令和6年度 研究成果

1. 第1四半期研究成果情報について

(1) 研究成果

1 Spatial distribution and characteristics of protein content and composition in japonica rice grains: implications for sake quality 酒米のタンパク質含有量とタンパク質組成の米粒内空間分布とその特性:予想される清酒品質への影響

TAKAHASHI Kei, KOHNO Hiromi, and OKUDA Masaki

The quantity and composition of rice proteins play a crucial role in determining taste quality of sake, Japanese rice wine. However, the spatial distribution of proteins within rice grains, especially in endosperm tissue, and the differences between rice varieties remain unclear.
Here, we analyzed the crude protein contents and composition ratios of table (Nipponbare and Koshihikari) and genuine sake rice varieties (Yamadanishiki, Gohyakumangoku, Dewasansan, Dewanosato, and Yumenokaori) to elucidate their spatial distribution within the Japonica rice grain endosperm. Seven sake rice varieties were polished over five harvest years using a brewer’s rice-polishing machine. We obtained fractions at 90%–70% (the outermost endosperm fraction), 70%–50%, 50%–30%, and 30%–0% (the central region of the endosperm fraction). Yamadanishiki and Dewanosato exhibited considerably lower crude protein contents than the other cultivars. After applying SDS-PAGE, the protein composition, comprising glutelin/total protein (G/TP), prolamin/TP (P/TP), and G/P ratios of these fractions was determined. In white rice (at a 90% rice-polishing ratio), the average ratio of the major protein composition was G/TP 41%, P/TP 21%, and G/P ratios of 1.97. Gohyakumangoku and Yamadanishiki had higher G/TP ratio, while Dewanosato had a lower value. Despite having lower crude protein contents, Yamadanishiki and Dewanosato exhibited significantly varying G/TP ratios. The G/TP ratio markedly varied among rice varieties, particularly in the rice grains’ central region. The 50%–30% fraction had the highest P/TP ratio among all tested rice varieties, suggesting spatial differences in P/TP within rice grains. Koshihikari had the lowest P/TP ratio. In addition, the 50%–30% fraction had the lowest G/P ratio among all tested rice varieties, with Gohyakumangoku having the highest G/P ratio. Dewanosato had the lowest G/P value, and this value significantly differed from that of Yamadanishiki in the 30%–0% fraction.
We found substantial differences in protein composition within distinct spatial regions of rice grains, and larger differences among rice varieties were observed in the rice grain's central region.

そこで本研究では、一般米(日本晴、コシヒカリ)と酒造好適米(山田錦、五百万石、出羽燦々、出羽の里、夢の香)の粗タンパク質含量と構成比を分析し、酒米(ジャポニカ米)胚乳内におけるそれらの空間分布を明らかにした。醸造用超小型試験精米機を用いて5年間の収穫期間にわたって7品種の酒米を精米し、90%–70%(最外胚乳画分)、70%–50%、50%–30%、及び30%–0%(胚乳の中心領域)の精米歩合別米粉末画分を得た。山田錦と出羽の里は、他の栽培品種と比較して粗タンパク質含量が低かった。SDS-PAGE後、精米歩合別米粉末画分のグルテリン/総タンパク質(G/TP)、プロラミン/総タンパク質(P/TP)及びグルテリン/プロラミン比(G/P)を含むタンパク質組成を解析した。白米(精米歩合90%)における主要タンパク質組成の比率の平均値は、G/TP 41%、P/TP 21%、G/P比は1.97であった。五百万石と山田錦はG/TP比が高く、出羽の里は低かった。山田錦と出羽の里は、粗タンパク質含量が両者同様に低いにもかかわらず、G/TP比には有意な違いが認められた。G/TP比は米の品種間で著しく異なり、特に米粒の中心部で顕著であった。50%-30%画分においては、試験したすべての米品種で最も高いP/TP比を示したことから、P/TP比が米粒内空間で異なっていることが示唆された。主要な食用米であるコシヒカリはP/TP比が最も低かった。また、50%-30%画分においては、試験したすべての米品種でG/P比が最も低く、米品種間の比較においては五百万石のG/P比が最も高かった。出羽の里はG/P値が最も低く、30%-0%画分では山田錦と有意に異なった。

Rice,17, 26 (2024)

2 ビールとスルメの食べ合わせにより感じられる金属臭への寄与成分 (Z)-1,5-octadien-3-one -その分析方法の開発とビールおよび清酒中での濃度変化- Development of a quantitative analysis method for (Z)-1,5-octadien-3-one: a contributor to the ‘metallic odor' arising from the combination of beer and dried squid, and concentration changes in beer and sake



