of beer components presented to craft beer contest of Japan Brewers Association in 2023


全国地ビール品質審査会2023は、地ビールの醸造技術向上及び品質改善を目的として、全国地ビール醸造者協議会(Japan Brewers Association)の主催により実施しており、本年で7回目となる。今回は37社から107点の出品があり、品質審査会を令和5年3月8日(水)及び9日(木)に、独立行政法人酒類総合研究所(広島県東広島市)(以下、「研究所」という。)で実施した。出品酒については、令和5年2月から4月の期間において、研究所において成分分析及び微生物検査を実施したので、その結果について報告する。

酒類総合研究所報告, 195, 37-44 (2023)

12 長期熟成酒のカルバミン酸エチル含有量の調査 Survey of ethyl carbamate in long-term aged sake

ボルジギン・ソリナ、 磯谷敦子、 向井伸彦
BOERZHIJIN Surina, ISOGAI Atsuko, and MUKAI Nobuhiko


市販長期熟成酒43点のEC含量を調査した結果について、①ECの生成量は貯蔵期間とともに増加した。②低温熟成酒では、平均値が30年まで200 μg/kg以下だった。③常温熟成酒では、ECの生成が促進され、平均値が11~20年で200 μg/kgを超え、最大779 μg/kgだった。④尿素非生産酵母使用の貴醸酒では、同年代の常温熟成酒より遥かに低いEC含量を示した。また、5つの製造場から収集した貯蔵期間(0~15年)の異なる同一銘柄の長期熟成酒については、貯蔵期間中にECの生成が促進され、EC含量が200 μg/kgを超える場合がみられたことから、特に、海外への輸出を前提とした常温長期熟成酒はEC低減策をとる必要がある。尿素非生産酵母の使用により清酒中の尿素の生成を抑える、火入れ前にウレアーゼ処理で清酒中の尿素をアンモニアに分解させる、火入れ後の温度管理(速やかに温度を下げる)を適切に行う、等を考慮する必要があると考えられる。

酒類総合研究所報告, 195, 45-49 (2023)

13 Torulaspora delbrueckiiを用いたMixed culture法によるワイン醸造中の酵母叢及び製成ワインの特徴 Characterization of wine and microbial flora in mixed culture withTorulaspora delbrueckii


Saccharomyces属のワイン酵母と非Saccharomyces酵母を併用したワイン醸造法(Mixed culture法)が種々報告されている。しかし、筆者らがSaccharomyces cerevisiaeTorulaspora delbrueckiiの併用による小規模試験醸造を行ったところ、S. cerevisiae単独区よりも発酵速度が遅いことを見出した。これはS. cerevisiaeの菌体密度が低いことが原因であろうと考えられたが、アルコール分による阻害や資化性窒素の不足が原因ではなく、未知の要因の関与が想定された。また,赤ワインではS. cerevisiae単独区と比較して併用区では安定化した色素の割合と赤色の低下が認められ、これはT. delbrueckiiのアセトアルデヒド生産が低いことが原因と考えられた。以上のことから、Mixed culture法には種々のメリットが報告されているが、利用に当たっては慎重な検討が必要であることが明らかになった。

The application of the mixed culture method that uses non-Saccharomyces yeast and Saccharomyces wine yeast in winemaking has been widely reported. However, we found that the fermentation speed was lower when small-scale winemaking was carried out using a mixed culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Torulaspora delbrueckii than when using a pure culture of S. cerevisiae. The low cell density of S. cerevisiae observed in the mixed culture seems to be due to unknown factors and not the inhibition by alcohol or the shortage of assimilable nitrogen. Red wine produced by the mixed culture method has a light red color and a low ratio of stabilized pigments, both of which are probably caused by the low acetaldehyde production by T. delbrueckii. Thus, even though the mixed culture method has several benefits, careful consideration of winemaking methods is necessary for the application of this method.

日本ブドウ・ワイン学会誌, 34 (1), 3-12 (2023)

1. 第1四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 Genetic architecture underlying proanthocyanidin composition in American hybrid grapes アメリカ系品種の果実におけるプロアントシアニジン組成の遺伝的構造

KOYAMA Kazuya, KONO Atsushi, BAN Yusuke, IWASHITA Kazuhiro, FUKUDA Hisashi, and GOTO-YAMAMOTO Nami

Background and goals
Grapes accumulate proanthocyanidins (PAs), complex polymer mixtures of flavan-3-ol units, in the skin and seeds. The composition of PAs, including subunit ratio and polymer length, and total concentration, is important because of their relationship to sensory properties of grape and wine. It is known that the grape species Vitis vinifera and Vitis labruscana have remarkably different PA concentration and composition. A mapping population derived from a cross between V.labruscana and V.vinifera was used to provide insight into the genetic architecture of PAs, as well as that of PA skin and seed properties.
Methods and key findings
The composition of PA subunits at the terminal and extension positions in the hybrid population’s skin and seeds was examined in great detail. Hierarchical clustering analysis of PA profiles grouped PA variables into five main clusters. There were distinct clusters related to compositional differences in skin and seeds, such as the percentage of galloylated or trihydroxylated subunits, polymer length, and the total PA concentration. A quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis revealed several different minor loci between skin and seeds, each contributing to the phenotypic variation of total PA concentration. A few major QTLs on linkage groups 1 and 17 were discovered to contribute to the phenotypic variation of PA composition in both skin and seeds.
Conclusions and significance
A distinct genetic architecture between PA composition and total PA concentration in interspecific hybrid grapes was found. In contrast to PA concentration, a similar genetic architecture of PA composition was observed between skin and seeds.