In discussions on the compatibility of alcoholic beverages with food, certain types of alcohol consumed with fish dishes may impart a fishy odor. However, sake has been reported to effectively suppress this odor, enhanciing its compatibility with food. This study conducted sensory evaluations, confirming that when beer was paired with dried squid (Surume), a fish-derived metallic odor was noticeable. In contrast, when sake was combined with Surume, the metallic odor was effectively suppressed, as confirmed by sensory assessments. The contributing substance to this metallic odor was identified as the previously reported (Z)-1,5-octadien-3-one. A quantitative analysis of (Z)-1,5-octadien-3-one at levels below 1 ng/L (ppt) in alcoholic beverages was conducted. A highly sensitive and streamlined quantitative method was established, combining SBSE extraction, PFBOA derivatization, NCI ionization, and GC/MS/MS analysis. Measurement of (Z)-1,5-octadien-3-one production when mixing sake, beer, and Surume revealed significantly lower levels in sake, with an average generation rate 7.1 times lower than that in beer. This study demonstrates -- for the first time from a component perspective -- the inhibition of the ‛metallic odor', considered a factor contributing to the fishy odor in sake, providing insights into the ‛compatibility with food' at a component level.

日本醸造協会誌, 119(5), 257-266 (2024)

3 Effect of S-adenosyl-methionine accumulation on hineka odor in sake brewed with a non-Kyokai yeast 非協会系酵母で製造した清酒の老香に対するS-アデノシルメチオニン蓄積の効果

SHIBATA Yusuke, YAMADA Tasuku, IKEDA Yuriko, KANAI Muneyoshi, FUJII Tsutomu, AKAO Takeshi, GOSHIMA Tetsuya, ISOGAI Atsuko, and TAKAHASHI Toshinari

Hineka is a type of off-flavor of sake and is attributed to the presence of several compounds, including a major one called dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS). The production of the main precursor of DMTS involves yeast methionine salvage pathway. The DMTS-producing potential (DMTS-pp) of sake brewed using the Km67 strain, a non-Kyokai sake yeast, is lower than that of sake brewed using Kyokai yeast; however, the detailed mechanism is unclear. We focused on S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) and aimed to elucidate the mechanism that prevents DMTS production in sake brewed using the Km67 strain. We revealed that SAM is involved in DMTS production in sake, and that the conversion of SAM to the DMTS precursor occurs through an enzymatic reaction rather than a chemical reaction. Based on previous reports on ADO1 and MDE1 genes, sake brewing tests were performed using the Km67 Δmde1, Δado1, and Δmde1Δado1 strains. A comparison of the SAM content of pressed sake cakes and DMTS-pp of sake produced using the Km67 Δado1 strain showed an increase in both SAM content and DMTS-pp compared to those produced using the parent strain. However, the Km67 Δmde1Δado1 strain showed little increase in DMTS-pp compared to the Km67 Δmde1 strain, despite an increase in SAM content. These results suggest that SAM accumulation in yeast plays a role in the production of DMTS in sake through the methionine salvage pathway. Moreover, the low SAM-accumulation characteristic of the Km67 strain contributes to low DMTS production in sake.

DMTSの主な前駆体は酵母のメチオニンサルベージ経路に関与している。非清酒酵母であるKm67株を用いた清酒のDMTS産生能(DMTS-pp)は、協会酵母を用いた清酒よりも低いが、その詳細なメカニズムは不明である。我々はS-アデノシルメチオニン(SAM)に着目し、Km67株を用いた清酒のDMTS生成抑制メカニズムの解明を目指した。その結果、SAMが清酒中のDMTS生成に関与していること、SAMからDMTS前駆体への変換は化学反応ではなく酵素反応によって起こることを明らかにした。ADO1およびMDE1遺伝子に関する既報に基づき、Km67のΔmde1、Δado1およびΔmde1Δado1株を用いて清酒醸造試験を行った。Km67 Δado1株を用いて製造した清酒の搾り粕中のSAM含量およびDMTS-ppを比較したところ、親株を用いて製造した清酒と比較して、SAM含量およびDMTS-ppともに増加していた。しかし、Km67 Δmde1Δado1株は、Km67 Δmde1株に比べ、SAM含量は増加したものの、DMTS-ppはほとんど増加しなかった。これらの結果は、酵母におけるSAMの蓄積が、メチオニンサルベージ経路を介した清酒中のDMTS産生に関与していることを示唆している。さらに、Km67株の特徴であるSAM蓄積量の低さは、清酒のDMTS生産量の低さに寄与している。

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 137, 268-273 (2024)