American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 74, 0740016 (2023)

2 Impact of storage conditions on the volatile aroma compounds of aged sake 貯蔵環境の熟成酒の香気成分への影響

BOERZHIJIN Surina, ISOGAI Atsuko, and MUKAI Nobuhiko

The current study reports the effect of storage length and temperature on the key aroma compounds of aged Japanese sake. In total, 41 bottles of commercial aged sake aged between 3 and 53 years, including 20 bottles of low-temperature (controlled at ≤ 15℃) aged sake and 21 bottles of ambient-temperature aged sake, were analyzed. The concentrations of sotolon, dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS) and 3-methylbutanal were greatly enhanced in ambient-temperature and peaked after 11–20 years of aging. While in low-temperature, the concentration of isoamyl acetate and ethyl caproate, the main compounds that contribute to the freshness of Japanese sake, were maintained above their odor thresholds (0.27 mg/L and 0.12 mg/L, respectively) in 3–30 years aging. Methional concentration decreased along with the aging time in ambient-temperature, while in low-temperature it increased up to 30 years of aging and declined afterwards. The results obtained in this study can be applied as a useful tool to regulate and optimize the aging methods of sake, furthermore, to predict the effects of storage time when applying different temperatures in the sake aging field.


Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 121, 105351 (2023)

3 精米条件が酒造用原料米の酒造適性変化に及ぼす影響 ~扁平精米条件と通常精米条件の比較~ Changes in sake making properties of rice grains during the two ways of rice polishing

OKUDA Masaki, TAKAHASHI Kei, BAO Hong-Bin, KOHNO Hiromi, JOYO Midori, MUKAI Nobuhiko, KINOSHITA Yasuaki, ENOMOTO Yasuhiro, YOSHIOKA Toshiaki, IWAMOTO Osamu, EBI Katsuya, and TAMEHISA Hirobumi


The influences of rice polishing conditions on the rice properties for sake making were investigated. The rice grains were polished in the following two ways: a (#90 program) fine grind stone roll (#90), and a lower roll rotation speed and higher electric current, a (#60 program) usual grind stone (#60), and a normal roll rotation speed and normal electric current. The shapes of polished rice grains became flat in the #90 program, while grains remained close to the original, spherical shape in the #60 program. The ratios of cracked rice and residual embryos were higher in the #90 program than those in the #60 program. The rice protein content was lower in the #90 program than that in the #60 program. The contents of crude fat, Na, Mg, P and Ca decreased rapidly until rice polishing ratio of 80% in both programs, but the degree of decrease differed between the two programs. The contents of crude fat, Na, Mg, P and Ca were higher in the #90 program than that in the #60 program until the 70% polishing ratio. The water absorption ratio and the ratio of cracked rice during steeping at early stages were higher in the #90 program than that in the #60 program. The enzyme digestibility (Brix) was slightly higher in the #90 program than that in the #60 program; the contents of amino acids in digested solutions were lower and the contents of mineral contents in digested solutions were higher in the #90 program than in the #60 program. The data from the 70% polishing rice analyzed by the national standard methods of rice used for sake making correlated significantly with the data from various rice-polishing ratios. This result indicated that the data from 70% polishing rice analyzed by the national standard methods of rice used for sake making are useful to evaluate the rice properties, even in the case of a lower rice-polishing ratios.

日本醸造協会誌, 118(5), 340-364 (2023)

4 Targeted mutations produce divergent characteristics in pedigreed sake yeast strains 標的変異は、系統の明らかな清酒酵母菌株に様々な特性をもたらす


Modification of the genetic background and, in some cases, the introduction of targeted mutations can play a critical role in producing trait characteristics during the breeding of crops, livestock, and microorganisms. However, the question of how similar trait characteristics emerge when the same target mutation is introduced into different genetic backgrounds is unclear. In a previous study, we performed genome editing of AWA1, CAR1, MDE1, and FAS2 on the standard sake yeast strain Kyokai No. 7 to breed a sake yeast with multiple excellent brewing characteristics. By introducing the same targeted mutations into other pedigreed sake yeast strains, such as Kyokai strains No. 6, No. 9, and No. 10, we were able to create sake yeasts with the same excellent brewing characteristics. However, we found that other components of sake made by the genome-edited yeast strains did not change in the exact same way. For example, amino acid and isobutanol contents differed among the strain backgrounds. We also showed that changes in yeast cell morphology induced by the targeted mutations also differed depending on the strain backgrounds. The number of commonly changed morphological parameters was limited. Thus, divergent characteristics were produced by the targeted mutations in pedigreed sake yeast strains, suggesting a breeding strategy to generate a variety of sake yeasts with excellent brewing characteristics.


Microorganisms, 11(5), 1274 (2023)